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izraelska vojska je bila brojnija, bolje obucena, bolje snabdevena... od svih arapskih protivnika skupa. tako da je prica o izraelskom Davidu samo lepa legenda, poput holivudskih filmova.prvo, jer je jedina iole ozbiljnija arapska vojna formacija bila jordanska Arapska Legija. pri tome, jordanski kralj Abdulah ni u jednom trenutku nije imao nameru da ulazi u bilo kakav veci sukob jer je smatrao da su "Jevreji suvise jaki." postoje indicije da je postigao dogovor o podeli, zbog cega se Legija tukla samo na Zapadnoj Obali, a nisu ni pokusali da se probijaju dalje.drugo, vlasti niti jedne arapske drzave nisu bile zainteresovane za rat. u rat su usli iz dva razloga: prvi je pritisak javnog mnjenja, koje je pod utiskom izvestaja o masakrima trazilo da se ucini nesto. drugi je bila glasina da je Abdulah postigao dogovor sa Ben-Gurionom oko podele plena, pa su Egipcani usli kako bi i oni prigrabili sta za sebe.u sustini, Izraelci su rat dobili i pre nego je proglasena nezavisnost, obzirom da su uspeli da potuku (lose organizovane) lokalne palestinske milicije. koje su, za razliku od arapskih drzava, imale motiv za borbu, obzirom da se radilo o njihovoj zemlji i njihovim glavama.to je istorija. izraelski David vs arapski Golijat je Holivud.
mislim da izraelska armija nije bila brojnija. brojala oko 100 000 ljudi (ljudi, a ne obucenih vojnika). da su bili bolje organizovani i vodjeni, istina je. ali to nije jedini razlog za pobedu u ratu.samo, to nije ono o cemu sam pisao. ono sto sam ja opisao je moja pretpostavka o razmisljanju i osecanjima izraelaca za vreme "rata za nezavisnost". napaceni od ugnjetavanja i tek zavrsenog drugog svetskog rata, istraumirani od licnih tragedija, fizicki slabi i ljuti, jevreji dolaze ilegalno na teritoriju obecane zemlje, bez icega. dobijaju drzavu i gotovo istovremeno pocinje novi rat koji ne smeju da izgube. pobedjuju i osecaju se po prvi put u svojoj istoriji jaki. tadasnja pobeda jevreja, uzimajuci u obzir sve okolnosti, je za njih sigurno bila velika.
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mislim da izraelska armija nije bila brojnija. brojala oko 100 000 ljudi (ljudi, a ne obucenih vojnika). da su bili bolje organizovani i vodjeni, istina je. ali to nije jedini razlog za pobedu u ratu.
Arab military forces began their invasion of Israel on May 15. Initially these forces consisted of approximately 8,000 to 10,000 Egyptians, 2,000 to 4,000 Iraqis, 4,000 to 5,000 Transjordanians, 3,000 to 4,000 Syrians, 1,000 to 2,000 Lebanese, and smaller numbers of Saudi Arabian and Yemeni troops, about 25,000 in all. Israeli forces composed of the Haganah, such irregular units as the Irgun and the Stern Gang, and women's auxiliaries numbered 35,000 or more. By October 14, Arab forces deployed in the war zones had increased to about 55,000, including not more than 5,000 irregulars of Hajj Amin al Husayni's Palestine Liberation Force. The Israeli military forces had increased to approximately 100,000.http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/israel-inde.htm Edited by Gandalf
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Zanimljiva vest.

