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Jbt koja god dooms day boles se razvije mora da zavrsi prvo u Kanadi. 


Za sad ne zvuci kao nesto sto se prenosi lako. 


U glavnom gradu gvineje nema slučajeva. U liberiji i sijera leoneu su zabeleženi pojedinačni slučajevi u graničnim oblastima. Ovde je mnogo veći problem činjenica da bolest nije prepoznata mesec i po dana. Prenosi se direktnim kontaktom što je za nijansu bolje nago da je put vazduha.


poslato sa uberfensi preskupe elektronske naprave


šta je direktan kontakt ako je sex ja sam imun :fantom:


 ako je sex ja sam imun :fantom:


Doom samo za poročne. Nama krijeposnima ostaje svijet. 


Način dolaska otprilike i odslikava odnos relevatnosti i moći ova dva lidera...



Four Ebola cases confirmed in Guinea's capital

By Mouctar Bah (AFP) – 8 minutes ago

Conakry — An Ebola epidemic which has killed dozens of people in Guinea's southern forests has spread to the capital Conakry, health sources said on Thursday, confirming four new cases.

The patients were immediately put in isolation centres to avoid the highly contagious virus getting into the population, the sources told AFP.


Vidio u kadru legendu Simona iz Vice Newsa :0.6:

Posted (edited)


Edited by Roger Sanchez
Why Is the US Military Averaging More Than a Mission a Day in Africa?
The officers running secret operations there have been calling Africa "the battlefield of tomorrow, today."
The numbers tell the story: ten exercises, fifty-five operations, 481 security cooperation activities.
For years, the US military has publicly insisted that its efforts in Africa are small scale. Its public affairs personnel and commanders have repeatedly claimed no more than a “light footprint” on that continent, including a remarkably modest presence when it comes to military personnel. They have, however, balked at specifying just what that light footprint actually consists of. During an interview, for instance, a US Africa Command (AFRICOM) spokesman once expressed worry that tabulating the command’s deployments would offer a “skewed image” of US efforts there.
It turns out that the numbers do just the opposite.
Last year, according AFRICOM commander General David Rodriguez, the US military carried out a total of 546 “activities” on the continent—a catch-all term for everything the military does in Africa. In other words, it averages about one and a half missions a day. This represents a 217 percent increase in operations, programs and exercises since the command was established in 2008.




Venecuela juce,


ume li neko upucen razjasnit ovo?

Velka stvar, pa Madurovi colectivosi dovode u red sitnoburžoaske kontrarevolucionare i nasilne slugeranje USA. connie_1.gif Sve je normalno, progres ide dalje - fašizam ne smije pobijediti ko u Kijevu.

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