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Preko 5 milijardi evra? Na to mislis? Jer jedan Rafal kosta 70 miliona evra...


Naši™ emiratski prijatelji...



Migrant workers building a multibillion-pound cultural hub in the United Arab Emirates, which includes new Guggenheim and Louvre museums, are subject to destitution, summary arrest and deportation if they complain about their squalid and unsafe conditions, an investigation by Human Rights Watch (HRW) has found.

Its new report on Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi found that some workers were subjected to conditions amounting to forced labour, having had their passports confiscated and been so poorly paid they struggled to pay off recruitment fees which were supposed to have been banned. Attempts to raise concerns about the workers’ mistreatment led to their wages being withheld, arbitrary police intimidation and their forcible removal from the country.



Posted (edited)

jel imamo negde temu gde se pominju swiss leaks?

ili kako velike banke pomazu bogatima da izbegavaju poreze ili operu novac.

pa kriza je.  :(

Edited by Takeshi

jel imamo negde temu gde se pominju swiss leaks?

ili kako velike banke pomazu bogatima da izbegavaju poreze ili operu novac.

pa kriza je.  :(

Mi smo to znali jos od Superhika.


Ugovor potpisan, 24 Rafala, 1 fregata i rakete (MBDA) za nesto visse od 5 milijardi evra.

Prije neki dan fr tv i novine su se podsmjevale Putinovom poklonu Sisiju (kalasnjikov) a sada slave.

Da vidimo sta ce reci Bilt.


Šta će reći... Reći će da je to veliki korak u sprečavanju ruske čizme da pregazi ceo svet, eto šta će reći. Kao da je bitno.


Nego, kojim parama će Egipat da plati to silno francusko oružje? Opet će da uskače House of Saud?


Navjerovatnije su saudijski petrodolari. Saudijci su finasirali francusko oruzje prodati Libanskoj vojsci.

Meni je drago zbog rafale-a jer je to trenutno jedan od najboljih (ja bih reka najbolji) avion te kategorije trenutno u upotrebi na svijetu.


polako, tako su potpisali sa indijcima pre 2.3 godine pa još ništa od početka realizacije.


uvek iskrsne neki problem kad su velike pare u pitanju.


i to sto kazes. Prodavali su ga vec nekoliko puta: bratu A. Vucica, Brazilu, Indiji, Maroku itd itd

Ipak tada ga je prodavao Sarkozy i on se uvjek hvalio da ga je prodao prije finalnog potpisa, kao i Vucic.

Ne kazem da je Hollande bolji (za mene jeste ali ja sam izgleda u manjini za sada :D ), ali im odlicnog ministra odbrane koji zna posao.


Kad je Rafal pomenut, opet javljaju o problemu sa Indijom a bila kao gotova stvar. Mada je zanimljivo šta se pojavilo kao problem, posle svega.

France, India Disagree Over Key Rafale Contract Issue
France will not warranty Indian-built aircraft

After months of seeing Dassault Aviation being browbeaten in the Indian press, French arms procurement agency DGA defended its contractor, asserting that a 2012 agreement to provide India with Rafale fighter jets never committed the company to guarantee aircraft manufactured in India at state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL). However, a recent senior adviser to HAL’s management tells Aviation Week that guaranteeing HAL’s work is not the issue, but that the French are being “rigid” and refusing to stand behind the integrity of the design.

“Dassault will not be responsible for the whole contract. It is a co-management setup,” says French defense procurement chief Laurent Collet-Billon, who was clear that France will not assume full liability for HAL-built Rafales. “It cannot be a problem, because it was not in the request for proposals [RFP].”

Speaking to reporters during an annual media address Feb. 9, France’s arms procurement chief said the €10.2 billion ($12 billion) agreement—which has been under negotiation for more than three years—calls for the first 18 of 126 Rafale jets to be built in France. After that, HAL would take over production of the remaining 108 aircraft.




Indijci hoće da Francuzi garantuju za kvalitet aviona napravljenih u Indiji? Kog đavola su tražili licencnu proizvodnju ako nemaju poverenja u sopstvenu industriju? Doduše, posle iskustva sa domaćim tenkom nije da me čudi takav stav. 

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