InvisibleLight Posted November 28, 2012 Posted November 28, 2012 novi momenti u magnitski slucaju: kontekst:
Roger Sanchez Posted November 29, 2012 Posted November 29, 2012 I dok se čekaju večerašnje demonstracije na koje se poziva stanovništvo Kranja, mariborski gradonačelnik, Franc Kangler, od koga je sve i počelo i dalje odbija da podnese ostavku, mada je u svojoj poslednjoj izjavi za slovenačke medije rekao da će dati ostavku ako mu to naloži premijer, Janez Janša, ili ako ostavke daju i gradonačelnici Ljubljane i Kopra, Zoran Janković i Boris Popovič.Odgovarajući na izjavu Franca Kanglera, koparski gradonačelnik je rekao da je spreman da da ostavku ako ostavke daju i predsednik SAD, Barak Obama i šef kineske partije, Hu Jintao, i ako se Kejt Midlton razvede od princa Vilijama. (ovaj u Koperu).
Lezilebovich Posted November 30, 2012 Posted November 30, 2012 (edited) slovenci prepisuju od nas Kakšna je razlika med neveljavno glasovnico ali bojkotom volitev?Če oddaš neveljavno glasovnico, si nihče ne razdeli tvojega neveljavnega glasu.Če ne greš na volitve, si praktično podaril svoj glas nekomu drugemu.V primeru, da bi se nabralo za več kot 10 procentov neveljavnih glasovnic, bi ljudstvo s tem dejanjem izrazilo naslednje;1. nestrinjanje s celotno izbiro kandidatov,2. nezaupanje v delovanje institucij pravne države od parlamenta naprej,3. nezaupanje v volitve in volilni sistem RS,4. nezaupanje v učinkovitost in pravičnost delovanja demokratičnih institucij,Skratka, glede na to, da se je val protestov po Sloveniji sprožil, in da je sporočilo ljudstva enoznačno in soglasno, mislim, da je logična posledica tega, da se VSI UDELEŽIMO VOLITEV IN DA IZPOLNIMO ČIMVEČ NEVELJAVNIH GLASOVNIC. To bi bila nova oblika upora v demokraciji, ki jo še nismo bili priča in dober element državljanske nepokorščine!PREČRTAJ VOLILNE GLASOVE: DOVOLJ IMAMO! Edited November 30, 2012 by Lezilebovich
Bane5 Posted November 30, 2012 Posted November 30, 2012 (edited) docekah i to da se u ljubljani dese iole veci neredi na ulicama.mozda ce stvarno taj smak sveta? Edited November 30, 2012 by Bane5
Roger Sanchez Posted November 30, 2012 Posted November 30, 2012 (edited) Edited November 30, 2012 by Roger Sanchez
steins Posted December 1, 2012 Posted December 1, 2012 jesam još uvek pospan i nikakav ali moram da podelim s vama nešto - mene sve ovo polako počinje da podseća na tamo 60te i 70te. Nisam siguran što
Аврам Гојић Posted December 1, 2012 Posted December 1, 2012 jesam još uvek pospan i nikakav ali moram da podelim s vama nešto - mene sve ovo polako počinje da podseća na tamo 60te i 70te. Nisam siguran što a lici, ali nije to, nazalost...ovo je ogorcena borba za trajno smanjene resurse. daj meni a ne drugom. bez ideje i ideala.Sent from my Next7P12 using Tapatalk 2
Prospero Posted December 1, 2012 Posted December 1, 2012 (edited) plati pa klati gasi: Town bills fire victim for water used at blazeBy Scott WaldmanPublished 9:07 p.m., Thursday, November 29, 2012BRUNSWICK — Mike Petrio's mailbox is one of the few things he has left after a fire destroyed his Eagle Mills home earlier this week.And the mailbox at 375 Garfield Road is now full, with a $1,400 bill from the Town of Poestenkill for the water used to combat the blaze that consumed his home on Monday. Petrio lives in the Town of Brunswick and firefighters traveled a mile down the rural road to fill their trucks at a Poestenkill hydrant.It took multiple fire companies nine hours to knock down the inferno, Eagle Mills volunteer fire department chief Tom Martin said. The home was set a quarter-mile off the road and flames ripped through the structure. The roof collapsed into the home