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Da ne ostanem dužan za odgovor na sve to...daklem, Georgia Guidestones:Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Rule passion, faith, tradition, and all things with tempered reason. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.Balance personal rights with social duties. Prize truth, beauty, love, seeking harmony with the infinite. Be not a cancer on the earth. Leave room for nature. Leave room for nature. Balance personal rights with social dutiesLet these be guidestones to an age of reason....i tako na engleskom, španskom, svahili, hindu, hebrejskom, arapskom, kineskom i ruskomOno što je naročito zanimljivo jeste da Elbert County uporno obnavlja ove tablete kako ih išaraju grafitima ili izgrebu.
Нешто ми се не чини да иза свега стоји тај музеј гранита нити тај округ... иако одока делују баш као најистакнутији зачетници идеје да је човек рак на планети, да треба сатарити неколико милијарди људи едаби било места за траву и веверице.Како ти малтусовци никад не пруже пример, да лепо оснују клуб самоубица, среде да брзо остане без чланова а оно што су накрали оставе народу.пјафрж: реченици редослед у речи Edited by расејан
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Morales also claimed that “Baldness that appears to be normal is a disease in Europe, almost all of them are bald, and that is because of the things they eat; while among the indigenous peoples there are no bald people, because we eat other things,” said the 50 year old leader. He also claimed that the presence of homosexual men around the world is a consequence of inadequate nutrition. According to Morales, this is due to eating chicken saturated with feminizing hormones “The chicken that we eat is chock-full of feminine hormones. So, when men eat these chickens, they deviate from themselves as men.”
According to Morales, “Mankind is facing the choice of either continuing along the path of capitalism and death or to take the path of harmony with nature and respect for life so as to save mankind.”
xcovek objasnio cool.gif ekspert za sve. jos da je rekao koju o fajnal foru u parizu i zemljotresima, pa da ugodjaj koji pruza veliki vodja, bude potpun.
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Covek objasnio cool.gif ekspert za sve. jos da je rekao koju o fajnal foru u parizu i zemljotresima, pa da ugodjaj koji pruza veliki vodja, bude potpun.
Софтвер на ком радим је за клинике за оплодњу... и могу ти касти да те клинике ничу као печурке - колико је потребно да се у једној накупи два-три лекара који ће да се одвоје и стартују своју. И још се не отимају о муштерије, има за све.Да ли то има везе са скалпом, не бих знао, али храна обогаћена хормонима ми се никако не свиђа.
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Liberal Activist Goes to Haiti - Gets Raped - Blames White Men By Amanda Kijera, civic journalist and activist in HaitiTwo weeks ago, on a Monday morning, I started to write what I thought was a very clever editorial about violence against women in Haiti. The case, I believed, was being overstated by women’s organizations in need of additional resources. Ever committed to preserving the dignity of Black men in a world which constantly stereotypes them as violent savages, I viewed this writing as yet one more opportunity to fight “the man” on behalf of my brothers. That night, before I could finish the piece, I was held on a rooftop in Haiti and raped repeatedly by one of the very men who I had spent the bulk of my life advocating for.It hurt. The experience was almost more than I could bear. I begged him to stop. Afraid he would kill me, I pleaded with him to honor my commitment to Haiti, to him as a brother in the mutual struggle for an end to our common oppression, but to no avail. He didn’t care that I was a Malcolm X scholar. He told me to shut up, and then slapped me in the face. Overpowered, I gave up fighting halfway through the night. Accepting the helplessness of my situation, I chucked aside the Haiti bracelet I had worn so proudly for over a year, along with it, my dreams of human liberation. Someone, I told myself, would always be bigger and stronger than me. As a woman, my place in life had been ascribed from birth. A Chinese proverb says that “women are like the grass, meant to be stepped on.” The thought comforted me at the same time that it made me cringe.A dangerous thought. Others like it have derailed movements, discouraged consciousness and retarded progress for centuries. To accept it as truth signals the beginning of the end of a person–or community’s–life and ability to self-love. Resignation means inertia, and for the past two weeks I have inhabited its innards. My neighbors here include women