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  On 12. 3. 2022. at 16:57, Peter Fan said:

Dok se svijet bavi Ukrajinom:


Saudi Arabia executed 81 people Saturday convicted of crimes ranging from killings to belonging to militant groups, the largest known mass execution carried out in the kingdom in its modern history.

The executions carried out surpassed even the toll of a January 1980 mass execution for the 63 militants convicted of seizing the Grand Mosque in Mecca in 1979, the worst-ever militant attack to target the kingdom and Islam’s holiest site.


Saudi Arabia puts 81 to death in its largest mass execution (msn.com)



Civilizovane zemlje su već počele distanciranje od ovog ludačkog režima.


Saudi Arabia: Boris Johnson to visit for talks on oil

Posted (edited)
  On 13. 3. 2022. at 5:57, Venom said:


Saudi Arabia: Boris Johnson to visit for talks on oil


Samo ako ponesese RMB:


Saudi Arabia is in active talks with Beijing to price some of its oil sales to China in yuan, people familiar with the matter said, a move that would dent the U.S. dollar’s dominance of the global petroleum market and mark another shift by the world’s top crude exporter toward Asia.

The talks with China over yuan-priced oil contracts have been off and on for six years but have accelerated this year as the Saudis have grown increasingly unhappy with decades-old U.S. security commitments to defend the kingdom, the people said.


Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan Instead of Dollars for Chinese Oil Sales - WSJ


iako je ovo Sino-Saudijska stvar, ja bih rekao da je ovo zapravo anti-SAD potez prije svega

Edited by Peter Fan
  • 2 weeks later...

Australia ‘must ready Solomon Islands invasion’ to stop China security deal


Australia must be willing to invade the Solomon Islands and topple its government if that’s what is necessary to stop a proposed security pact between China and the Pacific nation going ahead, one commentator has argued.

David Llewellyn-Smith, founding publisher of MacroBusiness and former owner of leading Asia Pacific foreign affairs journal The Diplomat, says this is “Australia’s Cuban missile crisis” and chillingly warns a Chinese naval base in the Solomons would be “the effective end of our sovereignty and democracy”.




  On 27. 3. 2022. at 10:25, radisa said:




Ne, mislio sam ovaj argument za invaziju.


U međuvremenu, postignuti su neki pomaci ka uspostavljanju prekida vatre u Etiopiji između vladinih snaga i pobunjenih Tigrajaca.


Danima mi na telegramu iskacu slike nereda na Korzici. I to bas zestokih nereda gde pise da se radi o indipendentistima. @borris_ moze neko pojasnjenje? Hvala.



  On 29. 3. 2022. at 9:49, Poludziber said:

Danima mi na telegramu iskacu slike nereda na Korzici. I to bas zestokih nereda gde pise da se radi o indipendentistima. @borris_ moze neko pojasnjenje? Hvala.





Yvan Colona, terorista koji je osudjen radi ubistva prefea Erignac-a (pucao u njega iza ledja, 3 puta) je ubijen u zatvoru. Ubio ga je drugi terorista, islamista jer je navodno opsovao boga ili nesto tako.


Na Korzici od 2015.. vladaju autonomaši i separatisti, dvije stranke koje su se udruzile da bi vladale. 

  On 29. 3. 2022. at 11:23, borris_ said:


Yvan Colona, terorista koji je osudjen radi ubistva prefea Erignac-a (pucao u njega iza ledja, 3 puta) je ubijen u zatvoru. Ubio ga je drugi terorista, islamista jer je navodno opsovao boga ili nesto tako.


Na Korzici od 2015.. vladaju autonomaši i separatisti, dvije stranke koje su se udruzile da bi vladale. 



To sam manje vise shvatio. Zanima me da li su ti neredi bas toliko veliki i cesti kao sto ih telegram prikazuje ili je klasican lov na klikove?


Koji failed state je ovaj Mexico. Sjede na ogromnom bogatstvu, ogroman FDI, ali dzaba.




Widespread violence has wracked Mexico under the administration of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who took office in late 2018 pledging to pacify the country with a less confrontational approach to dealing with organized crime.

Lopez Obrador inherited a nation already reeling from a high murder rate. Since he took office, average annual homicide totals are on track to be the highest under any Mexican administration since modern records began.


Six severed heads left on car in violent Mexican state | Reuters

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