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Koliko ja kapiram, ne placaju mu odstetu zbog prozivljenog stresa nego zato sto ga nisu dobro lecili i pratili kad se vratio. I zbog koga je njegov PTSS dobio hronican karakter.
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Reportaža na DW o afganistanskim izbeglicama u Grčkoj.Dečurlija u zatvorima->centrima. Nema roditelja a Grčka ih vraća "odakle su došli".Nije humano i po EU pravilima ali se prećutno toleriše jer jbg onda će doći i na sever.Mrš smradovi licemerni... <_<

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Newsflash: ima i reaktora i bombi po okeanima i močvarama koje niti kontrolišu niti znaju gde su. Što je sve opet jako malo u odnosu ne jezero Karačaj koje je deponija nuklearnog otpada na otvorenom.

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"2053" - This is the number of nuclear explosions conducted in various parts of the globe."This piece of work is a bird's eye view of the history by scaling down a month length of time into one second. No letter is used for equal messaging to all viewers without language barrier. The blinking light, sound and the numbers on the world map show when, where and how many experiments each country have conducted. I created this work for the means of an interface to the people who are yet to know of the extremely grave, but present problem of the world."http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjAqR1zICA0

Edited by braca
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Rafael Korea, junak levice, promoter sumak kawsay, covek koji je upisao prava prirode u Ustav, pokazuje da su svi autoritarci govna. Pridruzio se Sari Palin u "drill, baby, drill" filozofiji odobrivsi pumpanje nafte u nacionalnom parku Yasuni, i to u jednom delu koji je poznat kao oblast sa najvecim biodiverzitetom u svetu.Vojnici njegove partije zasipaju tviter najodvratnijom mogucom demagogijom kako bi opravdali cin a koja se svodi na: da li vam je drazi neki tamo majmun ili bolesno dete?Oni gluplji samo ponavljaju: Korea, sta god da odlucis, mi smo sa tobom.

Ecuador approves Yasuni park oil drilling in Amazon rainforestcuador has abandoned a conservation plan that would have paid the country not to drill for oil in previously untouched parts of Yasuni National Park in the Amazon rainforest.President Rafael Correa said rich nations had failed to back the initiative, leaving Ecuador with no choice but go ahead with drilling.The park is one of the most biodiverse areas in the world.Hundreds of people gathered in Quito to protest against Mr Correa's decision.Oil exploitation has been taking place in parts of the Yasuni National Park, which covers nearly 10,000 sq km (3,860 sq miles), since the 1970s.Oil is Ecuador's main export. Exploitation of the new area is expected to start in the coming weeks.'World failed us'The UN-backed scheme to attract donations to forego drilling in the east of the park was launched by Mr Correa in 2010.The aim was to raise $3.6bn (£2.3bn), 50% of the value of the reserves in the park's Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputini (ITT) oil field, over 13 years.But in a televised news conference on Thursday, Mr Correa said the initiative had attracted only a fraction of the cash it had aimed to raise.With only $13m so far in actual donations, he said he had not other option but to abandon the fund as "the world has failed us"."I have signed the executive decree for the liquidation of the Yasuni-ITT trust fund and through it, end the initiative," the president said in a televised address.He called the decision one of the most difficult he had had to take as president."It was not charity that we sought from the international community, but co-responsibility in the face of climate change," he said.The president added that the oil exploration would leave most of the park untouched, affecting less that 1% of its area.Environmental activists demonstrated outside the presidential palace in the capital, Quito, about the announcement.According to the Yasuni-ITT trust fund, 78% of Ecuadorian are against drilling in the park, which is also home to indigenous communities, including the Tagaeri and the Taromenane.The fund, administered by the UN Development Programme, argues that stopping the drilling would prevent more than 400 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from going into the atmosphere.A scientist working for the US-based Center for International Environmental Law said it was "deeply disappointing" the funding initiative had failed."The Yasuni-ITT Initiative was the lone exception to the relentless expansion of hydrocarbon projects deeper into the most remote tracts of the western Amazon," Matt Finer told AP."Now there is really no viable alternative to stop the wave of drilling slated for the most biodiverse region of the world.''
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60 Years Later, CIA Admits Role in Iran Coup Everyone Knows It Orchestrated
The newly declassified material is believed to contain the CIA's first public acknowledgment of its role in deposing democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad [Mossadegh] after he nationalized the country's oil industry. The move—and Iran's broader lurch to the left under [Mossadegh]—infuriated Great Britain and the United States, which pressed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to depose him in 1953.[...]Mossadegh was sentenced to three years of solitary confinement in 1953 and remained under house arrest until his death in 1967. The U.S.-British plot to overthrow him served as a rallying point for the 1979 revolution that ousted the Shah, and Mossadegh remains a popular figure in Iran today despite his secularist politics.
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Ako smem ja, sa telefona (a nisam jos pogledao Olivera), Rodja je u pravu: ljigavac ili kreten. Na premijersku scenu se vratio narcisista Kevin Rudd, stari/novi lider Laburista, tako sto je iz (najmanje) treceg pokusaja skinuo sa liderske pozicije Juliu Gillard, dotadasnju premijerku, koja je prvobitno dosla na vlast kada je na isti nacin smenila Rudda.Pravila u Australiji (kao i NZ, UK, itd) kazu da stranka dobija mandat, a na vrhu liste je lider stranke, koji - ako ima the numbers - sastavlja vladu i postane premijer. Ako stranka u medjuizbornom periodu promeni lidera, menja se i premijer i nastavlja dalje dok ne raspise izbore u roku ili dok ima poverenje vecine poslanika.Labour je dotakao dno, Rudd je bio veoma popularan u pocetku, ali ne i medju kolegama, prema kojima je bio odvratan i ponasao se kao diktator i mikromenadzer. Zato su ga i sutnuli.Iako je u publici popularnost pocela da mu opada, vecina se ipak sazalila i Gillard je bila lame duck kojoj se "ne moze verovati". Dodaj tu carbon tax za koji je vec flip-flopnula, i eto lose slike. Takodje, ozi ekonomija se do sada izvlacila na rudarstvo i ogromne zalihe minerala, ali ukratko (dok ne sednem ujutro za kompjuter i ko covek otkucam, a ne ovako iz kreveta preko iPhone) cene padaju, Kina manje uvozi, dolar ojacao i skoro preskocio US$ i kriza se polako nazire.Na drugoj strani je idiot, u stilu Hollandea u Francuskoj, samo sto je Abbott desnicar. Konzervativac, verujem i deep down nice guy, ali nesposoban i setajuca gaf masina, koja je za sada dobro kontrolisana.Rudd je uspeo da skine Gillard jer je Labour klizio u ponor (kao DS sa Djilasom), pa su ovoga napokon vratili, iako je Rudd sam zasluzan za katastrofalne polove, jer vec 3 godine minira partiju zbog povredjenog egoa. Prvi poll je pokazao veliki come back za Labour, ali evo vec se vracaju pukotine na povrsinu, jer kolege Rudda, a i javnost, se prisecaju i uvidjaju kakav je to gmaz i sada opozicija moze jedino da izgubi, a ne Labour da pobedi. Znajuci ko njih vodi, sve je moguce.Dodatna komplikacija je STV metod glasanja, no o tome za nekih desetak sati.

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