and the windows blew out. Firefighters set up temporary ponds and zipped down the road to fill their tanker trucks at the best hydrant.Unfortunately for Petrio, that hydrant happened to be in Poestenkill, which buys its water from Brunswick. Martin says his firefighters don't have time to worry about the town in which a hydrant is located when they are battling a blaze."When we go out to a reported fire, this type of situation never enters our mind," he said.Petrio, whose house is likely a total loss, could not be reached Thursday night. He has not responded to the bill, town officials said.Poestenkill buys its water at a rate of $4.35 per thousand gallons from Brunswick and Troy, town Supervisor Dom Jacangelo said. He defended the bill and said it was one of the strange circumstances that has been brought about in this era of strained resources."It's basically to recover the resources put out by the taxpayers of Poestenkill," he said.He said the firefighters used 73,000 gallons of Poestenkill's water and that there were hydrants a similar distance from the burning home in Brunswick. Jacangelo expected Petrio's home insurance would cover the bill and said it was similar to an ambulance charging a patient's health insurance. He added the bill could be reduced.Martin disagreed that a homeowner should ever have to pay for water. He said firefighters need to select the most efficient place to obtain water in any fire situation and that they would not alter their practice as a result of the bill. He said Eagle Mills will host a benefit for Petrio at 8 a.m. on Sunday at the fire hall, 627 Brunswick Road to help pay for the bill and the rebuilding of his life. Edited December 1, 2012 by buffalo bill
Lezilebovich Posted December 1, 2012 Posted December 1, 2012 (edited) a povlači se i ideja da su neonaci namerno ubačeni da sjebu demonstracije Edited December 1, 2012 by Lezilebovich
Prospero Posted December 1, 2012 Posted December 1, 2012 Saliv-ate: Ukrainian waitress pleads guilty to spitting in MPs’ food over 4 yearsPublished: 30 November, 2012, 13:4As a worker got fired from the cafeteria of the Ukrainian Parliament for spitting into dishes served to MPs, she announced that this was her personal revenge for them ruining the country.The scandal erupted after a Communist Party MP discovered that someone had spat in his soup, Ukrainian mass media reported. A brief investigation soon led to waitress Yulia Borshchenko, who was quickly fired for her behavior.However, Borshchenko said she did not regret her actions, as such behavior was a demonstration of her personal political position.“You think we have good salaries in the Supreme Rada cafeteria? Not at all, just 3,200 hryvnia [about US$390 per month] – that is nothing if you live in the Ukrainian capital. I only worked there for four years because it gave me an opportunity to take revenge on the parliamentarians for what they do with the country and with the people. If someone thinks that I regret what I did, this is a mistake – I follow my political position,” the waitress told the press.She added that she had spat into the deputies’ soup many times.In the end, Borshchenko added that she will no longer be looking for a waitress job, but will start a writing career instead.
Aće Posted December 1, 2012 Posted December 1, 2012 Za sada još uvek nije jasno šta su zapravo zahtevi revoltiranih slovenačkih građana. Njihove parole su usmerene protiv svih političkih opcija u Sloveniji, protiv svih političara, bankara, tajkuna, advokata i sudija, kako kažu protiv svih koji su ih opljačkali i koje nazivaju mafijom. "SLO" je skraćenica za "Samo Lopovi Obogate", kažu demonstranti.