Russia Invades Afghanistan—AgainFor Viktor Ivanov, the road back to Kabul has taken two decades. He first arrived in Afghanistan in 1987 as a young KGB officer, back when the country was the southernmost outpost of the Soviet empire. When he returned last month, Kabul was the outpost of a very different empire—one run by reluctant imperialists in Washington keen to get out as soon as possible. Though the official reason for Ivanov's return was to aid U.S. antinarcotics efforts—he's now Russia's drug czar—his real goal in Afghanistan was clear: to help recover some of Russia's lost influence there. As his Russian Air Force plane began its descent into the Kabul airport, Ivanov raised a glass of champagne with his aides and boasted, "Russia is back."A lot of history stands in the way of Russia's new campaign. Local memories of the destruction wrought by the Soviets in their decade-long occupation remain fresh. But both the Afghans and the Americans have reasons to welcome Russia's reengagement. No one has a silver bullet for Afghanistan's rampaging drug trade, but with its vast intelligence assets across Central Asia and an operational group of Russian troops on the Afghan-Tajik border, Moscow could make a real difference. To win over the locals, the Russians have also offered to ramp up their involvement in the Afghan reconstruction, energy, and mineral sectors. Russian companies are currently negotiating to rebuild 142 Soviet-built installations across the country, including a $500 million deal to reconstruct hydroelectric plants in Naglu, Surobi, and Makhipar and a $500 million program to build wells and irrigation systems nationwide. Rosneft, the Russian state-owned oil and gas giant, has commissioned a study of gas fields in Djarkuduk and Shebarghan that could lead to contracts yielding $350 million a year. Russian air-transport contractors are already working for NATO and the Afghan government. But all this cooperation comes with a price: increased Russian influence in Kabul. Moscow makes no bones about this: it seeks nothing less than to "reclaim its geopolitical share of Afghanistan," says its ambassador, Andrey Avetisyan.It might seem surprising, given Afghanistan's history as a Cold War battleground, that it's the Americans who invited the Russians back in. But sure enough, last year U.S. President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, set up a series of contact groups on mutual security interests in the region. Ivanov and his U.S. counterpart, Gil Kerlikowske, have since sat down on many occasions to figure out ways Russia can help NATO choke off the Taliban's drug businesses.The Russians have good reason to help. More than 130,000 Russians die each year of heroin addiction and its side effects, and about 120,000 more are jailed for drug-related crimes. Russia is the conduit for some $18 billion of heroin a year, making it both the biggest consumer and biggest transit country in the world. "It is useless to fight it inside our borders," says Ivanov. "We need to fight the problem at its root."Unlike in 1979, that won't mean sending Russian troops to Afghanistan. But Moscow is working to provide something almost as potent: crucial intelligence on drug traffic throughout Central Asia, where Russia's Federal Security Service still maintains an excellent network of eyes and ears. Russia is also pushing Afghanistan's neighbors hard to pick up the pace on drug-enforcement efforts. Moscow, along with Beijing, leads the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a regional security bloc that includes all Central Asian states. Beefing up border security has been one of SCO's top priorities, with Russia contributing money, equipment, and training. The SCO won't be able to cut off the Taliban's drug routes via Iran and Pakistan. And Kabul will still have to tackle the problem of rampant corruption in its Interior Ministry and the police, who are responsible for more opium traffic than the Taliban. But Chris Chamber, a NATO spokesman, says that Russia's intelligence and regional influence will be crucial to the fight.Still, Russia's ambitions in Afghanistan go far beyond the drug war, and include building a pro-Russian constituency among the country's elite, dominating Afghanistan's multibillion-dollar infrastructure-development industry, and exploiting its underground wealth. "It is not too late. We are determined to activate our business cooperation with Afghanistan. Russia is first of all interested in exploiting