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Jel mu to sin sa ljubavnicom, sekretaricom/šeficom kabineta...? On valjda ima dva zakonita matora sina.
Ima dva starija sina iz braka sa Galinom Zhelnerovich (u kome je zvanično još uvek, mada samo na papiru): Viktor i Dzmitry. Ovaj klinac je vanbračno dete, majka je nekadašnja personalna doktorka Lukaševa, imenom Irina Abelskaya.2cebaf813d.jpg Edited by Jolly Roger
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Ansar Dine fighters destroy Timbuktu shrines 1_tomb_LW-420x0.jpgAl-Qaeda-linked group in northern Mali attacks tombs of Sufi saints just days after sites put on UNESCO endangered list.A hardline religious group occupying northern Mali has destroyed 15th-century mausoleums of Sufi Muslim saints in Timbuktu and have threatened to demolish the remaining 13 UNESCO world heritage sites in the fabled city, witnesses have said.The attack by Ansar Dine group on Friday came just four days after UNESCO placed Timbuktu on its list of heritage sites in danger after the seizure of its northern two-thirds in April by rebels."They have already completely destroyed the mausoleum of Sidi Mahmoud (Ben Amar) and two others. They said they would continue all day and destroy all 16," Yeya Tandina, a local Malian journalist, said by telephone."They are armed and have surrounded the sites with pick-up trucks. The population is just looking on helplessly," he said, adding that the Islamists were currently taking pick-axes to the mausoleum of Sidi El Mokhtar, another cherished local saint."It looks as if it is a direct reaction to the UNESCO decision," Timbuktu deputy Sandy Haidara said by telephone, confirming the attacks.The Islamist Ansar Dine group backs strict sharia, Islamic law, and considers the shrines of the local Sufi version of Islam idolatrous."Ansar Dine will today destroy every mausoleum in the city. All of them, without exception," Sanda Ould Boumama, the group’s spokesman, told AFP news agency through an interpreter from the city."God is unique. All of this is haram (or forbidden in Islam). We are all Muslims. UNESCO is what?" he said, declaring that Ansar Dine was acting "in the name of God".UNESCO condemnationThe UN cultural agency UNESCO on Saturday deplored the "tragic" destruction called for the rampage to stop."This is tragic news for us all," UNESCO executive committee chair Alissandra Cummins said in a statement issued to the AFP news agency."I appeal to all those engaged in the conflict in Timbuktu to exercise their responsibility.""Since government forces were routed in April, Ansar Dine and other Islamist groups with links to Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) have gained the upper hand over less well-armed Tuaregs whose goal is a secular, independent northern state.The saint's 15th-century tomb was also desecrated by extremists in May after armed fighters seized control of the vast desert north following a March coup in Bamako.Beyond its historic mosques, the World Heritage site of Timbuktu, once a cradle of Islamic learning, has 16 cemeteries and mausolea, according to the UNESCO website.Sometimes called the city of 333 saints, Timbuktu is also home to nearly 100,000 ancient manuscripts, some dating back to the 12th century, preserved in family homes and private libraries under the care of religious scholars.At its height in the 1500s, the city, a Niger River port at the edge of the Sahara 1,000km north of Bamako, was the key intersection for salt traders travelling from the north and gold traders from the south.
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Pripadnici Obalne straže RH nalaze se u humanitarnoj akciji spašavanja većeg broja osoba u području ZERP-a, južno od otoka Mljeta. Prema dojavi Nacionalne središnjice za usklađivanje traganja i spašavanja na moru (MRCC Rijeka), u izviđanje je poslan zrakoplov Hrvatskog ratnog zrakoplovstva PC-9. Utvrđeno je da se radi o motornoj jedrilici koja plovi pod nepoznatom zastavom. U područje spašavanja upućen je brod Obalne straže RH "Hrvatska Kostajnica".Posada broda zatražila je pomoć nazvavši 112, rekavši da se na brodu nalazi 65 muškaraca podrijetlom iz Sirije, Afganistana, Somalije i Egipta. Prema njihovim riječima, dvije su osobe u teškom zdravstvenom stanju. obalna_mljet_01072012-2m.jpg obalna_mljet_01072012-3m.jpg
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blakehounshellIf there's ever a real emergency in DC, this place is going to hell...riots, people eating each other in the streets, shotguns everywhere...
