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Port Elizabeth - EFF deputy chairperson for the Nelson Mandela Bay region, Bo Madwara, has confirmed that the local chapter was behind the setting alight of the War Memorial statue in Uitenhage’s Market Square on Thursday.


EFF-ovci zapalili statuu stradalima u Bursko-Engleskom ratu. Koj kurac, zasto? Mozda donja vest sina trenutnog precednika objasni:


Remove all colonial statues - Zuma's son


Sve je pocelo protestom na UCTiju (University of Cape Town) gde su studenti zatrazili da se statua Sesilu Rodezu pomeri. Rodez je prevashodno zasluzan za sirenje engleske imperije kroz jug Afrike a ono sto ostaje kao mix njegove zaostavstine je sto je darovao UCTiju zemljiste i osnovao trust fond od kog se i danas skoluju studenti i sa druge strane zagovarao da su englezi visa rasa koja je predefinisana da vodi svet (popularno razmisljanje u to doba).


E sad, EFF i Djulisu Melema ne bi bili sto jesu da nisu odmah iskoristili ovo da zatraze da se ne samo pomeri ta statua nego da se uniste svi ostali znaci belih kolonijalista u juznoafrickoj republici. Policija, cini se, pokusava da umiri ali nema nameru da hapsi bilo koga. 


U medjuvremenu krenulo je opet sa restrikcijama struje jer se drzavni eneregetski gigant ESKOM raspada (dobio je junk status relativno skoro), rand ne stoji bas dobro itd itd... Dakle puno prostora da se zapali masa. Kljucno je pitanje sta ce ANC i sadasnja vlada uraditi. 


BTW, Djuliusu i svinjskim glavama EFF-a je zabranjen ulazak u Bocvanu jer su pozivali na drzavni udar i rusenje sadasnjeg precednika Bocvane :lolol:  :isuse:




E sad, EFF i Djulisu Melema ne bi bili sto jesu da nisu odmah iskoristili ovo da zatraze da se ne samo pomeri ta statua nego da se uniste svi ostali znaci belih kolonijalista u juznoafrickoj republici. Policija, cini se, pokusava da umiri ali nema nameru da hapsi bilo koga.



Znači ukinuće i samu južnoafričku republiku? :fantom: Takođe bi i zvanični jezik mogli da promene...


Zajebavas se ali i to je na tapetu. Hardlineri u RSA su good buddies sa kraljem zulua i malo malo pa se prica o tome kako zulu treba da bude dominantan jezik. Zalili su mi se kolege bocvanci da kada pricaju sa crncima u Dzoziju ako je ovaj zulu ima obicaj da mu odgovara na zulu jeziku, pa ga ti nauici ili se kupi, sta ti je volja.

Naravno imperijalisticke mercedese i BMW necemo izbacivati :fantom:  EFF-ovci su klasicna populisticka stranka koja jase na vrucim temama. Kao drugovi komunisti a jedinu preraspodelu koju zagovaraju je od belih ka crnima (nista izmedju klasa jerbo bi onda i debeli dzuzu koji se nabogatio od prljavih dilovao bio na tapetu). Inace, davno je bila mnogo dobra fora u vezi toga sta je imperijalisticko a sta nije kad su Zumu optuzili za korupciju:



Zuma wanted charges dropped because corruption is a Western thing

President Jacob Zuma has so far avoided facing corruption charges. Picture: Esa Alexander


One of the reasons President Jacob Zuma believed criminal charges against him relating to the arms deal should be dropped was because corruption is only a crime in a “Western paradigm”. :kralj:


And even if it was a crime, Zuma’s lawyers apparently argued, it was a crime where there are “no victims”.

These startling insights into Zuma’s 2009 written representations to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) are contained in a detailed NPA analysis document, which City Press has obtained.

This synopsis is attached to a memorandum dated March 3 2009 and drawn up by Advocate Billy Downer, the senior state prosecutor who was seconded to the now defunct Directorate of Special Operations (DSO, also known as the Scorpions) for the Zuma investigation.

At the time, Zuma had already been elected president of the ANC but was not yet president of the country. Zuma’s lawyer, Michael Hulley, made representations to the NPA for the charges against him to be dropped.

The document indicates that page 22 of Zuma’s 88-page written submission deals with one of Zuma’s arguments, which the prosecutors restate as follows: “Western paradigm brands this criminal.”

“This” is probably a reference to the types of loans Zuma’s ex-financial adviser, Schabir Shaik, claimed to have innocently given him. Shaik was eventually convicted.

In their scathing response to this point, the prosecutors write: “The law prescribes that it is criminal. Until the law is amended to provide that institutionalised cronyism is not criminal, the ‘Western paradigm’ will have to be accepted.”

