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1) By fourteen votes to two, Finds that it has jurisdiction to entertain the Application filed by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on 17 November 2008 and that this Application is admissible; IN FAVOUR: President Owada; Vice-President Tomka; Judges Koroma, Simma, Abraham, Keith, Sepúlveda-Amor, Bennouna, Skotnikov, Cançado Trindade, Yusuf, Greenwood, Donoghue; Judge ad hoc Vukas; AGAINST: Judge Xue; Judge ad hoc Roucounas; (2) By fifteen votes to one, Finds that the Hellenic Republic, by objecting to the admission of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to NATO, has breached its obligation under Article 11, paragraph 1, of the Interim Accord of 13 September 1995; IN FAVOUR: President Owada; Vice-President Tomka; Judges Koroma, Simma, Abraham, Keith, Sepúlveda-Amor, Bennouna, Skotnikov, Cançado Trindade, Yusuf, Greenwood, Xue, Donoghue; Judge ad hoc Vukas; AGAINST: Judge ad hoc Roucounas;
Zbir glasova partije Zirinovskog i partije Zjuganova je bezmalo 20%.Tamo je, cini se, cvrsta ruka uvek dobro dosla.Mozda je Putin delovao kao neko ko je 'omeksao'?
Моји познаници из Русије су углавном гласали за комунисте. Разлог је: битно да не гласају за Путина, а за Зјуганова су једино сигурни да ће ући у Думу. С друге стране, дјелују прилично задовољни животом у Русији. Чудан неки народ.

naravno da su zadovoljni. nikada bolje ziveli nisu. imaju vecu slobodu nego obicno i solidan standard - sto ne bi bili zadovoljni


I tako vracaju putinu. Pu, stoka nezahvalna, sve im dao, a oni bi da neprijavljeno i nezakonito izvikuju parole.

Moskva: Privedeno 300 demonstranataMoskva -- Policija je privela više od 300 učesnika večerašnjih neprijavljenih demonstracija u centru Moskve, a među privedenima je i nekoliko opozicionih lidera.Prema informacijama agencije Itar tass, među privedenima su predsednik partije Jabloko Sergej Mitrohin, jedan od lidera pokreta "Solidarnost" Boris Nemcov, kao i pisac i aktivista Edvard Limonov. Oni su kasnije pušteni na slobodu.

Razni narodi - razna ponašanja. (Pod utiskom evsti o premlaćivanju protestanata u Rusiji, dolazi mi jedan stih Raše Popova (o ratovima 1990-ih) - ".. mozgovi im razno cure".)Šta rade Grci?

Grci stežu kaiš uz rasprodati kuvarBy DEREK GATOPOULOSAssociated PressATHENS, Greece (AP) - It's the ultimate belt-tightening handbook: No Meat? Push an eggplant through the grinder instead. Chew your food long enough for your stomach to feel full. And don't forget to sweep crumbs off your table and into a jar.These are some of the tips Greeks used to survive the World War II occupation that have been collected in "Starvation Recipes" - a cookbook that has become a surprise hit as millions of Greeks struggle to make ends meet in a new era of hardship brought on by economic crisis.In the grim years of the occupation, starving Athenians invented new ways to stay alive, helped by daily advice columns in the capital's newspapers known as "survival guides."Historian and high school teacher Eleni Nikolaidou spent 18 months compiling recipes and survival tips - combing through more than 6,000 scanned newspaper clippings from the 1941-44 Nazi rule to produce her book. "Starvation Recipes" was released this year and is on its second print run."It was all about getting by with very little," said Nikolaidou, sitting at her Athens home, with books everywhere stacked to the ceiling.Nikolaidou stumbled onto the subject two years ago while working on a masters degree on Greece's wartime economy."I read an article from the front page of a newspaper, 'How to collect crumbs' - a little each day so that you could have a cupful of crumbs by the end of the week, something extra to survive. It really struck me."She was drawn in by the details: Horseshoes used to reinforce dilapidated footwear, baked sand to preserve lemons, and stray cats and dogs hunted on Athens streets for food."People would come up with new ways to cheat their stomachs: There were starters designed to cut your appetite. And people were advised to chew their food very, very slowly, so it felt as though they were eating more," Nikolaidou said."There was no sugar available, so at weddings, the sugared almonds handed out were black. Raisin pulp was used as the sweetener."Coffee shops had no coffee, so they served a brew made out of ground chickpeas. Newspaper articles at the time encouraged Athenians to make the best of it."The new coffee can be enjoyed just as much as a prewar coffee, because people visit the coffee shop for more than just the coffee," one newspaper wrote.Publisher Oxigono says "Starvation Recipes" has sold about 2,000 copies - considered an early success despite the modest number, helped by Nikolaidou's appearance on television, newspaper articles and Internet buzz. A third print run is planned this month.After decades of overspending, Greece was forced from late 2009 to grapple with its ruined finances by imposing harsh taxes and surviving on rescue loans from the IMF and European Union.The result means 9 out of 10 Greeks are changing their food-shopping habits, according to a September survey by the consumer organization KEPKA: People are now eating out less, cutting back on meat and any extras, and swapping quality food brands for cheaper substitutes.The growing demand for affordable meals has been met by magazines and a new batch of low-budget cookbooks, such as "The Cooking Economy" and "Family meals for euro5 - 110 recipes for the financial crisis."But the dire wartime hardship has little in common with the current crisis. Even as the number of vacant stores and homeless grow by the day, Athens' coffee shops are busy and streets filled with new cars.
"Patlidžan umesto mesažvaćite svaki zalogajskupljajte mrvice u teglu..."E gde su sada prosvetne radnice ...

