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Insight: Saudis brace for 'nightmare' of U.S.-Iran rapprochement(Reuters) - When Saudi Arabia's veteran foreign minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal, made no annual address to the United Nations General Assembly last week for the first time ever, his unspoken message could hardly have been louder.For most countries, refusing to give a scheduled speech would count as little more than a diplomatic slap on the wrist, but for staid Saudi Arabia, which prefers backroom politicking to the public arena, it was uncharacteristically forthright.Engaged in what they see as a life-and-death struggle for the future of the Middle East with arch-rival Iran, Saudi rulers are furious that the international body has taken no action over Syria, where they and Tehran back opposing sides.Unlike in years past, they are not only angry with permanent Security Council members China and Russia, however, but with the United States, which they believe has repeatedly let down its Arab friends with policies they see as both weak and naive.Like Washington's other main Middle Eastern ally, Israel, the Saudis fear that President Barack Obama has in the process allowed mutual enemies to gain an upper hand.The alliance between the United States, the biggest economy and most powerful democracy, and Saudi Arabia, the Islamic monarchy that dominates oil supplies, is not about to break.But, as happened 40 years ago next week when an OPEC oil embargo punished U.S. war support for Israel, Riyadh is willing - albeit without touching energy supplies - to defy Washington in defense of its regional interests. The two have been at odds over Egypt since the Arab Spring, and increasingly so on Syria, where Saudi Arabia could now do more to arm Sunni Muslim rebels.The real focus of Saudi anger is the Shi'ite Muslim clerics who have preached Islamic revolution since coming to power in Tehran 34 years ago, and whose hands Riyadh sees orchestrating political foes in half a dozen Arab countries.Already aghast at U.S. reluctance to back rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Tehran's strongest Arab friend, Saudi princes were horrified to see Washington reaching out to Hassan Rouhani, the new Iranian president, last month."The Saudis' worst nightmare would be the administration striking a grand bargain with Iran," said former diplomat Robert Jordan, who was U.S. ambassador to Riyadh from 2001 to 2003.Although any meaningful U.S.-Iranian rapprochement looks distant, Obama telephoned Rouhani, an emollient self-described moderate, during the United Nations General Assembly.The Saudis now fear Obama may be tempted to thaw ties with Tehran by striking a deal to expand inspections of its atomic sites in return for allowing Iranian allies to go on dominating Arab countries such as Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. That such a bargain has never been publicly mooted from within the Obama administration has not stopped Saudis voicing their concerns."I am afraid in case there is something hidden," said Abdullah al-Askar, chairman of the foreign affairs committee in Saudi Arabia's advisory parliament, the Shoura Council. "If America and Iran reach an understanding it may be at the cost of the Arab world and the Gulf states, particularly Saudi Arabia."Askar stressed he was not privy to government thinking on the issue and was speaking in a purely personal capacity.The United States has no interest in alienating the Saudis. But as it balances priorities, some friction may be unavoidable - friction that worries Washington less than before, as rising U.S. domestic oil output makes it less beholden to Riyadh.Still, the Obama administration prefers to stress the cooperative side of the relationship between the two allies."The United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have a longstanding partnership and consult closely on issues of mutual interest, including preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, countering terrorism, ensuring stable and reliable energy supplies, and promoting regional security," said Bernadette Meehan, a spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council.
Ima jos teksta, gde se govori o pomoci koju je KSA dala za smenu MB u Egiptu. Sto je u suprotnosti sa onim sto rade u Siriji.Elem, ovde ima puno i veze sa novcem tj. naftom, gde Iran moze postati pivot igrac u tom poslu umesto KSA.

Šuška se da će OPCW dobiti Nobela za mir.


oni tu nagradu, izgleda, više ne daju ljudima....


Mogli su dati Lavrovu jer je izboxovao ulogu za OPCW u Siriji, ali onda bi bilo jasno da je to učinio uprkos naporima skorašnjeg nobelovca da u istom području upotrebi tomahavke. ^_^


Mogao je i Keri da je dobije,posto je prvi predlozio scenario bez bombardovanja...


Jeste, ali omaškom, kako je ispalo na kraju. :lol:edit: u stvari, twist bi bio potpuniji da je Keri dobio.

Mogli su dati Lavrovu jer je izboxovao ulogu za OPCW u Siriji, ali onda bi bilo jasno da je to učinio uprkos naporima skorašnjeg nobelovca da u istom području upotrebi tomahavke. ^_^
Lavrov + Putin + Keri + celo rusko MSP.

Mrtav sam ozbiljan kad kažem da je to jedna od najkvalitetnije odrađenih diplomatskih akcija u skorije vreme. Bilo je manje-više pitanje dana za početak (ograničenog, jel) bombardovanja, verbalni gaf Kerija rano ujutru, sirijski MSP koji se taman našao u Moskvi da ga Lavrov dovuče na KZŠ i ponudi quid pro quo, sve za jedno prepodne.Dostojno 1 Bizmarka, ako već ne Nobela. :lol:


Skoro da covek poveruje da Keri i nije bas slucajno napravio gaf, nego su svi smislili varijantu da izadju iz coska gde su se nasli. Mislim, i Obami je ovo dobro doslo, narocito kad su ga i Britanci odjavili u Parlamentu.


Ispostavilo se da su o toj temi on i Lavrov pričali par meseci ranije ali je Keri bio nepoverljiv u spremnost Asada da to odradi, tj. u kapacitet Moskve da ga ubedi u to. Problem je što su zvanični stavovi Stejt departmenta tog dana (kada je Keri dao izjavu u Londonu) minimizirale značaj Kerijeve izjave, sve do nivoa da je to rečeno u prolazu, da nije u tom kontekstu itd. SD je morao tog dana drugačije odraditi posao da bismo više verovali verziji da je to plan nekog dogovora Kerija i Lavrova. No, ne može se isključiti mogućnost i toga.


Za šest dana građani San Marina izlaze na referendum.

Voters will participate in two referendums to determine whether the government of San Marino should apply to join the European Union and whether workers' salaries should be tied to the rate of inflation.
Revaluation of employee salaries. If approved, salaries of workers will be revalued on January 1 at the same rate as the Government's official inflation figure.
Vrhunska ideja. Znaci ako je inflacija bila 2%, ja moram da dignem plate radnicima 2%, a da bi ti pokrio dici cu cene 2%, sto znaci cak da inflacija nije pogodila cene onoga sto ja prodajem, ovako hoce sigurno.
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