from all over the world, but it’s the women of African descent, and particularly Haitian women, who move me to write now.Truly, I have witnessed as a journalist and human rights advocate the many injustices inflicted upon Black men in this world. The pain, trauma and rage born of exploitation are terrors that I have grappled with every day of my life. They make one want to strike back, to fight rabidly for what is left of their personal dignity in the wake of such things. Black men have every right to the anger they feel in response to their position in the global hierarchy, but their anger is misdirected.Women are not the source of their oppression; oppressive policies and the as-yet unaddressed white patriarchy which still dominates the global stage are. Because women–and particularly women of color–are forced to bear the brunt of the Black male response to the Black male plight, the international community and those nations who have benefitted from the oppression of colonized peoples have a responsibility to provide women with the protection that they need.The United Nations, western women’s organizations and the Haitian government must immediately provide women in Haiti with the funding that they need to build domestic violence and rape crisis centers. Stop dividing Black families by distributing solely to women, which only exaggerates male resentment and frustration in Haiti. Provide both women and men with job training programs that would allow for self-sufficiency as opposed to continued dependency on whites. Lastly, admit that the issue of racial integration might still need addressing on an international level, and then find a way to address it!I went to Haiti after the earthquake to empower Haitians to self-sufficiency. I went to remind them of the many great contributions that Afro-descendants have made to this world, and of their amazing resilience and strength as a people. Not once did I envision myself becoming a receptacle for a Black man’s rage at the white world, but that is what I became. While I take issue with my brother’s behavior, I’m grateful for the experience. It woke me up, made me understand on a deeper level the terror that my sisters deal with daily. This in hand, I feel comfortable in speaking for Haitian women, and for myself, in saying that we will not be your pawns, racially, politically, economically or otherwise.We are women, not weapons of war. Thankfully, there are organizations here in Haiti who continues to fight for women’s human rights like, MADRE, SOFA and Enfofanm.Rather than allowing myself to be used in such a fashion, and as opposed to submitting to the frustration and bitterness that can be born of such an experience, I choose to continue to love and educate instead. My brothers can be sensitized to women’s realities in Haiti and the world over if these are presented to them by using their own clashes with racism and oppression as a starting point.They must be made to understand the dangerous likelihood of the oppressed becoming the oppressor if no shift in consciousnesses takes place and if no end to the cycle of trauma occurs. I intend to see that it does…by continuing to live and work fearlessly with justice in mind, through the creation of a safe space for women in Haiti and by creating programming for Haitian men that considers their needs, too. Weapons annihilate, dialogue bears fruit.It’s the fruit I’m interested in now, no matter how strange or bruised it might appear.
Ima nas raznih ali donekle i ocekivano. Ne samo karakteristicno na ovom slucaju.
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Tadic moze, Suki ne :lol:

Osim vojnika iz Srbije, na paradi neće biti vojnih kontigenata i iz ostalih jugoslovenskih zemalja, koje su bile u pobedničkoj antihitlerovskoj koaliciji. Inače, na paradi će učestvovati vojnici i jedinice iz 13 zemalja, među njima i iz SAD, Velike Britanije i Francuske. Pridružiće im se i one iz Belorusije, Ukrajine, Moldavije, Kazahstana, Poljske, Uzbekistana, Kazahstana, Kirgistana i Jermenije. Od zemalja bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza, čiji su vojnici bili u pobedničkoj Crvenoj armiji, nisu pozvane da sudeluju baltičke države i Gruzija. Paradi će prisustvovati i predsednik Srbije Boris Tadić. Vlada Srbije je saopštila da će 7. maja u svim osnovnim i srednjim školama u Srbiji biti održani tematski časovi posvećeni antifašizmu, slobodarstvu i rodoljublju, kao i analizi sudbonosnih događaja koji su obeležili period Drugog svetskog rata. Uoči Dana pobede, 8. maja, sa Savske terase Beogradske tvrđave biće izvršena počasna artiljerijska paljba u čast državnog praznika, posle čega će biti svečano otvoren deo stalne postavke Vojnog muzeja u Beogradu posvećenog Drugom svetskom ratu.
