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Breaking news:S&P downgrades U.S. credit ratingPrva vest o ovome pojavila se tokom dana ali je ubrzo demantovana, verovatno da ne bi doslo do kolapsa berze.Posle zatvaranja berze dosle su informacije o velikom sukobu izmedju Bele Kuce i S&P kreditne agencije. Na kraju je S&P ipak spustio rejting.Ovo moze imati vece politicke nego ekonomske posledice.

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Kada jedna obori kreditni rejting onda investitori prate tu koja obori zbog rizika.Ali, ovo nije, pre svega, ekonomski problem jer su svi znali da US nema AAA kreditni rejting, US nema ni AA. To je S&P sugerisao kada je rekao AA, negativna ocekivanja. Moguci problem je panika kod banaka i odbacivanje americkih obveznica ali ce to FED sve da sredi stampanjem.S&P ce biti pod velikim pritiskom Demokrata i Bele kuce. Po meni je Evropa sada u vecem problemu sto se tice ekonomije. Da bi se S&P "iskupio" krenuce da reze po Evropi. Italija i Spanija su vec na udaru ali ni Francuska nije daleko.Politicki ovo je veliki udarac za Obamu.Simbolicki, Kina se vec javila:

China blasts U.S. over debt problems, calls for dollar oversightChina roundly condemned the United States for its "debt addiction" and "short sighted" political wrangling and said the world needed a new stable global reserve currency.
I cisto nasladjivanje
"The U.S. government has to come to terms with the painful fact that the good old days when it could just borrow its way out of messes of its own making are finally gone," Xinhua wrote.
Sada se treba setiti izjave Putina od pre par dana i da u EU vlada ogromno nezadovoljstvo prema US zbog obaranja kreditnih rejtinga nizu clanica EU, pred US su ozbiljni izazovi.
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Ali da sve bude gore po Obamu stizu katastrofalne vesti iz Iraka i Afganistana:Najsmrtonosniji napad Talibana na US Army do sada:

Dozens Killed as NATO Copter Shot Down in AfghanistanKABUL, Afghanistan — Insurgents shot down a NATO Chinook helicopter during an overnight operation in eastern Afghanistan, killing at least 37 people on board, a coalition military official said on Saturday. It was believed to be the deadliest helicopter crash in the nearly decade-long war, punctuating a surge of violence across the country even as American and NATO forces begin a modest drawdown of troops.Afghan military officials put the death toll at 38, including 31 Americans and 7 Afghan commandos. President Hamid Karzai’s office, in a statement, described the American casualties as members of the Special Operations forces. The coalition official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss it, confirmed that most of the dead were NATO forces, but could not immediately identify their nationalities or the units to which they belonged.“The president of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has expressed his condolences to the U.S. President Barack Obama and to the families of the victims,” Mr. Karzai’s office said in the statement.The helicopter was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade in the Tangi Valley of the Wardak Province just west of Kabul, the coalition official said. The Taliban claimed credit for the attack.If confirmed, Saturday’s crash would be the deadliest day for American forces since the war began. A NATO spokesman, Capt. Justin Brockhoff of the United States Air Force, confirmed the crash but could provide no further information, including what caused the crash or whether there were casualties.
Irak se ponovo "aktivirao"
June deadliest month in 2 years for US troops in Iraq BAGHDAD — Shiite militias backed by Iran have ramped up attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq, making June the deadliest month in two years for American forces. The militiamen's goal is to prevent the U.S. military from extending its presence in the country past the end of this year. However, at least one unit of U.S. soldiers is being extended 30-days beyond its original Dec. 2 redeployment date, NBC News reported Thursday.The 900 soldiers of the Headquarters Unit of the 25th Infantry Division are now slated to leave Baghdad Jan. 2, officials told NBC News. The unit, home-based in Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, is responsible for overseeing the drawdown in Iraq.A U.S. military official told NBC News that they have been extended so they can "ensure the headquarters can continue the task" and because it is "their responsibility to conclude the mission the right way."
Stvarno se nalaze u ozbiljnim problemima, narocito kada se zna da je budzet za MoD vidjen za masovno rezanje u dogovoru koji su postigli u Kongresu.edit: namestanje quotea Edited by Sirius
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Da pozdravimo najnoviju državu bijelog svijeta! thumbsup.gifsouth-sudan-flag.jpgmap.jpg
Cudna je istorija ove nove drzave.Pokret Dzona garanga koji je bio glavni protivnik vlade u Kartumu u stvari nije zeleo cepanje Sudana vec svrgavanje vlade,prvo Nimeirija a zatim i Omara al Basira i reformu uredjena drzave.Upravo je al Basir "promoter" ove nezavisnosti jer smatra da ce tako lakse zadfrzati vlast u ostatku ove,tragicnim gradjanskim ratom zahvacenje drzave.
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Boli ih uvo, još uvek imaju Moody's i Finch u rezervi.Spremajte kokice za ponedeljak.
Azijski indeksi su pali za nesto vise od 2%. Evropski su u slicnom padu ali treba cekati otvaranje NYSEa. Evropska centralna banka otkupljuje italijanske i spanske obveznice. Interesantno je.
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Cudna je istorija ove nove drzave.Pokret Dzona garanga koji je bio glavni protivnik vlade u Kartumu u stvari nije zeleo cepanje Sudana vec svrgavanje vlade,prvo Nimeirija a zatim i Omara al Basira i reformu uredjena drzave.Upravo je al Basir "promoter" ove nezavisnosti jer smatra da ce tako lakse zadfrzati vlast u ostatku ove,tragicnim gradjanskim ratom zahvacenje drzave.
Omar al Basir Milošević ?
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Ali da sve bude gore po Obamu stizu katastrofalne vesti iz Iraka i Afganistana:Najsmrtonosniji napad Talibana na US Army do sada:
RevengeNeko treba da poveruje u ovo? Edited by Hartmann
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Može da prenosi ko hoće - pet dana nakon biggest single loss-a u ratu Ameri su saznali ime i prezime onoga ko je ispalio raketu, locirali ga i ubili. To nema ni u crtanima.

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