Indy Posted December 2, 2012 Posted December 2, 2012 ‘Iraqis cannot forget what Americans have done here’ “It is not written in our hearts, it is carved in our hearts.” I awoke this morning still shaken with these words in my head.Yesterday I was in Ramadi and Fallujah. Instead of bringing a message of caring, of empathy for their suffering and a desire for peace, my presence as someone from the U.S, seemed to open wounds that are unfathomably deep.I sat in on a lecture, given in English, to maybe fifty or more young men and women at a college in Ramadi. They were all about 22 and 23 years of age, in their last year of a 5-year program. That means they were about 13 or 14 years old during the U.S. led invasion and beginning of the occupation. I was invited to speak by the president as an “honored guest” after the lecture. To my embarrassment the professor graciously hurried through his lecture on my account. I had everyone’s attention. It was awkward for me, and after introducing myself, I said I would be grateful to hear from them. There was only silence. I am sure my words sounded empty, trite and artificial.Then a young man in the front row only a couple of feet from me said in a quiet voice “We have nothing to say. The last years have been only sad ones.” Again there was silence.Sami, my host from Najaf and part of the Muslim Peacemaker Team, stood and shared. He told the story of how, after the U.S. bombing assaults on Fallujah, he and others came from the Shia cities of Najaf and Karbala, to carry out a symbolic act of cleaning up rubble and trash in the streets of Fallujah. This gesture, he said, melted hearts and healed some of the brokenness between Sunni and Shia. He spoke of the delegation of peacemakers from the United States who were just in Najaf for twelve days, of the work to build bridges and seek reconciliation.An impassioned young woman from the middle of the lecture hall spoke up. It was obviously not easy for her. “It is not,” she said, “about lack of water and electricity [something I had mentioned]. You have destroyed everything. You have destroyed our country. You have destroyed what is inside of us! You have destroyed our ancient civilization. You have taken our smiles from us. You have taken our dreams!”Someone asked, “Why did you this? What did we do to you that you would do this to us?”“Iraqis cannot forget what Americans have done here,” said another. “They destroyed the childhood. You don’t destroy everything and then say ‘We’re sorry.’ “You don’t commit crimes and then say ‘Sorry.’” “To bomb us and then send teams to do investigations on the effects of the bombs…No, it will not be forgotten. It is not written on our hearts, it is carved in our hearts.”We are happy to make bridges between people, said the president of the college, but we will not forget. What can you do? In Fallujah 30% of the babies are born deformed.” What can you do?He spoke of how he’d met an American soldier in the airport. He was part of the Special Forces in Iraq. The soldier told him “The bible tells us not to kill. But we were taught to kill, to kill for nothing. Just kill. I am so sorry.”“Build bridges? the president repeated. Apologize? he said. What can you do?” There was no rancor in his tone or demeanor, only anger and deep pain.A young man said….The U.S. is still here. There are fifteen thousand people at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. [and 5,000 security personal to protect them]. They have their collaborators. The war is not over.We later visited a Sheik in Fallujah in his home. He and Sami embraced warmly and he welcomed us into the sitting area. In the course of our sharing we spoke of our visit to nearby Ramadi, of what was said there. “War always results in two losers,” he said sorrowfully.Cathy Breen works with Voices for Creative Non-Violence and is a Catholic Worker at Mary House in New York City. She lived in Iraq prior to the U.S. invasion in 2003 and during the occupation. BTW. U drugim vestimaAbuse is inevitable if you want a fighting militaryAs unpalatable as it might be, to have an effective military your armed forces need to be able to kill the enemy - and the problem is that it is remarkably hard to get people to kill another person. This was apparent during and after WWII where studies showed that most soldiers did not fire at the enemy and avoided killing if they could. Since then, significant effort as been put into how you train soldiers for battle, primarily to desensitise them to the reality of a human enemy.Developing a culture that allows soldiers to kill is thus a central concern of military indoctrination.....The consequences for whistle-blowers in society tend to be severe, but in the military it can literally be life and death. Some of the most egregious immoral and illegal acts by soldiers only come to light after return and stand-down, when testimony, photos or comments creep out. Yet at the time of the atrocity nothing is said or done - as you cannot be a traitor.....Ultimately if we want a military we will have to accept that a certain proportion of people will be broken mentally and/or physically in our service - it is a consequence of what they do and how they do it.