Ovo mu dodje kao Jeremic sa suprotne strane. ;)
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jel mogu da pogadjam kako sta ce se pricati na ovim casovima o antifasizmu i slobodarstvu?"...a onda je cica draza resio da se infiltrira u neprijateljske redove i da razbija treci rajh iznutra"by rados ljusic

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Predsednik ruskog regiona tvrdi da je video vanzemaljce M.Milikšić/Blic online | 06. 05. 2010. - 09:32h | Foto: AP | Komentara: 0 Član ruskog parlamenta Andre Lebedev zatražio je od predsednika Dmitrija Medvedeva da istraži tvrdnje regionalnog predsednika Kirsana Iljumžinova da se susreo sa vanzemaljcima na svemirskom brodu, prenosi BBC. Iljumžinov, vođa južnog regiona Kalmkija, izneo je ove tvrdnje tokom televizijskog intervjua. Kirsan Iljumžinov tvrdi da ima svedoke susreta treće vrsteLebedev nije samo zabrinut da li je Iljumzinov prikladan da upravlja regionom, već, ukoliko je istina da je otet, pitanje je da li je otkrio detalje o svom poslu i državne tajne. Član ruskog parlamenta je u pismu Medvedevu izneo svoju zabrinutost. Lebedev je naveo, pod pretpostavkom da čitava stvar nije samo neslana šala, da je u pitanju istorijski događaj i da Kremlj, stoga, treba da bude obavešten o tome. On je u pismu takođe upitao da li postoje zvanična pravila šta vladini funkcioneri treba da urade ukoliko ih kontaktiraju vanzemaljci, posebno ukoliko ti zvaničnici imaju pristup državnim tajnama. Iljumžinov je u televizijskom intervjuu, emitovanom u udarnom terminu, rekao da su ga vanzemaljci odveli na svemirski bord koji je došao na Zemlju da uzme uzorke. On takođe tvrdi da ima nekoliko svedoka. Iljumžinov je već 17 godina predsednik Kalmkije, malog budističkog regiona u Rusiji, koji leži na obalama Kaspijskog mora. Bivšeg biznismena, inače milionera, prati reputacija ekscentrika. Kao predsednik Svetske šahovske federacije Iljumžinov je potrošio desetine miliona dolara da bi pretvorio siromašni region u meku za šahiste, izgradnjom čitavog sela za održavanje međunarodnih turnira.
Ova vest je na mene imala efekat sličan onom koji izaziva vic od kojeg se umire.
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Предизборна кампања словачке СНС.3329988904be2b3837f17f963795850_450x279.jpg

Slovački list SME našao je dvojicu romskih mladića sa tih bilborda i otkrio da je telo jednoga od njih u fotošopu dodatno istetovirano, a dodat je i zlatni lančić da se pokaže da navodno Romi koji primaju socijalnu pomoć imaju novac za zlatni nakit.
Edited by Hella
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Novi predsednik Nigerije se zove Goodluck Jonathan, a žena mu se zove Patience. :lol: Evo slike predsedničkog para :vice_pre_jonathan_meet_with_pre_of_chile_in_venezuela_054.jpgDa sam ih video na ulici, poslednje što bih pomislio je da su u pitanju predsednik i prva dama najmnogoljudnije države u Africi. Pre liče na bluz muzičara i prateći vokal.

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Sahista. It figures laugh.gif
Наравно да фигурира... не може без фигура.пјафрж: лакше се куца кад не држим ћуфту у руци. Слова дођу где треба. Edited by расејан
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