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Abhisit gracefully concedes defeat and congratulations Yingluck on becoming Thailand’s first female PM. He thanks those who voted for the Democrats. BUT then notes Puea Thai didn’t get 50% on party vote so says his party will oppose amnesty. He says that Democrats will be in opposition.
Yingluck će vjerojatno znati zahvaliti državi koja je srdačno primila njezinog najdražeg bracu!! Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Riot police lead inmates back into their cells after a prison riot at the Santa Marta Acatitla penitentiary in Mexico City, Thursday, July 7, 2011. At least 16 inmates were injured, according to prison officials, when a riot broke out over inmates demanding more days of family visits inside the prison.
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In your face Kosova!Inace ako me secanje ne vara tek treba da se pregovara oko tacnih pogranicnih linija, tj. kome koliko ide naftnih polja.

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In your face Kosova!Inace ako me secanje ne vara tek treba da se pregovara oko tacnih pogranicnih linija, tj. kome koliko ide naftnih polja.
Mmmmmne, nego Južni Sudan ima naftu, a sjeverni ima rafinerije pa se još nisu dogovorili oko cijene spajanja tih resurasa.
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Napad na US amabasadu u Damasku

US envoy target of pro-government Syrian protest WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. says pro-government demonstrators in the Syrian capital threw tomatoes, eggs and rocks at the U.S. Embassy to protest Ambassador Robert Ford's visit to the besieged rebel stronghold of Hama.There were no reports of injuries, but a senior U.S. State Department official said two embassy employees were pelted with food during the 31-hour demonstration. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of sensitivity of the issue.Ford on Thursday visited the central city of Hama, where he was greeted by friendly crowds who put flowers on his windshield and olive branches on his car, chanting, "Down with the regime!" The State Department said Ford made the trip to express support for the right of Syrian people to demonstrate peacefully.The Syrian government denounced Ford's visit, saying the unauthorized trip was proof that Washington was inciting violence in the Arab nation. The main headline of state-run daily Al-Thawra read, "Ford in Hama and Syrians are angry."According to the U.S. official, supporters of President Bashar Assad's government organized a raucous demonstration outside the embassy in Damascus that began Friday and continued until Saturday evening.The official said the demonstration broke up only after an embassy security officer appealed to Syrian contacts, who sent additional forces to quell the protests.The Obama administration has criticized Assad's government for its violent crackdown on peaceful protests against his 11-year rule. Clashes between protestors and Assad's supporters have resulted in the deaths of 1,600, in addition to 350 members of the security forces.But the White House has so far refrained from calling for an end to the Assad family's four decades of rule, leery of pressing too hard as it tries to wind down wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and faces criticism for being part of the coalition battling Moammar Gadhafi in Libya.Congressional Republicans have pressed the administration to withdraw Ford from Syria, an ally of Iran that supports the Islamic militant groups Hezbollah in neighboring Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The U.S. did not send an ambassador to Damascus for five years in protest of Syria's alleged role in the assassination of a political leader in Lebanon.The U.S. official said Ford registered his "displeasure" with the protests during a meeting Sunday with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem, who pledged to protect the embassy.
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Eksplozija u Mumbaju

Three Blasts Hit Mumbai MUMBAI—Blasts in at least three different locations in the western Indian city of Mumbai were reported Wednesday, local police said. "We have got reports of three blasts at Zaveri Bazaar, Opera House and Dadar West," a police officer at Mumbai Police's Western Region Control Room said. Another police officer at Mumbai Police's Central Control Room said at least 15 to 20 people had been reported injured at the three locations. Separately, local television channels quoted a senior officer of the Mumbai police saying a blast injured at least two people in the central Mumbai suburb of Dadar—a key railway and roadway hub of the city. NDTV, a leading local news channel, reported that six people were killed. It also said the home ministry confirmed the violence could be a terrorist attack.NDTV also said there were reports that an unexploded bomb had been found in Dadar. Telephone lines appeared to be jammed or down in Mumbai, so information was difficult to gather. An official at Pakistan's Foreign Ministry in Islamabad said it was too early to say what had happened. The ministry is working on an official response to the bombings, which it will issue soon, the official said.
Treba se setiti da je 2008 ubijeno 166 ljudi u teroristisckom napadu koji je dosao iz Pakistana.
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Knesset pase po dnu dna.
On his latest trip to Israel, and in his first time at the Knesset in Jerusalem, the Israeli parliament, he was given nothing short of a hero's welcome.He received several rounds of applause by lawmakers there as he voiced his unequivocal support for Israel, with one leading politician saying: 'If we didn't have someone like Glenn Beck we would have had to invent someone like him.'
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