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Uglavnom zbog pisanja i kampanja vezanih za ono što se dogodilo 1915-te.
Sad stvarno ne razumem, kakva je uloga Kurda u pogromu Jermena?
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Sad stvarno ne razumem, kakva je uloga Kurda u pogromu Jermena?
Nije oduvek bilo problema, bilo je i perioda kohabitacije između Turaka i Kurda. Recimo, pomenute 1915. kada su Kurdi dali svojski doprinos uništavanju, ubijanju, silovanju, pljačkanju Jermena. Čitave bande Kurda su eliminisale kompletna mesta, a Turci su ih oslobađali i iz zatvora da daju doprinos u zajedničkoj borbi protiv omrznutih hrišćana.
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I zbog toga Kurdi danas love Jermene?

To po strani, konstrukcija po kojoj PKK traži snajperiste u inostranstvu jer joj je ponestalo sopstvenih, prevazilazi najluđi facepalm koji postoji. Ako ništa drugo, PKK se već godinama ne bavi ubistvima političara i zvaničnika, i već duže vreme je fokusirana na karaule turske vojske u provinciji Hakkari. Na listi Turaka koji su za poslednjih 15 godina ubijeni u atentatima jedva da ćete pronaći nekog političara, dok se snajper kao oruđe ne pojavljuje ni u tragovima. Mete su uglavnom bili liberalni ili istraživački novinari, a u poslednje vreme je primetna sezona lova na jermenske aktiviste i lobiste.
Hvala Vama puno na trudu, ali sad mi se čini da ni ne želim da razumem...
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Pitanje je bilo kakva je bila uloga Kurda u pogromu Jermena. Danas zašto se radi, šta se radi i kako se radi - to već ne znam u detalje. Znam da se PKK javno mirila sa Jermenima, da je priznata i osuđena uloga Kurda u tom genocidu od strane samih Kurda i da je upućeno javno izvinjenje. E sad, da li je to ono isto izvinjenje koje će preostali kosovski Srbi dobiti kada budu najureni iz Mitrovice i Gračanice, to već ne znam.

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Sad stvarno ne razumem, kakva je uloga Kurda u pogromu Jermena?
Verovatno nikakva :) Jermenski novinari i aktivisti koje sam pominjao, nisu na meti PKK nego islamističkih i ekstremno nacionalističkih organizacija (terorističke napade u Turskoj izvode raznorazne ekipe - od ekstremnih desničara, preko religioznih fanatika, do ekstremnih levičara i naravno PKK koji su se doduše ograničili na krajnji istok zemlje).Dakle, na konto nebuloza o snajperistima koji će navodno ubijati turske političare, hteo sam da napomenem da em političari kao takvi već neko vreme nisu mete terorističkih napada u Turskoj, em se u tim napadima koriste praktično sva konvencionalna sredstva osim snajpera. Priča je dvostruko nebulozna i namenjena prepucavanju islamista sa turskom vladom.
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Ex-CIA chief: Strike on Iran seems more likely nowWASHINGTON (AP) — A former CIA director says military action against Iran now seems more likely because no matter what the U.S. does diplomatically, Tehran keeps pushing ahead with its suspected nuclear program.Michael Hayden, a CIA chief under President George W. Bush, says that during his tenure a strike was "way down the list" of options. But he tells CNN's "State of the Union" that such action now "seems inexorable."He predicts Iran will build its program to the point where it's just below having an actual weapon. Hayden says that would be as destabilizing to the region as the real thing.U.S. officials have said military action remains an option if sanctions fail to deter Iran.Iran says its nuclear work is for peaceful purposes such as power generation. Edited by Bebler
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Juče oružja za masovno uništenje, danas nuklearni program, sutra će biti neophodno pregaziti zemlju X zbog zagađivanja životne sredine. Klasika.

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Najluđe je na kakav način se predstavlja bivši šef CIA-e. Kao, to je autoritet čije stavove i motive ne treba dovoditi u pitanje. Taman posla da je pristrasan ili da i dalje radi za "službu"...