http://www.freep.com/article/20120702/NEWS07/207020344/East-Coast-storm-leaves-millions-without-power-in-a-heat-waveThe bulk of the storm damage was in West Virginia, Washington and the capital's Virginia and Maryland suburbs. On Sunday, officials raised the death toll to 14. At least seven of the dead were killed in Virginia, including a 90-year-old woman asleep in her bed when a tree slammed into her home. Two young cousins camping in New Jersey were killed when a tree fell on their tent. Two were killed in Maryland, one in Ohio, one in Kentucky and one in Washington.
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au pa vi cete imati jos dosta ovoga...sranje.
Ispada da zaista nisu namjeravali u ovu dolinu suza, nego su zbog havarije samo promašili Italiju, budući da su cijelu noć odbijali tegalj da sa puta ne skrenu. Nakon noći promišljanja i vijećanja, a vjerojatno im je i objašnjeno da hrvatski Organi ne namjeravaju ni ponajmanje asistirati u popravku motora, oko podneva prihvatiše tegalj i vjerojatno su sad negdje u blizini luke Gruž. Umjesto u članici EU, završili su u acceding state. Life sucks, but be thankful for the small mercies.
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Ironija sudbine je kako je krhka jedrilica vezana samo 20- ak metara od stotinjak milijuna eura vrijedne, superluksuzne 92 m duge megajahte "Mayan Queen" koja je vlasništvo meksičkog milijardera i vlasnika više rudnika srebra te trgovačkih lanaca Alberta Bailleresa.
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Life sucks, but be thankful for the small mercies.
Nisam ni sanjao da ću na Politici pročitati nešto ovako mudro.BTW. Nadam se da se asylum seekers neće sad navaditi na Lijepu Njihovu i kvariti im bez veze i ikakvog razloga turističku sezonu.
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GlaxoSmithKline platit će 3 milijarde $ kazne: Potplaćivali liječnike da djeci propisuju štetne lijekoveglaxo_250600S1.jpgBritanski farmaceutski div također je priznao praksu potplaćivanja liječnika kako bi propisivali njegove proizvode u zamjenu za putovanja, miljunske isplate za predavačke turneje i karte za Madonnine koncerte GlaxoSmithKline, jedna od najvećih farmaceutskih tvrtki na svijetu, morat će platiti 3 milijarde dolara u nagodbi za reklamiranje lijekova u neodobrene svrhe i zatajivanje podataka o sigurnosti lijekova. Iako još čeka odobrenje suda, ovo je najveća takva nagodba u povijesti SAD-a, a da se slučaj tretira kao medijska bomba govori i činjenica da ga je novinarima predstavio zamjenik državnog tužitelja SAD-a James Cole.Tvrtka je u SAD-u promovirala antidepresive Paxil i Wellbutrin za liječenje djece i adolescenata, iako takvu njihovu uporabu nije odobrila američka Agencija za hranu i lijekove (FDA). Agenciji GSK nije dostavio niti podatke o Avandiji , lijeku za dijabetičare.Britanski farmaceutski div također je priznao praksu potplaćivanja američkih liječnika kako bi propisivali njegove proizvode, za što su nagrađivani putovanjima, milijunskim isplatama za predavačke turneje te čak i kartama za Madonnine koncerte.Izvršni direktor GSK-a Andrew Witty objavio je da je tvrtka, osim novčane kazne, prihvatila petogodišnji nadzor američkih vlasti nad svojim poslovanjem u SAD-u. Također je izmijenila način poslovanja u marketingu i prodaji te otpustila zaposlenike odgovorne za slučaj. link

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