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Jeste, to sam i ja prvo pomislio. Mada ne treba zaboraviti ni UK od pre dve godine.

koliko je poginulo pingvina, zdravo
nijedan, svi zive na juznoj hemisferi
Posted (edited)

Ne budi bukvalista, Daboviću, to su metaforički pingvini.Elem, Venerova oproštajna poruka koja u izvesnom smislu ima veze i sa drugom temom (muslimanska pošast, itd). Obratiti pažnju na Hajdegera na kraju, i činjenicu da je naš život ovde a ne na drugom svetu. Nema ovo veze sa hrišćanstvom, ovo je čist neo-faš paganizam.The demonstration of 26 May and HeideggerThe demonstrators on the 26 May will have reason to shout out their impatience and their anger. An infamous law that, once voted, can still be repealed.I've just heard an Algerian blogger: "In any case," he said, "in fifteen years the Islamists will be in power in France and they will abolish this law." Not to make us feel good, I'm sure, but because it is contrary to Sharia (Islamic law). It may well be the only point in common, superficially, between European tradition (which respects women) and Islam (which doesn't). But the peremptory statement of this Algerian sends a shiver down your spine. Its consequences would in other respects be as giant and catastrophic as the detestable Taubira law. [a law on slavery]We need to see that a France fallen into the power of the Islamists is within the realm of probability. For 40 years, the politicians and governments of all parties (other than the Front National), as well as business leaders and the church, have worked for it actively, accelerating Afro-Maghrebin immigration by all possible means. For a long time great writers have sounded the alarm, starting with Jean Raspail in his prophetic Camp des Saints (Robert Laffont), the new edition of which has had a record run.The demonstrators of the 26 May cannot ignore this reality. Their combat cannot be limited to a rejection of gay marriage. The "great replacement" of the population of France and of Europe, denounced by the writer Renaud Camus, is a much more catastrophic threat to the future.It is not enough to organise nice street demonstrations to prevent it. We need, first of all, to proceed to a true "intellectual and moral reform", as Renan said. It must permit reconquest of the identitarian French and European memory, the need for which is not yet clearly perceived. New gestures, spectacular and symbolic, will be necessary to stir up the lethargies, shake the anaesthetised consciences and reawaken the memory of our origins. We are entering a time when words must be authenticated by actions. We need to remember also, as Heidegger put it well (Time and Being) that the essence of man is his existence and not "another world". It is here and now that our destiny is played out until the last second. And this last second has as much importance as the rest of a life. This is why we need to be ourselves up to the last moment. It is in deciding oneself, in truly wishing one's fate that one conquers the void. And there is no way out of this requirement because we only have this life in which to be entirely ourselves or to be nothing.

Edited by Syme
Posted (edited)

A oglasila se i mala Marina:Several executives and members of the country's far-right National Front party took to Twitter to praise Venner. Directly referencing Venner's last blog post, National Front party leader Marine Le Pen called the writer's act an "eminently political" gesture destined to "awaken the people of France.""All our respect to Dominique Venner whose last gesture, an eminently political one, attempted to awaken the people of France. MLP"

Tout notre respect à Dominique Venner dont le dernier geste, éminemment politique, aura été de tenter de réveiller le peuple de France. MLP -- Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel)
21 mai 2013
Edited by Syme

pa makar su pismeniji od nasih fasista. tradicija, bato.Sent from Bender's iPad using Tapatalk

Ide vec duze vreme prica da svedska politika multikulturalnosti nije u skladu sa ociglednom rasnom segregacijom u svedskim gradovima.
prekjuče sam baš hteo da kačim, pa nekako omašio. uglavnom, čim sam na teletekstu video vest koja počinje s: "grupe mladih izazivaju nerede u štokholmu", znao sam koliko je sati. prepametne vlasti, naravno, nemaju pojma šta je izazvalo nerede u državi koja je uvek bila ponosna na svoju multikulturalnost, ali će ove godine po prvi put, ograničiti uvoz imigranata. razlog - još uvek nepoznat.simpatičan video prilog, može i na topik o korisnim pc idiotima.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=as4m-dDubjg
Posted (edited)

edit: lupam glupostino, nebitno, malo mi se pale crvene lampice kada se susretnem sa tvrdnjom da je Somalija, koja je trenutno u procesu implementacije serijatskog prava koje zabranjuje svaku kritiku islama, bezbednije mesto za kritikovanje islama od Svedske.