The response to the argument that there are no victims to the crime is similarly dismissive: “There are victims. The general public.”

Based on this synopsis, Downer’s memorandum emphatically recommends that the NPA rejects Zuma’s representations.

“Our conclusion is that even in respect of those issues regarding the merits that Zuma does address, there is no adequate answer to the state’s allegations.

“If anything, Zuma’s representations confirm the structure of the general corruption.”

The document also reveals that Hulley apparently argued that one of the considerations that militated against Zuma’s prosecution was that it would cause “general unrest through dissatisfaction with the NPA”.

Downer and the other prosecutors labelled this “blackmail”. “The argument is just as much that not prosecuting will lead to mass dissatisfaction.”

Downer makes a similar point about the so-called spy tapes – intercepted recordings of telephone conversations between the ex-head of the DSO, Leonard McCarthy, and former NPA head Bulelani Ngcuka – saying they amounted “to little more than blackmail”.

“They should be reduced to writing under oath and presented in the normal course, if Zuma wishes to continue to rely on them.”

This week, City Press was granted access by the court to various documents that have been handed to the DA in its court application to have acting NPA head Mokotedi Mpshe’s decision to drop corruption charges against Zuma overturned.

Included among them is the memorandum referred to by Ngcuka in the Sunday Times last week, which he used to accuse Mpshe of misleading the public about the reasons the charges were dropped.

The Scorpions memorandum Ngcuka referred to, dated December 6 2007, makes it clear that Mpshe had already made a “final decision” that Zuma would not be charged until after the ANC’s 2007 elective conference in Polokwane.

This appears to contradict what Mpshe told South Africans when he announced that charges had been dropped.

In his statement announcing the decision, Mpshe argued the timing of charges against Zuma was manipulated by McCarthy for an illegitimate purpose, namely to influence the Polokwane conference.

Mpshe used the spy tapes, in which they discussed the timing, as a justification for this.

But Mpshe’s “final decision” appears to have been made at least a week before one of the more pertinent discussions between McCarthy and Ngcuka regarding the supposed timing of the matter.

In the memo, Downer expresses the bitter unhappiness of the Scorpions team following Mpshe’s decision, revealing that the team had even contemplated resigning.

“We have repeatedly motivated in the strongest possible terms why it is particularly important in the instant case that the prosecutorial decisions must be made purely for prosecutorial reasons,” he writes.

“The team feels so strongly about these principles that we have given serious consideration to terminating our involvement in this investigation.”

In this memo, Downer notes that Mpshe had already approved an application for Zuma to be charged with racketeering.

This application, also among the documents obtained by City Press, contained a prescient appraisal by the prosecuting team of what was to come.

The NPA advocates predict it is unlikely that Zuma would fight the case against him on the merits, which had proven “disastrous” for his former financial adviser Schabir Shaik.

“It is anticipated that they will continue to use every legal device and stratagem to prevent the matter coming to trial.

“These will include an application for a permanent stay of prosecution [and consequent appeals], attacks on the bona fides and integrity of the prosecution team, the DSO and the NPA, [and] the use of the media to ramp up popular and political opposition to the prosecution.”

Lawson Naidoo, the executive secretary for the Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution, said the statement was “quite shocking”.

He pointed out that South Africa was a signatory to the UN Convention against Corruption, the African Union (AU) Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption, as well as the Protocol Against Corruption of the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

“So are you saying that the AU and SADC are now following something that is Western?”

On Friday, the ANC said it was “unfazed” and there was nothing new about the story. The party’s spokesperson, Zizi Kodwa, said: “People peddle lies in the public to drive vindictive agendas against President Jacob Zuma. Nothing of credible note has been presented so far.”

Zuma’s spokesperson, Mac Maharaj, did not respond to questions on the president’s views on corruption by the time of going to press.

Posted (edited)




Edited by Ravanelli

Stavi sliku  u spoiler, užasna je

Posted (edited)



Vodja terorista je bivsi profesor Ahmed Umar Abou Oubaïda. Jedan od ucesnika je diplomirani pravnik.


Kenija je vec nekoliko godina meta uzasnih teroristickih napada od strane Somalijskih Sebaba. Ovi se svete Keniji jer ucestvuje u Africkoj misiji u Somaliji.

I druge pogranisn zemlje su meta Sebaba kao Uganda.


Pitanje je kako Etiopija uspjeva da izbjegne ovakve atentate od strane Sebaba. Etiopija vodi glavnu rijec u toj Africkoj misiji u Somaliji. Prvi su intervenisali, imaju nejvise trupa tamo (ovo nisam provjerio ali sam negdje cuo). Zemlja je puna izbjeglica iz Somalije, etniscki i religijski je skroz podjeljena (oko 50% - 50% etiopijski pravoslavci - muslimani), cak je u 19. vijeku tadasnji etiopijski kralj Teodoros zelio pokrenuti sveti rat protiv islama i trazio je pomoc britanske krune.


