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Saudijska Arabija napala Jemen. Žestoko bombardovanje,za sada.

U kampanju protiv Huta ukljucuju se i Egipat, Maroko, Pakistan i Jordan.

Edited by Грешни Василије
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Egipat i ostali samo daju podršku, direktno učestvuje samo Saud i to sa 150.000 ljudi (?!).

Ovo bi ipak valjalo da je na "peti oktobar na bliskom istoku".

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Saudijska Arabija napala Jemen. Žestoko bombardovanje,za sada.

U kampanju protiv Huta ukljucuju se i Egipat, Maroko, Pakistan i Jordan.


ovo bi moglo na topik o 5. oktobru na bliskom istoku.


u istom danu je potvrdjeno da USA daje vazdusnu podrsku u borbi za tikrit sto je narocito vazno ako se uzme u obzir da deo snaga koje ucestvuju u ovoj operaciji (uz iracku vojsku ili ono sta je ostalo od nje) cine proiranske milicije sa direktnim ucescem iranskih oficira i oruzja, stigla je vest o intervenciji saudijaca protiv, opet od irana, podrzavanih huta.


edit: da ironija bude potpuna, Administracija je podrzala intervenciju u jemenu.

Edited by Bane5
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Podrzala je intervenciju i aktivno ucestvuje (logisticki).


edit: vidim da se Arapske zemlje (sunitske) mnogo lakse dogovore kada treba da se bori protiv Siita nego protiv Daesh-a ili Talibana.

Edited by borris_
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kako nece bar dat podrsku i logistiku kad su huti juce npr. poharali vojnu bazu koju su izmedju ostalog usa opremile i koristile u jemenu za borbu protiv alkaide.

edit: huti osim sponzorstva irana imaju i podrsku u samom jemenu pa se pominju i pristalice bivseg predsednika saleha i jos neka plemena.

Edited by Bane5
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Da, tacno. Napustili su bazu nekoliko dana prije nego stoo su je ovi osvojili.

Sto se tice ovog drugog, meni se cini da Arapskom sunitskom svijetu, siiti predstavljaju vecu prijetnju nego Daesh. Nazalost zapas ih podrzava u tome.


Prije neki dan sin je bio kod druga na rodjendanu, roditelji su mu iranci. Pricali smo o tome. Oni mi kazu da ih suniti uopste ne vide kao muslimane nego kao neku sektu.

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a na ovom primeru pada svaka teorija o ulozi usa administracije na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu. oni ne znaju gde udaraju i sta bi hteli.


edit: pricu o jemenu splitujte na topik o 5. oktobru na arapskom prolecu!!!

Edited by Bane5
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Cini mi se da ce nakon ,,uredjivanja" studentskog parka kod nas sledeci korak biti nesto ovako:






Bulgaria: Plovdiv adopts 'qualified buskers only' rule


Anyone wanting to busk in the centre of Bulgaria's second city will now have to prove they're qualified.


Musicians in Plovdiv, in central Bulgaria, will only be allowed to play on the city's main thoroughfare if they've got a music education diplomathe national public broadcaster BNT reports. The city has been chosen as a European Capital of Culture for 2019. The council says it's following the lead of several other cities, including Madrid, which introduced an audition process for street musicians in 2013. The Spanish capital requires performers to face a panel of judges before they are granted a license, but does not demand an official qualification.

The council has divided Plovdiv into three zones, with the central shopping street and Old Town only open to qualified musicians. A second area is reserved for people without formal qualifications, but who have performed at musical events or entered competitions. Everyone else has to find a spot elsewhere in the city. "I wouldn't say that the requirements are stringent," says the council's public policy chief, Georgi Marinov. He adds that officials want to make sure musicians are good enough to entertain tourists and locals. Plovdiv was selected as a European Capital of Culture in September, beating three challengers, including the capital Sofia.


Vec vidim, "gospodine, nemate diplomu muzicke skole, morate ici na Medak ili medju blokove da svirate, u Knezu ne moze" :fantom:

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a na ovom primeru pada svaka teorija o ulozi usa administracije na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu. oni ne znaju gde udaraju i sta bi hteli.

naivan si.  :fantom:

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morate ici na Medak ili medju blokove da svirate, u Knezu ne moze" :fantom:

Kod nas se svira/peva/žonglira (open for public ispred Doma sindikata čini mi se) pred komisijom, pa najbolji dobiju dozvole za gradsko jezgrotm... Pisao Ljuba Živkov o tome prošle ili pretprošle godine, kad ga zvalo u komisiju...

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Korea poblesavio, pomadurisao se.




El presidente de la República, Rafael Correa, ha evocado la Semana Santa en una serie de tuits emitidos la mañana de este lunes. Correa, que ya hizo comentarios similares en la última sabatina, ha mencionado a los “hacedores de opinión pública” y a “los poderes fácticos” como responsables de la muerte de Jesucristo.



Ispitivaci javnog mnjenja i centri moci su krivi za smrt Isusovu.

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Nisam znao na koji topic ovo da stavim. Tema je sira od same Ukrajine. Mislim da je ovo vrlo zanimljiv dogadjaj koji se naslanja na sve one price o sirenju NATOa na istok. Kao i tome da li je Rusija izvukla pouku iz desavanja u poslednjih 70 godina i da li uz promenu politike i odnosa prema susedima mozew da se bolje pozicionira u svetu koji se drasticno promenio.


Instead of protests, Czechs roll out party for U.S. troop convoy


(Reuters) - Thousands of Czechs welcomed a convoy of U.S. troops to Prague on Tuesday on their return from exercises in the Baltics, defying expectations pro-Russian groups would protest over the country's alliance with the west.
The convoy of 118 mostly Stryker armored vehicles has been on a 1,100 mile-path from Estonia to a base in Germany via road instead of the usual rail transport to demonstrate support for NATO nations in central Europe amid the Ukraine conflict.
The convoy raised no fuss in the Baltics or Poland but there was vocal opposition from leftist and nationalist political groups in the Czech Republic as well as activists on social networks that created expectations of a tense passage.
A number of rallies against the convoy of the U.S. Army Europe's 2nd Cavalry Regiment were announced. But since first U.S. soldiers crossed the border from Poland on Sunday, small groups of protesters were vastly outnumbered by thousands of supporters, many with U.S., NATO, EU and Ukrainian flags.
On Tuesday, the troops mingled with locals around the armored vehicles outside a Prague barracks to the tunes of a rock concert organized by local activists. They were due to leave for the final stretch of the journey to their base in Vilseck, Germany on Wednesday morning.
"I am glad that the Americans will see our support ... and that we rely on them that they will not give us up to a Russian aggression," said Martin Fulin outside the barracks on Tuesday afternoon. Czech news website www.idnes.cz put attendance at that event at 15,000-20,000.
"I was told that there would be some protesters but when we came in but that was not what we saw. There were dozens, hundreds or thousands of people present to welcome us there ... we could not stop waving," said Douglas Hardman, a specialist driver with the U.S. unit.
Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka and Defense Minister Martin Stropnicky met the troops on Tuesday.
"Massive (pro-Russian) propaganda on social networks and elsewhere produced something opposite than intended," news agency CTK quoted Stropnicky as saying.
The Czech Republic has been softer in its approach to Russia than the Baltic states or Poland but has fully backed European sanctions against Russia and more intensive NATO exercises in eastern Europe.


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