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Pošto su nauka i tehnologija toliko uznapredovale da, hipotetički, sve zemlje mogu razvijati nuklearni program, mislim da je najbolje da Amerika objavi rat svim državama na planeti Zemlji. Ili još bolje, da ih uništi, tako će potencijalna opasnost trajno biti otklonjena.

Edited by Ted
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Afghanistan war logs: Massive leak of secret files exposes truth of occupation• Hundreds of civilians killed by coalition troops• Covert unit hunts leaders for 'kill or capture'• Steep rise in Taliban bomb attacks on NatoA huge cache of secret US military files today provides a devastating portrait of the failing war in Afghanistan, revealing how coalition forces have killed hundreds of civilians in unreported incidents, Taliban attacks have soared and Nato commanders fear neighbouring Pakistan and Iran are fuelling the insurgency.The disclosures come from more than 90,000 records of incidents and intelligence reports about the conflict obtained by the whistleblowers' website Wikileaks in one of the biggest leaks in US military history. The files, which were made available to the Guardian, the New York Times and the German weekly Der Spiegel, give a blow-by-blow account of the fighting over the last six years, which has so far cost the lives of more than 320 British and over 1,000 US troops.
Just moments ago, The New York Times and The Guardian published selections from a new WikiLeaks report detailing the alarming realities of the War in Afghanistan.Those details paint a disturbing image of war involving the death of civilians, corruption in the Afghan government, potential involvement of the Pakistan intelligence agency in attacks on coalition troops, and further facts about the conflict.The Guardian has provided a map detailing many of those events.WikiLeaks has yet to release the full report, which will include nearly 100,000 internal memos.The scope of the materials is massive, and has the potential, due to its size and publication in multiple papers, to impact the course of the war.From first look, this information is not shocking to anyone who has followed the war closely. But the bulk of materials, and just the level of negative coverage of the conflict, may give impetus to political forces seeking NATO withdrawal from the conflict
Више имате на, http://wikileaks.org/
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Classified materials reveal 195 civilian casualties on U.S. hands, serious allegations against PakistanAfter nearly five months of silence and only 12 leaked documents this year, Wikileaks bellowed to life, releasing 90,000 classified U.S. government documents detailing the U.S. military and aid campaigns to combat terrorism in Afghanistan.With the release, Wikileaks continues to gun hard for the U.S. government, playing the role of hostile foreign espionage organization-cum-whistleblower. Funded by shadowy anonymous donors, two-thirds of the site's previous leaked documents targeted the U.S. or close ally Iraq -- and that total has now soared to well over 90 percent. While Wikileaks has released some important documents from other regions from Africa to Asia, the quantity of those leaks pales in comparison to the site's targeted efforts against the U.S.The recent leak is the masterwork of site leader Julian Assange, an ex-computer criminal who today lives in Iceland, a nation whose specially designed freedom of speech laws shelter him from prosecution. Assange was first elevated into the public eye with the release of gun cam footage of a July 2007 U.S. airstrike in Baghdad, which killed civilians, including two Reuters employees. That video was dubbed "collateral murder" by Assange and required days of supercomputer time to crack the advance encryption protections by the U.S. gov't.The new documents offer what Assange claims is damning evidence of U.S. wrongdoing and meddling in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Among the highest profile claims is that the U.S. "murdered" innocent civilians.In reality, the documents reveal a surprisingly low number of tragic incidents. Over a six-year military operation plagued with tense situations and suicide bombings, the U.S. Military reports being aware of only 144 incidents in which civilians appear to be killed. Most of these involve drivers or motorcyclists who were mistaken for suicide bombers and shot. In total 195 civilians died and 174 were wounded. The highest profile incident involved 15 passengers being killed or wounded when a U.S. patrol unleashed machine gun fire on a bus.It's hard to make premature judgements on these incidents. And any loss of life is certainly tragic and unsavory. That said, considering that close to 10,000 civilians are estimated to have died from local secular