Afghan gas and mineral resources," says Avetisyan, the Russian ambassador.To access these riches, Russia has been courting Afghan Vice President Karim Khalili—a leader of the country's persecuted Hazara community who Moscow hopes will act as Russia's chief lobbyist in Kabul. At a meeting with Khalili in March, Ivanov offered to aid Japanese efforts to restore the huge Buddha statues destroyed by the Taliban in 1999 in Banyan, Khalili's power base, and to develop tourism there, as well as to reconstruct a power station and a nearby tunnel that links north and south Afghanistan.Russia also has a huge number of potential allies among Afghanistan's former communists, many of whom studied and lived in Russia in the 1980s. Some of these approximately 100,000 educated Afghans joined the mujahedin after the fall of Moscow's puppet Mohammad Najibullah in 1992 and are now powerful men in Afghan President Hamid Karzai's administration. Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum, for example, a onetime officer in Najibullah's military, now rules a personal fiefdom in the north of the country and is an adviser to the chief of staff of the Afghan National Army.Other communists who fled after Najibullah was toppled returned after the fall of the Taliban. Many found important jobs in the new resource-starved government, as they tended to be better trained and educated than the Islamist mujahedin. One former senior European diplomat in Kabul says that, though the communists were unwanted at first, they quickly became the building blocks of the Karzai regime. "Thank God at last we have some professionals, even if they were trained and educated in Moscow," the diplomat says. Statistics are hard to come by, but according to a top Afghan police officer and a former communist head of the Afghan Army, between 50 and 70 percent of all staff positions in the Ministries of Interior and Defense are now held by ex-communists. Russia plans to reach out to these people by sponsoring cultural programs in Kabul and by bringing in some of the 100,000 Afghan exiles living in Russia to help lobby them.Russians in Kabul are eager to take advantage of such links—one Russian diplomat complained that he's fed up with watching foreigners line up "to get a bite of the Afghan pie when it could have been us." To help turn things around, 19 Russian business leaders will arrive in the capital in early May to talk about energy, rebuilding, transport, and logistics.The Russians say their aim is simply to help make Afghanistan rich. "The Soviets did not just fight. Soviet scientists also made maps of all Afghanistan's resources," says Avetisyan. On his recent trip, Ivanov brought such maps with him and, during a meeting with Karzai, talked about gas, copper, and aluminum exploitation. Ivanov also made it clear to Khalili that Russia was ready to strike deals on "favorable terms." The Russians will face an uphill battle with the Chinese, who got into the country ahead of them—two years ago, the China Metallurgical Group bought one of the world's largest copper mines in Logar, south of Kabul, and it has promised to invest $3 billion in the project. But Moscow is reported to be eyeing the Hajigak iron mine, currently on sale for about $1.8 billion, and Russians say they may be ready to sign a deal during a Russian-Afghan forum in Kabul this July.So far, such moves seem to elicit more relief than concern in Washington. The Obama administration has taken a big gamble with its surge, and everything is being done with an eye to July 2011, when the administration has promised to begin its withdrawal. For that to happen, Afghanistan's neighbors must shoulder more and more of the burden of helping fix its drug and infrastructure problems. If that means Afghanistan moving closer to Russia's orbit, then Washington, at least for now, seems to deem that a price worth paying. "The United States is not concerned about Russia coming back," says Anthony Cordesman, a respected analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. If history is any guide, having Afghanistan in Russia's sphere of influence would be far from ideal—but it would also be preferable to having it go it alone and spread violent mayhem across the region and the world.With Ron Moreau and Sami Yousafzai in Kabul
http://www.newsweek.com/id/235886Da li ovo treba da znaci polako izvlacenje iz Afganistana narocito ako se ima u vidu i sledeca vest.Gibbs: Washington remains concerned about Karzaihttp://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100405/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_us_afghanistan Edited by Άρης