Ne znam da li znas ali u Moskvi nije moguce zakazati opozicioni skup. Uostalom, bolje da ne ulazim u tu polemiku. Velika sreca je u Rusiji, blagostanje, samo se sacica placenika buni protiv Putina, eto.


Ухапшен је Навальный, протести су углавном због 1.800-2.000 случајева крађе гласова и хапшења истог.

Ne znam da li znas ali u Moskvi nije moguce zakazati opozicioni skup. Uostalom, bolje da ne ulazim u tu polemiku. Velika sreca je u Rusiji, blagostanje, samo se sacica placenika buni protiv Putina, eto.
Problem je što je deset hiljada ljudi u stvari jako malo za grad u kome živi više od deset miliona ljudi. I još je problem što neregularnosti, kojih je verujem bilo dosta, nisu mnogo promenile ishod izbora. Situacija mi više liči na našu devedeset prvu godinu, što će reći da je sve to jako daleko od bilo kakvih promena. A da se živi jadno, živi se, ali tako je bilo oduvek.
Edvard Limonov

Uvek u pravo vreme na pravom mestu. :isuse:

Ne znam da li znas ali u Moskvi nije moguce zakazati opozicioni skup.
Nisam znao. Glava me zabolela od ruskog, ali koliko sam mogao da vidim, ovde to ne piše, već:
2. Не могут быть организатором публичного мероприятия:1) лицо, признанное судом недееспособным либо ограниченно дееспособным, а также лицо, содержащееся в местах лишения свободы по приговору суда;2) политическая партия, другое общественное объединение и религиозное объединение, их региональные отделения и иные структурные подразделения, деятельность которых приостановлена или запрещена либо которые ликвидированы в установленном законом порядке.
Velika sreca je u Rusiji, blagostanje, samo se sacica placenika buni protiv Putina, eto.
Ni to nisam znao.
Posted (edited)
Nisam znao. Glava me zabolela od ruskog, ali koliko sam mogao da vidim, ovde to ne piše, već:
A ovdje piše:
Article 31 Citizens of the Russian Federation shall have the right to assemble peacefully, without weapons, hold rallies, meetings and demonstrations, marches and pickets.
A ovdje piše
In October, activists united in the “Strategy 31” movement were finally allowed to organize a peaceful demonstration in support of freedom of assembly in Triumfalnaya Square in Moscow. Since May 2009, the movement had been denied permission to assemble in the square on at least 10 occasions.
Prvo ne može, pa može - čvrsto je to slovo zakona, majkumu!Ali ti ne znaš, ali znaš da se zakoni i ustav u Rusiji provodi po PSu; Moskva svjetli, svjetionik onih koji 'ne znaju' ali vjeruju. Edited by Roger Sanchez
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