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SAD se trudile da ona izgubi iz nekoliko razloga. Prilican udarac u dvoristu.


Da su se SAD pitale, pod pretpostavkom da im je toliko stalo da Dilma izgubi da su spremni da uloze pare i vreme u taj poduhvat, pogurali bi Marinu u drugi krug.

Marina je ispusila jer nije imala para koliko Neves. Da je ona bila u drugom krugu bilo bi cao za Dilmu.

Ne moze elitista belac iz vise klase da dobije glasove iz favela. 


U tom smislu, nadam se i da ce Vaskez da dobije u drugom krugu. Gledao sam dokumentarac o Muhiki i intervjuisali ovog Lakala. Jeza. Pricao o nedostatku discipline kao osnovnom razlogu slabog skolstva.

Beo, visok, naslednik tate, pretpostavljam da mu je u genima da bicuje sluge i siluje sluskinje.

Aristokrata kao takav.


Sa druge strane, Cile je u proslom turnusu pokazao kako desnica moze da dobije ako ne isturi potpunog establisment kandidata, a Pinjera to nije bio.

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U Bocvani, kao i prethodnih 50 godina, pobedio vladajuci BDP. Ipak opozicija slavi jer su uzeli vise mesta u parlamentu nego na proslim izborima. Opozicija je uglavnom osvajala po gradovima gde avarage modise vristi slogan opozicije "bring our jobs back", BDP po selima gde se jos uvek secaju kako im je predsednikov tata od najsiromasnije zemlje u svetu napravio jednu od najbogatijih u Africi. Sa sebicne strane, we the immigrants, smo sigurniji sa BDPom koji nije sklon naglim rezovima i ad hock resenjima a i prezidenteom tece delom engleska krv.  




Botswana's ruling Democratic Party wins general elections
_78538704_024458029-1.jpgVote counting got off to a bad start due to delays in delivery of ballots to counting stations

The ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) has won the general elections in the world's largest diamond producer.

It secured at least 33 of the 57 parliamentary seats being contested, the national electoral commission says.

A party needs 29 seats to take power. Opposition group Umbrella for Democratic Change has won 14 seats.

The BDP party of President Ian Khama has been in power since Botswana gained independence in 1966.

But it has been battling to gain support in urban areas where opposition parties have made recent inroads.

Botswana is seen as one of Africa's most stable and democratic countries.

Urban centres

Three parties competed to win over the 824,000 registered voters who directly elected the 57 members of parliament.

_78497384_df79b42b-1571-4778-9f15-85f749President Khama is expected to serve a second term

Vote counting is still under way. However, the Twitter account of Botswana's independent election commission said on Saturday that the BDP had already won 33 seats of the 57 contested, followed by the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) with 14. The Botswana Congress Party (BCP) is in third place with just two seats.

A further four members of the 63-member assembly will be chosen by the new parliament, with the president and the attorney general filling the remaining two seats.

Preliminary results for local council elections also showed a strong showing for the two opposition parties in Botswana's urban centres, including the capital of Gaborone, Associated Press reports.

Once elected, the MPs will then choose the leader. President Khama, the son of the country's first president, is likely to get a second term in office.

He has faced challenges in urban areas, amid a worsening economic climate.

Despite being a middle-income country, Botswana continues to grapple with unequal distribution of wealth, high levels of poverty, unemployment and HIV, according to the African Development Bank.

The unemployment rate stands at 17.8% and it has an HIV/Aids prevalence of 23.4%, it says.

A survey this month by the research group Afrobarometer reported that 58% of people in Botswana considered unemployment the most important problem facing the country.


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Marina je ispusila jer nije imala para koliko Neves. Da je ona bila u drugom krugu bilo bi cao za Dilmu.

Ne moze elitista belac iz vise klase da dobije glasove iz favela.

skoro svi Brazilci koje sam upoznao tokom 3 nedelje u junu/julu su bili protiv Dilme. kako bilo, u pitanju su bili ljudi koje sam sreo na stadionima, u restoranima i nocnima klubovima, dovoljno obrazovani da pricaju engleski. i tada mi je palo na pamet da u stvari nemam pojma kako ce glasati sirotinja.

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skoro svi Brazilci koje sam upoznao tokom 3 nedelje u junu/julu su bili protiv Dilme. kako bilo, u pitanju su bili ljudi koje sam sreo na stadionima, u restoranima i nocnima klubovima, dovoljno obrazovani da pricaju engleski. i tada mi je palo na pamet da u stvari nemam pojma kako ce glasati sirotinja.

Američki plaćenici i botovi :fantom:pizaz


Nakon pobjede Dilme, jooš jedan stravičan poraz amerikanstva, još jedan dokaz nadolazećeg velikog preokreta. Braziljerosi kupiše Chiquitu!

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O cemu ti to?


Oko mogo toga ali da se sada fokusiram na izobre u Brazilu. Silva nije bila glavni kandidat Socijalisticke partije sve do sredine avgusta kada je u avionskoj nesreci poginuo Kampos. Po istrazivanjima nije imala sanse za drugi krug.  Sa druge strane, Neves je podrzavan od strane SAD, narocito ekipe sa Vol Strita, dokaz-5 Reasons Why Aecio Neves Should Be Elected The Next President Of Brazil

Obama i njegova administracija isto nije zelela da Dilma pobedi, nekoliko razloga:

1) Dilma je otvoreno kritikovala Obamu i NSA-

In Stinging Rebuke at UN, Brazilian President Rails Against NSA Spying

Rousseff directed scathing criticism at Obama immediately preceding the U.S. president's turn at the podium


In a furious critique that opened the UN's General Assembly meeting Tuesday immediately before President Obama took the podium, Brazil's president Dilma Rousseff blasted U.S. secret surveillance programs for violating her country's national sovereignty, attacking its democracy, and infringing on the human rights of its citizens.


