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Rumunski parlament našao odličan način da smanji korupciju proglašavući je legalnom

The Romanian parliament on Tuesday (10 December) exempted top politicians and lawyers from corruption crimes, in a move which flies in the face of agreements with the EU.The snap amendments, voted without parliamentary debate, say that the country's President, senators, members of the lower chamber, as well as lawyers, are no longer to be considered "public officials."This in turn means they can no longer be held to account for abuse of office, bribery, conflicts of interest and other corruption crimes.Those who have been convicted may walk free if the law comes into force.With many ministers also being parliamentarians and lawyers, the new immunity extends to government members.Meanwhile, mayors and other local officials would no longer be held liable for conflicts of interest.
možda bi mogli zgradu parlamenta da nazovu Hamsterdam
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Dobro, recimo da u izdanju od 2019., pedofilija bude prepoznata kao orijentacija. I, šta onda? Kakve će strašne posledice izazvati takva klasifikacija?
Онда се може очекивати лагана правна ерозија система. Некакав судски случај у некој припиздини или у самом Њујорку, где ће неки педофил да се извуче на мишљење судског вештака, док ће негде другде нека комшијска стража да судски да најебе што је држала локалног педофила на оку, па ће онда да се појављују избалансирани случајеви у епизодама судских и полицијских теве серија где ће педофил да изазива штогод симпатија... Миц по миц, такорећи неосетно, навикаваће нас.
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Volgograd: 18 mrtvih u eksplozijiIzvor: Tanjug Volgograd -- Bombaški napad na železničkoj stanici u Volgogradu izvela je žena samoubica usmrtivši najmanje 18, a ranivši 50 osoba.


Foto: YouTube (print screen)

Informaciju da se radi o terorističkom napadu potvrio je ruski Komitet za borbu protiv terorizma.Napad se odigrao na železničkoj stanici u 12:45 sati po lokalnom vremenu, izjavila je portparol regionalnog ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Svetlana Smolianinova.Povređeni su zbrinuti u bolnici, međutim zvaničnik ministarstva za hitne slučajeve naveo je za Itar Tas da bi broj žrtava mogao da bude i veći.Eksplozija se dogodila blizu detektora za metal koji se nalaze na ulazu glavne gradske železničke stanice u Volgogradu.Zasad niko nije preuzeo odgovornost za napad, koji je usledio nekoliko meseci nakon što je čečenski lider pobunjenika Doku Umarov pozvao pristalice da organizuju napade tokom Zimskih olimpijskih igara, koje se održavaju u februaru u Sočiju.Volgograd ima oko milion stanovnika. Nalazi se oko 690 kilometara severoistočno od Sočiju i u blizini za Rusiju nestabilnog regiona Severnog Kavkaza.Grad je već bio suočen sa terorističkim napadima. U oktobru je ubijeno šestoro ljudi, a više od 30 ranjeno kada se bombaš samoubica razneo u autobusu.

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Eklatantan primer terorizma..ne samo ubijanje nego i uvlacenje straha medj celokupnu populaciju drzave ili regije. Prekosutra je docek NG, svako ko planira da putuje ili bude na otvorenom ce imati golemu knedlu u grlu ili prosto odustati od namere.

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Ma jok, poravnaće Saude:

Bandar told Putin, “There are many common values ​​and goals that bring us together, most notably the fight against terrorism and extremism all over the world. Russia, the US, the EU and the Saudis agree on promoting and consolidating international peace and security. The terrorist threat is growing in light of the phenomena spawned by the Arab Spring. We have lost some regimes. And what we got in return were terrorist experiences, as evidenced by the experience of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the extremist groups in Libya. ... As an example, I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics in the city of Sochi on the Black Sea next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us, and they will not move in the Syrian territory’s direction without coordinating with us. These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role or influence in Syria’s political future.”
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Ma ko će znati šta se iza brega valja. Ova žena juče što se raznela u žel.stanici je ex-žena dvojice extremista/terorista, whatever, koji su poginuli u borbi sa policijom u Dagestanu u zadnjih par godina. I pre par meseci je za eksploziju u busu u Volgogradu bila odgovorna "crna udovica", a inače se težište terorističkih ćelija i borbe sa njima zadnjih godina prebacilo iz Čečenije u Dagestan (Mahačkalu najpre).Ovo gore za Bandara se vrti po netu, delom kao istina a delom i kao istina™.edit: evo malo detaljnijeg osvrta na "dagestansku vezu", koga interesuje, pisanog pre napada od juče i danas.

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The suicide bomber behind the bombing of the Volgograd railway station may be Pavel Pechenkin, a security source told Interfax. He was born in the city of Volzhsk in Mari El republic in central Russia. In spring 2012, he joined a Dagestan-based militant gang after converting to Islam and changing his name to Ansar ar-Rusi, the source said. The information was not officially confirmed.A DNA test of the remains of the bomber is currently being conducted. The news agency’s source said Pechenking’s father donated a blood sample to match against that of the terrorist.
inače, ovo je njegov yt snimak od pre par meseci ali je od jutros uklonjen.edit:
Volgograd trolleybus bomber's name is Pavel Pechenkin from Mari El region - VoR's source7img-20130920095753-692.jpg© Screenshot: YouTubeAccording to preliminary data, the terrorist's name is allegedly Pavel Pechenkin, born in Mari El region, who joined resistance forces in 2012, the Voice of Russia's source said. According to information obtained by the Voice of Russia, suspected Volgograd trolley-bus bomber Pechyonkin, aged 32, is a former paramedic. In 2012, he joined the bandit underground, having left a note for his mother on his lap top computer. Pechyonkin has since communicated with his parents two or three times via the Internet.pechenkin.PNG© Pechyonkin’s photo was provided to the Voice of Russia by the National Anti-Terrorist Committee.Pavel Pechenkin, a member of the Buinaksk ring operating in Dagestan who was born in the town of Volzhsk in the Republic of Mari El, is suspected of the Volgograd railroad terminal bombing, a source from the law enforcement authorities said.He said Pechenkin joined the Dagestani militants in spring 2012."Pavel's parents - Nikolai and Fanaziya - came to Dagestan in September 2013 and searched for him in the town of Buinaksk and the suburbs. The search was unsuccessful and they made a video address to their son, who had adopted the Islamic name of Ansar ar-Rusi. The parents failed to find their son and returned home," the source said.According to the parents, Pavel Pechenkin was an ER nurse in his home town.The suicide bomber will be definitively identified in DNA tests.Pavel's father, Nikolai, donated his blood for the DNA test on Monday morning.Voice of Russia
edit: negde kaže da je on aktivirao bombu na želstanici, negde da je to uradio u troli. konfuzija informacija...
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Prilika da Putin testira primenu nekih, ehm...zanimljivih novih zakona

Russia To Hold Relatives Of 'Terrorists' Financially Responsible For Material DamageRussian President Vladimir Putin has signed into law the controversial bill he introduced into the Russian parliament six weeks ago amending the Criminal Code to expand the number of offenses classified as terrorism and require the relatives of people deemed to have committed acts of terrorism to pay financial compensation for the material damage they caused.
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