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Treba proveriti ovu vest više puta!http://www.news1130.com/news/world/article/279357--european-court-rejects-bid-to-trademark-soviet-hammer-and-sickle

BRUSSELS - Two decades after the fall of Communism, the hammer and sickle is still off limits to capitalist ownership.An European Union high court Tuesday rejected a company's attempt to trademark the Soviet symbol, saying there is still too much opposition.The court has confirmed a decision by the EU trademark office.It says the trademark sought by Couture Tech Ltd., a Tortola, British Islands-company linked to an unnamed Russian designer was "contrary to public policy and to accepted principles of morality" in Hungary.The court assessed Hungary as a first case and did not look at any other member states.A rejection in any member state is enough to reject the trademark completely.
Dakle, ovde se pominje pokušaj neke firme da trejdmarkuje srp i čekić. Na osnovu ovog texta:http://www.ceskapozice.cz/en/news/society/eu’s-soviet-symbol-trade-mark-ban-cites-czech-opinionstiče se utisak da je odluku doneo Court of Justice of the European Union, odnosno The General Court of the European Union. Sa sedištem u Luksemburgu. Evropski sud za ljudska prava sa sedištem u Strazburu koji pominje Blic nije nikakav organ EU, to je institucija Saveta Evrope. On se sigurno ne bavi trejdmarkovima. Edited by pacey defender
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stiče se utisak da je odluku doneo Court of Justice of the European Union, odnosno The General Court of the European Union. Sa sedištem u Luksemburgu. Evropski sud za ljudska prava sa sedištem u Strazburu koji pominje Blic nije nikakav organ EU, to je institucija Saveta Evrope. On se sigurno ne bavi trejdmarkovima.
Izbacite uljeza:
  1. Council of Europe
  2. Council of the European Union
  3. European Council

Blic :lol:Ko nam kriv kad ne čitamo dalje od naslova vesti <_<

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Bravo, sada u duhu iskazanog idiotizma mogu da obnove i optužnicu za širenje panike:
An Italian scientist, Giampaolo Giuliani, predicted the earthquake which has killed at least 92 people in the Abruzzo region but he was reported to the police for scaremongering, it has emerged.Mr Giuliani told locals to evacuate their houses and posted a video on YouTube in which he said a build-up of radon gas around the seismically active area suggested a major earthquake was imminent.Several tremors had been felt in the medieval city of L'Aquila, around 60 miles east of Rome, from mid-January onwards, and vans with loudspeakers had driven around the city spreading the warning.But instead of heeding Mr Giuliani's warnings, the local authorities reported him to police for "spreading alarm" and he was told to remove his findings from the internet.The predicted earthquake hit L'Aquila at 3.32am local time today, killing at least 90 people and leaving up to 50,000 homeless.
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FP: The Top 10 Craziest Things Ever Said During a U.N. Speechmy fav :) (pored Kastrovog četvoroipočasovnog govora):
What is Qaddafi Doing?Year: 2009Quote: "It should not be called a security council, it should be called a terror council."Impact: After 40 years in power, Libyan Leader Muammar al-Qaddafi spoke to the United Nations for the first time at this year's general assembly and certainly made up for lost time. In his 100 minute speech, Qaddafi listed half a century's worth of grievances and conspiracy theories including accusing the Untied States of developing swine flu and questioning the official record of the Kennedy assassination. Most of Qaddafi's wrath was reserved for the U.N. Security Council, which he likened to al Qaeda. Qaddafi's accommodations provided another sideshow at this year's assembly, as the Libyan leader was rebuffed in his attempts to set up a Bedouin tent in several New York-area locations before finally making up camp in Donald Trump's backyard.
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Hélène de Yougoslavie trese francusku republiku, a niko da prokomentariše...Ovo je afera koja će Sarközy-ja koštati sledećih izbora
hvala ti ko bratu na ovom linku, sve sam razumeo.suprajz, suprajz...http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2011&mm=09&dd=24&nav_category=78&nav_id=544301 Edited by kojot
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hvala ti ko bratu na ovom linku, sve sam razumeo.suprajz, suprajz...http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2011&mm=09&dd=24&nav_category=78&nav_id=544301
"Želeo bih direktno da kažem da smo sporazum o tome šta treba da se uradi, šta mi treba da uradimo... postigli odavno, pre nekoliko godina", rekao je Putin.
:lol: Koliko njih boli uvo. Ride off Kurta, ride on Murta u varijanti Nadrealista.
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