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ovo je svakako tačno ali uvek treba imati na umu da je teško naći na planeti zemlji mesto gde se živi gore nego u gazi. da ne elaboriram, svako ko prati događanja barem površno mogao je da vidi ili pročita o čemu se radi odnosno kakav je "život" palestinaca u pitanju. pa samo u nedavnim akcijama izrael ja bacio tone bombi i raketa na ovu nesretnu enklavu uz više nego ozbiljne sumnje da je korišćeno i oružje koje je zabranjeno međunarodnim konvencijama. sad, neko će reći da se sa teritorije gaze ispaljuju rakete na teritoriju izraela što opravdava akciju izraela. verovatno i opravdava nekakvu akciju, srazmernu, ali svakako ne onakvo satiranje kakvo smo gledali kada su žrtve civili, deca, kada se pogađaju bolnice i škole u jednoj ionako izolovanoj enklavi gde ljudi ne mogu da dođu ni do osnovnih životnih namirnica i potrepština. to je naprosto zločin nad civilima koji su "zaključani" na jednom uskom pojasu i ne vidim kako se tu može izbeći pitanje odgovornosti izraela. jedino što ga niko ne postavlja.da, građani države izrael jesu. punopravni, pa nisam baš siguran. stranicu ili dve ranije sam naveo primera radi pojedine odredbe izraelskih zakona. zabranjen je brak između izraelaca i palestinaca. zamisli da je u srbiji zabranjen brak između srba i recimo mađara. da li bi mađari bili punopravni državljani srbije? naveo sam i drastične disproporcije u izdvajanjima za palestinske škole. sve to postoji i u izveštajima međunarodnih organizacije, HRW recimo. tako da izraz punopravni ovde treba tumačiti restriktivno.što se zauzimanja strana tiče ja se time ne bavim. zločin shvatam kao univerzalnu kategoriju. podjednako se gnušam onoga u bosni i onoga u istočnom timoru ili kamdodži ili gazi ili gde god da se dešava i ko god da ga izvršava. i podjednako i iskreno žalim sve žrtve koje stradaju. zato mi i smeta ta selektivnost kada je u pitanju osuda i progon odgovornih.
tacno, zivot u gazi je uzasan i to niko ne moze poreci. isto tako, svako ko ima malo uvida u zivot izraelskih arapa, moze primetiti da ti ljudi danas uopste ne zive lose, gledajuci barem sa ekonomske strane. zive obicno u svojim mestima (ali neretko i svim vecim gradovima), u kojim glasaju za svoje predstavnike u lokalnoj vlasti. imaju biznise svuda po izraelu i mogu da putuju svuda po svetu sa svojim izraelskim pasosom. sa druge strane nisu obavezni da sluze izraelsku vojsku, ali mogu ako bas zele. svakako zive bolje od svojih sunarodnika na okupiranim teritorijama, pa cak i od palestinaca koji zive u arapskim drzavama u okruzenju. naravno, za izraelce oni nikada nece biti jevreji, ali da su sistematski istrebljivani od strane drzave izrael, to je neistina. svi poslovi oko brakova i razvoda su u rukama rabanuta. po jevrejskom religioznom zakonu, samo brakovi izmedju jevreja su priznati. taj zakon nije usmeren protiv palestinaca, jer postoji mnogo duze nego drzava izrael. brak izmedju jevreja i bilo koga se moze sklopiti izvan teritorije izraela i takav brak ce biti priznat od drzave izrael, ali ne i od strane religioznog suda. taj zakon je deo ben gurionove pogodbe sa ortodoksnim jevrejskim grupama iz, cini mi se 1947. zakon nije popularan medju izraelcima- jevrejima, koji se cesto udaju i zene na kipru.
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Arab military forces began their invasion of Israel on May 15. Initially these forces consisted of approximately 8,000 to 10,000 Egyptians, 2,000 to 4,000 Iraqis, 4,000 to 5,000 Transjordanians, 3,000 to 4,000 Syrians, 1,000 to 2,000 Lebanese, and smaller numbers of Saudi Arabian and Yemeni troops, about 25,000 in all. Israeli forces composed of the Haganah, such irregular units as the Irgun and the Stern Gang, and women's auxiliaries numbered 35,000 or more. By October 14, Arab forces deployed in the war zones had increased to about 55,000, including not more than 5,000 irregulars of Hajj Amin al Husayni's Palestine Liberation Force. The Israeli military forces had increased to approximately 100,000.http://www.globalsec...israel-inde.htm
ok, razumem. ako su cifre koje pominjes tacne, izraelska vojska je brojala duplo vise ljudi i gledajuci na, recimo, broj zrtava na obe strane (izraelci 6000-arapi 7000), izraelska pobeda je daleko od uspesne vojne operacije. ali, opijenost naroda tom svojom prvom pobedom kao nacija, sigurno je imala uticaja na dogadjaje koji slede.