I kako to da je zemlja barem do sada uspjela izbjeci ovakve atentate kao u Keniji ili Ugandi?

Edited by borris_
Posted (edited)


Vodja terorista je bivsi profesor Ahmed Umar Abou Oubaïda. Jedan od ucesnika je diplomirani pravnik.


ccc :fantom:


pa građanisti pa šta je sad ovo jel niste tvrdili da su uzroci terorizma siromaštvo i neobrazovanje i da treba sipati više kešovine u getoe kako bismo se umilili siledžijama


One of the gunmen who attacked the Kenyan university where nearly 150 students were massacred last week was the son of a government official — and once himself a promising student — who had recently broken off contact with his family and disappeared, the Kenyan authorities said Sunday.


inače ovo dole važi za ceo svet


“Something has to change,” said an editorial in the Sunday Nation, a Kenyan newspaper. “Kenya must change from its Hakuna Matata posture” — “hakuna matata” is a common Swahili expression meaning “no problem” — “and realize that a war is afoot against a merciless enemy.”
Edited by Hella

Obama dominira na samitu. Kulturno i bez onoga "mi smo specijalni" i spustanje na zemlju lokalnih wannabe diktatora.



President Obama said that it was time to "try something new" and that it was important for the US to engage more directly with the Cuban government and the Cuban people.

He added that over time it would be possible to "turn the page" on old divisions but he acknowledged that there were still significant differences.

"We have both concluded that we can disagree with a spirit of respect and civility."

Mr Obama said that immediate tasks include normalising diplomatic relationships between the two countries and opening a US embassy in Havana and a Cuban embassy in Washington DC.

Earlier, the Cuban leader referred to Mr Obama as an "honest man" after a lengthy speech largely taken up with the history of US-Cuba relations.

"When I talk about the revolution, the passion oozes out of me," the Cuban leader said. "I have to ask President Obama for forgiveness. He is not responsible for the things which happened before his time."

Speaking to fellow leaders, Mr Obama said: "This shift in US policy represents a turning point for our entire region."

The summit also highlighted stark differences between President Rafael Correa of Ecuador and the US.

Mr Correa said the US had failed to live up to its ideals: "Let's talk about human rights. In Ecuador we don't have torture, the death penalty or extrajudicial renditions."

In response, Mr Obama said he always "enjoyed the history lessons" he received a such summits, but was the first to acknowledge US faults.

"America does not make a claim to being perfect; we make a claim to being open to change," he said.


Ovo se i ranije desavalo: http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/KZN-xenophobic-violence-spreads-to-KwaMashu-20150413




On Friday two Ethiopian brothers were critically injured when their shop, in a shipping container, was set on fire while they were trapped inside. One of the men died while in hospital. The other is fighting for his life.


Medjutim cini se da se bes u siromasnoj masi sve vise zahuktava.


In mean time, Helen Zille rekla da kad joj istekne mandat nece vise voditi DA, najvecu opozicionu partiju (predominantno belci i mesanci glasaju za nju ali ima sve vise crnih glasova). Sad se nagadja ko ce da je nasledi, najveci favorit je Mmusi Maimane, mada bi ja iskreno najvise voleo da vidim Lindiwe Mazibuko. U svakom slucaju velika je verovatnoca da ce na celo DA doci crno lice sto moze pomoci na sledecim izborima (ako do tada RSA ne upadne u neku anarhiju).


U Kvazulu-Natalu se nastavlja haos. Napadi na siromasne strance (somalijci, etiopljani etc...) i pljackanje i paljenje njihovih prodavnica ide iz noci u noc. Takodje, svaki dan po nekoliko mrtvih bude. Pocelo je i sa pucanjem na policiju i novinare. Istovremeno krenuo i landgrab po njivama na dobrim lokacijama.

Cini se da se sve potpiruje i politicki - EFF na terenu vodi gomilu, zumin sin u medijima pravda napade.


Reporter sa lica mesta, ko zeli da prati situaciju live: https://twitter.com/wicks_jeff


Bas su naumili da od JA naprave jos jedan Zimbabve? Jel to?


Bilo je ovog i ranije... Mozda ANC i EFF samo igra igru, kao razumeju narod ovo-ono, a mozda se i nesto sprema... 


~900 mrtvih pri potonuću pretrpanog broda sa emigrantima/izbeglicama iz libije.



via TT


Ужас јебени.

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