2) Zbog toga je u junu odbila da se sastane sa Obamom

3) Pozvala Putina u Brazil bas kada ne zeli da se sretne sa Obamom

4) Razvoj Banke BRICS, sto SAD zele da sprece jer predstvalja pretnju njihovom sistemu sa WB i IMF.

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Kada smo kod poslednjeg.


U.S. Opposing China’s Answer to World Bank

BEIJING — For almost a year, China has been pitching an idea to its neighbors in Asia: a big, internationally funded bank that would offer quick financing for badly needed transportation, telecommunications and energy projects in underdeveloped countries across the region.

With the public backing of President Xi Jinping and a pledge from Beijing to contribute much of the $50 billion in initial capital, the plan could be seen as an answer to critics who have long argued that China should take on greater responsibilities as a world power. But the United States, perhaps the most vocal of such critics, especially on issues such as climate change and arms proliferation, has not embraced the Chinese proposal.



Inace je banka ipak napravljena:


China, 20 Other Countries Initiate New Asian Bank

Twenty-one Asian nations have signed on to a China-driven initiative to create a new development bank for Asia that's aimed at boosting infrastructure investment of all kinds. Beijing sees that as a way to raise its international standing, but Washington opposes the move as an unnecessary and potentially damaging rival to established institutions such as the World Bank.


Members are overwhelmingly developing nations, with Singapore the only advanced economy. The others range from economic powerhouses India and China to smaller but economically dynamic nations such as Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines and Mongolia. A few are drawn from among the poorest nations including Laos, Cambodia and Oman.

Others taking part are Uzbekistan, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Qatar, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Brunei, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia and Myanmar.

Just as important is who's not in the group: Solid American allies Japan, South Korea and Australia, although they, along with the U.S. may enter at a later date if the venture proves to be a success. Although Singapore is a close U.S. ally, its officials say entering now will give them a chance to make a positive impact on the way the bank plans to do business.


The U.S. is concerned that the new bank will introduce laxer standards for lending when it comes to environmental and labor protection, transparency of the project bidding process, and human rights. Washington worries that could undercut existing institutions like the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Asian Development Bank that have sought to impose standards to promote good governance, fair labor practices and a clean environment.

Naturally, Washington is also concerned about any move by China to shift attention away from institutions that it and its allies dominate. The world's first and second biggest economies deeply distrust each other and are locked in a ceaseless competition for pre-eminence in Asia, where the U.S. is the dominant military power but China's massive economy carries enormous heft.


Cudo jedno kako su SAD postale tako zeljne borbe protiv klimatskih promena. Sta bi sa Kjoto protokolom i SAD?

Edited by Zaz_pi
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Opet, o cemu ti to?


Mogao si da primetis da se nisam sporio sa tezom da SAD ne bi zelele da vide Dilmu. Sporio sam se sa tezom da im je to prioritetni cilj u koji bi ulozili pare i infrastrukturu. Naravno da biznis podrzava Nevesa, ah, topla voda... no, kao sto Djindjic nije mogao da pobedi Milosevica, tako i Neves sa svojim bekgraundom je imao mountain to climb da pobedi. 


Sto se Marininih sansi tice, mozes da se pravis blesav, ali ona je ostavila Nevesa iza sebe dok Dilma (a delimicno i Neves) nisu upregnuli propagandu protiv nje, mada je i ona sa par flip-flopova tome pripomogla a nije imala niti para niti masineriju da se protiv te duple propagande bori.


Da je bilo biti il ne biti, mogao je Neves da odustane i u ime viseg cilja podrzi Marinu. 


Marina, indigeneous iz prasume, sopstvenim naporom se izdigla iz sredine, bivsi ministar u Lulinoj vladi, postena... a sa "neoliberalnom" ekonomskom politikom. Ko tu ima vise sanse ona ili Neves ?

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Svako moze da vii sta sam ja napisao a sta ti, pa neka odluce. Uzgred, jesu ih upregli u drugom krugu kada je Silva podrzala Nevesa. Kao sto sam rekao, ona nije planirana kao glavni kandidat Socijalista, ona uopste nije bila kandidat za predsednika, i samo je smrtni slucaj nju izbacio u prvi plan. Nisam siguran da su tada mogli lako da se presaltaju posto je to bilo na mesec i po do izbora. :)

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Svako moze da vii sta sam ja napisao a sta ti, pa neka odluce. Uzgred, jesu ih upregli u drugom krugu kada je Silva podrzala Nevesa. Kao sto sam rekao, ona nije planirana kao glavni kandidat Socijalista, ona uopste nije bila kandidat za predsednika, i samo je smrtni slucaj nju izbacio u prvi plan. Nisam siguran da su tada mogli lako da se presaltaju posto je to bilo na mesec i po do izbora. :)


Kao sto moze da se vidi sta sam napisao nakon prvog kruga o mogucem prelivanju glasova Marine ka Nevesu.


Nije bila kandidat, ali je bila kandidat na proslim izborima kada je takodje skoro dogurala do 20%. 

Dakle, nije rec o nekoj levoj licnosti.,


Prosto, vidi se da nisi pratio brazilsku politiku.


Nego, da vidimo prognoze za drugi krug u Urugvaju. Sta velis?

Edited by Budja
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