violence and over 1,000 U.S. soldiers are estimated to have been killed in Afghanistan, that total appears remarkably low.The site is fulfilling its role as a whistleblower at least to some respect, in so much as many of these incidents were previously undisclosed.The documents also reveal that roadside bombs killed 2,000 civilians in Afghanistan alone – this was over 10 times the total killed by the U.S. in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The documents also revealed a classified anti-Taliban commando unit dubbed the "black unit". That unit's objective was apparently to "kill or capture" Taliban leaders without bringing them first to trial in the U.S. or Afghanistan.Other leaked documents reveal that the U.S. suspects several of its key allies are facing pro-terrorist sentiments from within their own ranks. Pakistan, which currently receives $1B USD a year to fight terrorism reportedly has high ranking government officials which the U.S. Military claims were supporting the Taliban and seeking to undermine U.S. operations. One official in the nation's security services, the ISI, even reportedly plotted to kill pro-U.S. Pakistani President Hamid Karzai in 2008. The report also reveals other ISI operative to be engaged in training and employing a network of suicide bombers, starting in 2006.There's much to say about the new report. First and foremost, it comes at a time when the U.S. government is seeking to prosecute Pvt. 1st Class Bradley Manning, the U.S. solider station in Iraq who likely leaked these documents. Amid that backdrop they appear clearly geared at exposing perceived U.S. wrongdoing and represent a continuation of the site's targeting of the U.S.There's no real smoking gun in the reports. Many wouldn't even constitute whistleblowing as they deal with logistics aspects like troop numbers or weaponry -- these releases can clearly be perceived as hostile foreign intelligence engaged by Wikileaks. That said there is a great deal of compelling material here. Most of the material -- a relatively small number of civilian casualties and Pakistani government involvement with terrorism -- was already widely known, if some specific details were lacking. The docs certainly clarify the picture of these issues, as seen through the eyes of the U.S. Military.The question now becomes what to do. The leak is likely the largest in U.S. Military history. It has been condemned by the Obama administration. But the administration must tread cautiously or it risks being viewed at home or abroad as callous about civilian deaths or unsupportive of its allies.The Obama administration did blame the previous Bush administration, which masterminded most of the Iraq and Afghanistan military operations as engaging in "under-resourcing", which resulted in many of the tragic loss-of-life incidents. However, the harder question is what to do about Assange and Wikileaks. If the Obama administration tolerates the site, it's likely to continue its targeted attack of the U.S -- but if it moves against it, it will likely be accused of conspiracy to undermine journalism and be validated Assange's claims of international hostility towards him, which to this point appeared paranoia.For Wikileaks, the leak represents both problems an opportunity. After being down for some time, the site's secure submissions server is now back alive and the site has drawn its most attention grabbing leak yet. Yet, its biggest source of leaked info about the U.S. is currently sitting in prison and it faces the potential of covert or open action from the U.S. government. The biggest opportunity for the site, though, is for it to target wrongdoing worldwide -- not just in the U.S. China, Russia, and North Korea are just a few of the nations that could benefit from the scrutiny. However, Wikileaks has to date offered no indication it's interesting in becoming an equal-opportunity whistleblower. In total it has released only 215 Chinese leaks, versus close to 100,000 U.S. leaks. Empowered by its new publicity, will the site turn from a crusade against the U.S. towards a crusade against injustice? It remains to be seen if it will be given that opportunity, and if given, whether it will take it.The full archive of the new leaked documents is available here.
Dobro došli u demokratiju, fuck yeah!edit: tek sad izvaljujem da ove apologete ne znaju ni ko je predsednik koje države, ko je mrtav a ko ne i tako dalje... Edited by Filipenko
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jel moze neko da mi objasni sta je ovde toliko sokantno? amerikanci ubijaju civile i to prikrivaju? vau, kakvo epohalno otkrice. delovi pakistanskih sluzbi saradjuju sa talibanima, takodje epohalno otkrice. jel ima jos nesto ili je ovo sve? vredi li citati sve ovo?

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