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Žene pokušale da u avion unesu leš Britanska policija je uhapsila dve žene koje su pokušale da na aerodoromu Džon Lenon u Liverpulu u avion unesu telo svog mrtvog rođaka.Osoblje aerodroma je posumnjalo da nešto nije u redu kada su dve žene u subotu pokušale da muškarca u invalidskim kolicima i sa naočarima na očima prijave za let za Berlin.Pretpostavlja se da je muškarac umro prethodnog dana.Dve žene, stare 41 i 66 godina, uhapšene su pod sumnjom da nisu prijavile njegovu smrt. Policija je rekla sa su potom do 1. juna puštene na slobodu uz kauciju.Obe imaju nemačko državljanstvo, ali žive u engleskom gradu Oldamu.Policija je takođe pokrenula istragu o tvrdnjama da je telo pokojnika iz Oldama do aerodroma prebačeno taksijem, rekao je portparol policije.
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Koliko kasne ti Englezi,Nemci i EU kod nas već odavno snimljen film i TV serija na tu temu. "Mrtav ladan"Kratak opis: Dvojica brace, Kiza i Lemi, švercuju svog mrtvog dedu u vozu jer nemaju novac da ga prebace u Vršac, gde ih čeka njihov nezgodan otac koga se mnogo plaše....:)

Edited by Gvozdeni
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:lol:da li ce urke pustiti suzu radosnicu zato sto stize demokratija u bratski kirgistan ili ce plakati zbog pobede sila mraka?

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Rekao bih da "severna imperija" uzvraca udarac. Predsednik Kirgizije pobegao u Americku bazu a prica se da je sada na putu za Prag gde se nalaze Medvedev i Obama.Za to vreme Putin miri Poljake i Ruse.

Google translation of main thesis of Putin's speech:- Sir, Polish Friends. We are here in conjunction with shared memory and shame. Salute to those who bravely accepted death. Those whose struggle, hope, talents have been trampled here. Those who were, were never mothers, daughters, wives. Before the Russian citizens killed as a result of the Great Purge and killed by Stalin's Polish, Russian and killed by the Nazis during the war. Katyn joined their fate - said Vladimir Putin. - Poland and Russia, as no other countries and peoples of Europe, survived all the tragedies of the twentieth century - two world wars, fratricidal fighting, and inhumane crimes of totalitarianism. All the crimes of Stalinism are very familiar to us and understood - Russian Prime Minister said. - Kaci totalitarzymu destroying people regardless of origin, from education. The logic was the only one - to sow fear, awaken the lowest instincts, and forced to obey. It can not be justified, it can not be revised in our country. Forgetting would be duplicitous, we are committed to preserving the memory - he added. - No matter how bitter the truth, we are able to maintain or restore it, and that means a historic justice. The hard work lies on the shoulders of Polish and Russian historians. This is to facilitate contacts between our countries. I make stop to clear each other - Russian Prime Minister said. - Decades of the cynical lies were an attempt to blur the truth about the Katyn crime, but also the tragic fate of the Russian people. I think that the Poles understand it better than anyone else. However it is not possible to live just past, so we are here together. We were together in Gdansk. I am sure that together we will soon celebrate the anniversary of the victory in the great war against fascism - where their lives, both soldiers of the Red Army and the Army. At Westeprlatte and Smolensk - Vladimir Putin pointed out. - There is no alternative to good neighborly relations between the Polish and Russia. Eternal rest for the dead and all the best for the living.
08putinspancndarticlela.jpg:lol: Koja su govna ti Rusi i Amerikanci.