Edited by Marko M. Dabovic

Levicarski multikulti koncept po Evropi je ocigledno propao kao sto je propao i desnicarski gastarbejterski koncept pre toga.Izgleda da je vreme za neki novi...


Jebote, jedan riot i propao koncept. Živo me zanima gde bismo stigli kada bismo tako merili da li je propao koncept kapitalizma... (A cenim da ovi neredi imaju mnogo više veze upravo s njim, kao i oni u Francuskoj uostalom).Svi potrčali da sahrane multikulturalizam, a niko ne pominje "the C word".

Levicarski multikulti koncept po Evropi je ocigledno propao kao sto je propao i desnicarski gastarbejterski koncept pre toga.Izgleda da je vreme za neki novi...
Ok, koje su osnovne karakteristike tog levičarskog multikulti koncepta?

Očekujući Andurilov odgovor, jedan zgodan tekst:

At its best, liberalism is a compassionate, tolerant response to complex societal problems. Multiculturalism is one of its finer achievements because it holds together—albeit, only just—disparate communities with its promise of both a stake in the nation and the protection of cultural integrity. It has helped manage immigration and religious change in the last forty years, and the greatest mark of its success has been a relative lack of ethnic tension compared to problems in the developing world and the former Soviet bloc.In contrast, muscular liberalism is based upon a narrow understanding of national identity, is inherently authoritarian, and distracts us from real socioeconomic problems. But the idea will probably not go away. By redefining anti-immigration and anti-Muslim impulses as a defense of Western values such as women’s rights and the rule of law, it gives a veneer of responsibility to far baser emotions. It is a Trojan Horse for a subtle new authoritarianism that true liberals must resist.

bilo je nesto slicno u amsterdamu pre nekih pet godina. u mom kvartu! isto je okidac bio ubistvo od strane policije. centralniji kvartovi nisu ni osetili, i nije se cak nesto mnogo ni pricalo o tome. u svakom slucaju niko nije spontano spomenuo u razgovoru sa mnom. i sad mi je cudno, koliko taj dogadjaj nije ispao dogadjaj.

Jebote, jedan riot i propao koncept.
Pa nije bas jedan riot nego stanje beznadja i ocaja gde su ovi neredi samo uvod u nesto gore.
Živo me zanima gde bismo stigli kada bismo tako merili da li je propao koncept kapitalizma... (A cenim da ovi neredi imaju mnogo više veze upravo s njim, kao i oni u Francuskoj uostalom).
Sadasnji koncept kapitalizma jeste propao a ovakvi neredi jesu i svedocanstvo tome samo sto to nije jedini razlog i jedini problem oko getoizacije i izolacije citavih grupa.
Ok, koje su osnovne karakteristike tog levičarskog multikulti koncepta?
Ukratko, ja bih levicarski koncept multikulturalizma opisao kao stavljanje tolerancije u odnosu na razne grupe i njihovu kulturu iznad prava pojedinca a takvo stanje u okviru tih grupa na svojoj kozi obicno najvise osecaju deca, homoseksualci, mlade devojke i zene. Levicarsko zato sto se radi o tipicnom primeru gde se za neko zamisljeno vise dobro (multikulti, tolerancija i mir u kuci u ovom slucaju) zrtvuju osnovna ljudska prava i slobode.Pojednostavljeno - desnicarski gastarbajterski koncept je tokom pedesetih i sezdesetih godina postavio osnove getoizacije, izolacije i diskriminacije u zapadnoevropskim gradovima a levicarski multikulti je zatim doprineo da se takvo disfunkcionalno stanje tolerise i cak produbi.
Posted (edited)

u međuvremenu, desilo se još malo terenskog rada na međuverskom dijalogu.

A dramatic video tonight emerged of a man with bloodied hands, carrying knives and ranting 'We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you', after a serving soldier was hacked to death by two men just 200 yards from an Army barracks.The man can be seen and heard talking to the camera. The video came as terrified eyewitnesses saw two men shot by police marksmen after the machete attack in Woolwich, south-east London. The two men are thought to have waited around for 20 minutes until Metropolitan Police officers arrived and then tried to attack them - but were swiftly shot by armed policemen, including a woman.They apparently shouted 'Allahu Akbar', which means 'God is great' in Arabic, and tried to film the attack, the BBC's political editor Nick Robinson said.

Metropolitan Police@metpoliceuk 2h “I ask people to remain calm&avoid unnecessary speculation. There will be an increased police presence in the area this evening.” #woolwich
:fantom: Edited by Hella
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