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Nekome je Twitter zabava, nekome je posao, a nekome je mogucnost da najavi opasnu eskalaciju regionalnog sukoba sa mozda mnogo mrtvih:

Kenya's military spokesman has given warning, over the social media website Twitter, that the residents of 10 towns in Somalia, including the port city of Kismayu, the central town of Baidoa and Afgoye near Mogadishu, that they will come under continuous military attack.Major Emmanuel Chirchir, the Kenyan military spokesman, said on his Twitter account that residents of Baidoa, Baadheere, Baydhabo, Dinsur, Afgoye, Bwale, Barawe, Jilib, Kismayo and Afmadow that their towns are under imminent attack.Chirchir said that anyone with relatives and friends in the towns should be advised accordingly.The Kenyan military said that it will attack 10 Somali towns where it believes al-Shabab has a presence and advised civilians to stay away from al-Shabab camps or being used as conduits for weapons.Al Jazeera's Peter Greste, speaking from Nairobi, said that while it is not unusual for the Kenyan government to make such warnings before attacks, the use of social media to do so is, however, something novel.
Izvor Edited by Bane5
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Pa u Somaliji i nema prave vojske koja bi mogla da se suprostavi. I Etiopija ih je pregazila kad je uletela pre par godina. Izgleda su pirati malo preigrali sa vrsljanjem po okolnim vodama.

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Secam se price o ljudskim pravima Kineza koji rade u Foxconnu i vezama zapadnih kompanija i kineske vlade po tom pitanju:The Darker Side of Apple: The Human Cost of Your iProducts

It was back in the spring of 2010 when at least 10 suicides were reported at Foxconn's manufacturing plant in Shenzhen China. Foxconn is the world's largest electronic manufacturer making product for Hewlett-Packard, Nokia and Apple's iPad.With nearly one million employees throughout China, the suicides raised many questions about the safety and working conditions for the people working in those plants.As research for his show, Daisey visited Foxconn—a place many journalists and Americans have never visited—and what he found surprised him beyond belief."What I was really shocked by was institutionalized dehumanization," he says. "The systems that are put in place are working and the objective of them working is to work people, basically, to death."He's talking about "massive production lines" where people work "endlessly." Workers are never rotated and end up doing the same task hundreds of thousand of times. "I met many workers whose joints in their hands have disintegrated from doing that work…. [Hands] literally swollen, literally deformed [and] permanently warped," he explains.
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Fukushima's Radioactive Leak Is 30 Times Worse Than Japan's Official Report, New Study SaysThe Fukushima Daichi complex was one of the 25 largest nuclear power stations in the world and the Fukushima I reactor was the first GE designed nuclear plant to be constructed and run entirely by the Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO. Needless to say, in the aftermath of the disaster, both TEPCO and the Japanese government were at pains to minimize the disaster’s consequences, hardly surprising given the country’s densely populated regions. But now, an independent study has effectively demolished TEPCO and the Japanese government’s carefully constructed minimalist scenario. Mainichi news agency reported that France’s l’Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, or IRSN) has issued a recent report stating that the amount of radioactive cesium-137 that entered the Pacific after 11 March was probably nearly 30 times the amount stated by Tokyo Electric Power Co. in May.
Edited by Sirius
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Da se Jojo nije naljutio sad bi ti objasnio da to nije istina, a i da jeste, nije to ništa strašno... Svaki Japanac može da izdrži i 300 puta veću radijaciju za razliku od ovih guglatora i šoderaša...

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Svaki Japanac može da izdrži i 300 puta veću radijaciju za razliku od ovih guglatora i šoderaša...
http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/01/japanese-official-drinks-water-from-fukushima-reactor-buildingsAfter insisting for weeks that water collected from reactor buildings at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant posed no threat to human health once it was decontaminated, a Japanese government official poured himself a glass of the liquid and drank it on live television on Monday.The water gulped down by the official, Yasuhiro Sonoda, came from the flooded basements of two reactor buildings at the plant, which was severely damaged when a tsunami struck the Japanese coast in March. Edited by Gandalf
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http://thelede.blogs...actor-buildingsAfter insisting for weeks that water collected from reactor buildings at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant posed no threat to human health once it was decontaminated, a Japanese government official poured himself a glass of the liquid and drank it on live television on Monday.The water gulped down by the official, Yasuhiro Sonoda, came from the flooded basements of two reactor buildings at the plant, which was severely damaged when a tsunami struck the Japanese coast in March.
Kao što rekoh... :D
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