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Jbt, Aleks Džons & the likes će na kraju ispasti u pravu... :blink:

You can tell it's election time, not because of the posturing and postulating that has swamped our televisions, but because of the way crucially important legislation is suddenly be rushed into law without due care and attention being paid to the ramifications. Never more true was this than 11.15pm yesterday night (now 1am GMT) when a ramshackle group of just 236 MPs voted to pass the hugely controversial Digital Economy Bill (DEB). For the record, the total number of MPs is the House of Commons is 646, meaning roughly just one in three bothered to turn up to decide the fate of a law that (in an increasingly digital age) will have far longer term consequences than whether it is the Conservatives or Labour who cling onto power for the next five years. When MPs tell you it is important to turn up and vote remember it is, but also point out that just 36 per cent of them bothered to turn up for their own proposed legislation. For what it's worth, the final vote came in at 189 in favour, 47 against - though only around 20 bothered to debate it with majority only coming in at the end to cast their vote. So what has been foisted upon us? In short: draconian powers to make Internet Service Providers block users' connections and provide their names and addresses to disgruntled copyright holders. In other words, the likes of the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), MPA (Music Publishers' Association) and MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) can force Virgin Media, Sky, O2, TalkTalk, etc to cut-off a user's connection if they can provide proof they are infringing their copyrighted material. From here they can demand to know who it was and sue. So could, say, one child in a large household download - I dunno - a Lady Gaga track and have the MPA steamroller the family's ISP to disconnect the home before taking them for every penny in a court of law? Yep, thanks to last night's vote they soon can. So much for Internet access being a fundamental human right. And what of the much discussed (and rightly feared) Clause 18 which proposed allowing courts to close "locations on the Internet" which it deemed "has been, is being or is likely to be used for or in connection with an activity that infringes copyright"? It was thrown out at the last minute. After all who would condone the taking down of websites purely on the suspicion they may in the future be up to no good? Erm... instead 'Clause 8' was introduced - also at the last minute - enabling the Secretary of State for business to order the closure of a "location on the Internet which the court is satisfied has been, is being or is likely to be used for or in connection with an activity that infringes copyright”. Sound familiar? So hands-up who wants to start a digitally focused business in the UK now? Well done MPs. On the plus side, 'Clause 43' which proposed that work published on the Internet without an obvious owner could be used by organisations for commercial interests without paying royalties. Had this passed it would likely have tied up courts for years with embittered photographers and graphic designers trying to take on multinational corporations. Interestingly, the Digital Economy Bill started out life as a sweeping array of reforms also looking at worthy topics such as the role of Ofcom and regulation of TV and radio services - but the guts were largely ripped out of it to speed up its passing. Something that should happen later today when it completes the formalities of Royal Assent. Why all this focus on speed? Because with a general election called for 6 May parliament has to be dissolved by 12 April and all pressing business needs to be concluded by that time. Should it not be, then it slides into the ether only to be revived if the newly elected government (or potentially a hung parliament) wish to do so. This accelerated phase, rather fittingly, is referred to as the "Wash Up", though in this case Wash Out seems far more appropriate. Anti-DEB Labour MP Tom Watson warned that passing the bill into law would lead to "unintended consequences". I'd suggest that's putting it lightly... In related news the 50p 'broadband tax' was scrapped yesterday. Not to be confused with the DEB, this was attached to the government's Finance Bill and also removed to speed its process through parliament. The tax was seen as a way of raising up to £170m to help finance the expansion of broadband networks across the nation - particularly to those more remote areas currently without high speed Internet access. Labour says the tax will be reintroduced if it retains power, the Conservatives say instead the money will be found by setting aside a slice of the TV licence fee. Either way, however, the funding will come and - in the context of the DEB's approval - really, who cares...?
Fear the rightfull baba of Britannia...