(Bold moj. Uz drugi bold mi došlo da nalepim sliku gen. Mladića, ali ću se sudržati.)Kako smo došli do ove situacije. Je li nam vojno-industrijski kompleks toliko stisnuo jajca (mi danas u Australiji, van jedno 2 autobusa socijalista/komunista i nešto preživelih hipika, praktično nemamo antiratni pokret - a "u ratu smo u kome u stvari ne učestvujemo", hm, gde sam to ranije već video?)Meni je značajno ono prvo u boldu. De facto priznanje ispiranja mozga, negde tamo u vreme Vijetnama (pa na ovamo), ruku pod ruku sa profesionalizacijom vojničke kaste (logika: niko preterano ne žali žrtve ni naše strane; druge žrtve, sa početka posta - ne vidimo). Plus ukrevećeni mediji, komotno se današnja uloga žurnalizma može ilustrovati sa pušenjem generalske kite ispod radnog stola. (Ko je rekao Broadwell?)Žrtve, tko jebe, nas obezmuđene stanovnike demokratija, tko jebe. Važno je samo biti strog i nepravičan prema zviždačima (Manning/Assange), ništa ne sme da zaustavi distopični korak u budućnost vojnoindustrijskog kompleksa (danas bi bilo tačnije: vojno/bezbednosno/korporativni kompleks). Disposition matrix, kill lists... Tko nam piše ovaj život, Orwell?70% penzionisanih USA generala posle penzionisanja rade kao konsultanti "bezbednosnih korporacija". Privatizacija ratovanja, živelo tzv. slobodno tržište.Who cares! Daj neku fotku Kardashian! Jebote, ovaj svet je tačno kao 1 mélange raznih distopičnih SF priča i romana iz našeg detinjstva/mladosti, uglavnom minus onih zabavnih delova.
Roger Sanchez Posted December 2, 2012 Posted December 2, 2012 U Japanu se urušio najsavršenije građeni savršeni tunel, tunel Sasago.Ima žrtava.
steins Posted December 3, 2012 Posted December 3, 2012 ‘Iraqis cannot forget what Americans have done here’BTW. U drugim vestimaAbuse is inevitable if you want a fighting military(Bold moj. Uz drugi bold mi došlo da nalepim sliku gen. Mladića, ali ću se sudržati.)Kako smo došli do ove situacije. Je li nam vojno-industrijski kompleks toliko stisnuo jajca (mi danas u Australiji, van jedno 2 autobusa socijalista/komunista i nešto preživelih hipika, praktično nemamo antiratni pokret - a "u ratu smo u kome u stvari ne učestvujemo", hm, gde sam to ranije već video?)Meni je značajno ono prvo u boldu. De facto priznanje ispiranja mozga, negde tamo u vreme Vijetnama (pa na ovamo), ruku pod ruku sa profesionalizacijom vojničke kaste (logika: niko preterano ne žali žrtve ni naše strane; druge žrtve, sa početka posta - ne vidimo). Plus ukrevećeni™ mediji, komotno se današnja uloga žurnalizma može ilustrovati sa pušenjem generalske kite ispod radnog stola. (Ko je rekao Broadwell?)Žrtve, tko jebe, nas obezmuđene stanovnike demokratija, tko jebe. Važno je samo biti strog i nepravičan prema zviždačima™ (Manning/Assange), ništa ne sme da zaustavi distopični korak u budućnost vojnoindustrijskog kompleksa (danas bi bilo tačnije: vojno/bezbednosno/korporativni kompleks). Disposition matrix, kill lists... Tko nam piše ovaj život, Orwell?70% penzionisanih USA generala posle penzionisanja rade kao konsultanti "bezbednosnih korporacija". Privatizacija ratovanja, živelo tzv. slobodno tržište.Who cares! Daj neku fotku Kardashian! Jebote, ovaj svet je tačno kao 1 mélange raznih distopičnih SF priča i romana iz našeg detinjstva/mladosti, uglavnom minus onih zabavnih delova.sami smo krivi što smo sazreli za apokalipsu. prešli smo put od onoga Question Everything do Question nothing pošto smo postali jebeni megalomani - sve je postalo krucijalno, sve je postalo globalna borba za ultimativne stavove s kojima se ne polemiše od ljuCkih prava do demokracije. Parole i floskule iz PC se prosipaju olako i prihvataju kao univerzalni aksiomi a civilizacijske vrednosti se postižu fašizmom i kolonijalizmom - ukratko, jedno masno licemerje.I ko će tu da postavi pitanje/kritikuje? Niko normalan - jer će ga odmah uvaljati u katran i perje kao oponenta civilizacijskim vrednostima.
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