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Smanjenje broja stanovništa na svetu je javna službena politika američke vlade od vremena kad je predsednik Ford potpisao 1975 godine Kissingerov dokument NSSM 200. Ona se sprovodi neprekidno i radikalno pojačava svoj intenzitet. Najbolji dokaz za to je John P. Holdren kojeg je Predsednik Obama izabrao da mu bude glavni savetnik za nauku (Science Tzar). On je sa Paul H. Erlich napisao knjigu Ecoscience (Eko-Nauka) u kojoj se detaljno elaborira operacionalizacija plana NSSM 200 sa tačnim upustvima establišmentu koje mere treba preduzeti prema svetskoj populaciji da bi se njen broj smanjio. svetsku populaciju treba svesti na 1 milijardu.- John P. Holdren, 1978 godina. Depopulacija sveta treba da bude najveći prioritet naše spoljne politike prema trećem svetu, jer američka ekonomije će imati ogromne i narastajuće potrebe za resursima izvan naših granica, naročito u siromašnim zemljama- Henry Kissinger. Kancer je nekontrolisano povećanje ćelija, populaciona eksplozija je nekontrolisano povećanje ljudi. Mi moramo da preusmerimo naše napore u tretmanu simptoma ka odsecanju kancera. Operacija će zahtevati mnogo brutalnih i bezdušnih odluka.– Prof. Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb. Navešću još neke izjave oligarha-eugeničara i njihovih eko-fanatika da bi naša javnost dobila širu sliku skime imamo posla. Svet danas broji 6.8 milijardi ljudi. Ide ka 9 milijardi. E sad ako uradimo stvarno dobar posao sa novim vakcinama, zdravstvom i porodiljskom zaštitom, mi bi verovatno mogli da smanjimo taj broj za 10 do 15%- Bill Gates, 18 Feb 2010 (
) poslušajte govor na 4 min 30 sec. Gates ulaže 10 milijardi $ na razvoju novih vakcina. U ovom trenutku ima previše ljudi na ovome svetu. Treba smanjiti svetsko stanovništvo sa sadašnjih pet milijardi na 250 do 300 miliuna. Pad od 95% bi bio idelan.– Ted Turner, 1996, vlasnik CNN-a. Rađanje mora biti krivično kažnjivo i ono je upereno protiv društva, sem ukoliko roditelji imaju licencu. Svi potencijalni roditelji moraju da uzimaju hemijska kontraceptivna sredstva, Vlada mora da izdaje protivdejstva za građane odabrane za rađanje.– David Brower, Director of the Sierra Club. Globalna Održivost zahteva konstantni napor održanja siromaštva, redukcije resursa i uspostavljanja granica rasta stanovništva.-Professor Maurice King. Moja tri glavna cilja su da se redukuje svetsko stanovništvo na ukupno 100 miliona, da se uništi industrijska infrastrukura i da se divljina regeneriše i vratimo njoj.-Dave Foreman. Ljudi se ponašaju na zemlji kao patogeni mikroorganizmi ili kao ćelije tumora.-Sir James Lovelock. Zemlja ima rak, taj rak se zove čovek.-Club of Rome, UN Jedna Amerika košta svet koliko 20 Bangladeša. Ovo je grozota da se kaže: da bi se stabilizovalo svetska populacija mi moramo da eliminišemo 350,000 ljudi svakog dana. Ovo je strašno reći, ali je još strašnije ne reći.- Jacques Cousteau, UN Izaslanik. Kad bi bio reinkarnisan, voleo bi da se vratim kao smrtonosni virus u nameri da dam svoj doprinos smanjenju broja ljudi.-Prince Philip. Mislim da je uništenje malih boginja greška. One se igrale vrlo važnu ulogu u balansu ekosistema-John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal. Velika pretnja svetu su ljudi: mnogo ih je, ekonomski dobro stoje i troše puno nafte.– Sir James Lovelock. Uzgred, licencu za rađanje dece je nešto što mi je donelo dosta problema kad sam to predložio pre nekoliko godina. Čak i u Kanadi će ovo trebati jednog dana, barem neke restrikcije na pravo rađanja.- Maurice Strong, osnivač UN Programa za zaštitu okoline. … na kraju, idealno bi bilo i održivo da je populacija između 500 miliona i 1 milijarde.– Club of Rome, UN.
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