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The Crossed Legs Strike: Women refuse their men sex… until they get the road fixedIn a new take on an old story, more than 250 women in a rural town in South America are withdrawing their partners' conjugal rights until their menfolk take action - to repair a dangerous road.The new Lysistratas of Barbacoas, near the Pacific coast of Colombia, went on their "Crossed Legs Strike" on Thursday.And they believe if they carry on with their action their sex-starved partners will be driven to lobby the government to fix the road that leads from their town of 40,000 people to the rest of the country.It takes more than 10 hours for the people of Barbacoas to travel the little more than 30 miles to the nearest town. Cars and trucks are regularly bogged down or damaged on what is little more than a rough track.For more than 20 years, the government has been promising to do something about the dodgy road, wrecked following mudslides and heavy rain, but is yet to stay true to its word,The Wall Street Journal reports. 'These women, and all of the rest of us in this town, are fed up with the empty promises from the central government,' said Lucelly Del Carmen Viveros, the human rights coordinator in Barbacoas. 'This is the only road connecting Barbacoas to the rest of the state and the country, and it's in despicable condition.'COMIC HEROINELysistrata is one of the few surviving plays written by Aristophanes. Originally performed in Athens in 411 BC, it is a comic account of one woman's extraordinary mission to end the interminable Peloponessian War, which began in 431 BC and did not finally conclude until 404 BCOnly time will tell whether their methods will be effective, but they have at least succeeded in bringing their problem to wider public attentionAccording to the legend, 2400 years ago, during an endless and pointless war, Lysistrata persuaded the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers on opposing sides as a means of forcing the men to negotiate peace.In 2006 a group of gangsters' wives and girlfriends in the town of Pereira, Colombia, declared a sex strike to force their partners to participate in a disarmament program.And in 2009 a collective of Kenyan women organised a week-long sex strike aimed at politicians, encouraging the wives of the president and prime minister to join in too, and offering to compensate prostitutes for lost earnings if they joined inarticle-2008699-0CC1DF8500000578-738_468x299.jpg

Principled stand: Lysistrata convinced the women of ancient Greece to starve their husbands of sex in order to persuade them to sue for peace

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Green Zone je u Bagdadu, a ne u Kabulu.
meni se sve čini da sam čitao o tim zonama i u Avganistanu, nešto kad su onaj autoput ka istoku otvarali? :unsure: ....nema veze, probaću da nadjem.poenta je da je ovo prvoklasna svinjarija, koja ilustruje koliki kaos tamo (još uvek) vlada.
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Severna Koreja zatvorila svoje univerzitete na deset meseci i poslala studente na rad u fabrike, na polja i gradilišta, piše Dejli telegraf.
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Nije stigao ni opsovati napadača..
komentar s jutubeta
What a missed opportunity, the Balls Man, go for the Balls...mushroomagicman 17 minutes ago 6
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1 July 2011 Last updated at 07:28 GMTDominique Strauss-Kahn: 'Doubts' over maid's credibilityThe sex assault case against former IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn appears to be in trouble amid reported concerns over the alleged victim's credibility.Law enforcement officials have told US media the accuser has repeatedly lied since the alleged attack on 14 May.The Guinean-born maid also appeared to have lied in her asylum application, officials reportedly said.Mr Strauss-Kahn is due in court on Friday. His lawyers are expected to ask for his bail conditions to be relaxed.The 62-year-old French politician has been under house arrest in a New York apartment since posting a total $6m (£3.7m) cash bail and bond in May. He has armed guards, electronic surveillance and wears an electronic ankle monitor.'Thrown to the wolves'He is charged with seven counts including four felony charges - two of criminal sexual acts, one of attempted rape and one of sexual abuse - plus three misdemeanour offences, including unlawful imprisonment.Continue reading the main storyView from Franceimage of Christian Fraser Christian Fraser BBC News, ParisWhatever the merits of this new evidence, or of the character of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the French felt particularly aggrieved at the way the case was conducted in the days after his arrest.It was not only his reputation that was tarnished, but also that of the French nation in the eyes of the international community. The "perp walk", the parading of the accused, the headlines such as "Chez Perv" and "Frog Legs It", were widely perceived as insulting and humiliating.And already the French media is talking about Mr Strauss-Kahn's rehabilitation, even though there is unambiguous DNA evidence that a sexual encounter did take place.The list of socialist candidates for next year's presidential election is still open and will be for two more weeks. But it is surely unthinkable that Dominique Strauss-Kahn will re-enter the race.Aside from the allegations in New York, there has been too much written about his previous encounters and his questionable behaviour towards women.Mr Strauss-Kahn, who resigned as head of the International Monetary Fund to defend himself, vigorously denies the charges.In earlier court hearings, prosecutors had spoken of the strength of their case. One attorney said the proof against him was "substantial".But US media now report that prosecutors plan to outline their concerns about the 32-year-old maid's credibility to the judge in Friday's court hearing.Although forensic tests found unambiguous evidence of a sexual encounter between Mr Strauss-Kahn and the woman, prosecutors now do not believe much of what the accuser has told them about the circumstances or about herself, the The New York Times reports.They believe there are inconsistencies over claims she made in her application for asylum, the newspaper says.The maid, an immigrant from the West African state of Guinea, told the authorities that Mr Strauss-Kahn accosted her after she entered his room in New York's Sofitel hotel to clean it.The defence team had been expected to argue that a sexual encounter occurred, but that it was consensual.Mr Strauss-Kahn was seen as a leading candidate to be the next centre-left French presidential candidate until news of the accusations broke.Former Socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin described the latest developments as "a thunderbolt". "He was thrown to the wolves," Mr Jospin said, in veiled criticism of the US justice system.
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Teške vesti za Teda :

Ugo Čaves boluje od raka01. 07. 2011. - 08:08h Predsednik Venecuele Ugo Čaves saopštio je da boluje od raka pošto mu je na Kubi odstranjen tumor, ali da se oporavlja.Čaves je u jučerašnjem govoru emitovanom na televiziji rekao da je operacijom odstranjeno tkivo u kojem je bilo "malignih ćelija".Predsednik Venecuele je dodao da je operacija izvedena posle prve, urađene 11.juna, kojom je uklonjen apsces u karlici. On je dodao da su zatim lekari počeli da sumnjaju na druge probleme, dok mu je vest o tumoru saopštio Fidel Kastro. Niz analiza je "potvrdio prisustvo tumora sa kanceroznim ćelijama, tako da je za njegovo potpuno uklanjanje bila neophodna druga operacija", rekao je Čaves. Predsednik Venecuele nije precizirao kada je izvedena druga operacija. On je rekao da njegovo zdravstveno stanje "zadovoljavajuće napreduje", da prima komplementarnu terapiju za uklanjanje malignih ćelija i da "nastavlja put potpunog oporavka". Čaves, prema oceni agencije Asošiejted pres, vidljivo mršaviji i bleđi, nije precizirao koja vrsta raka je otkrivena, niti je saopštio više informacija o terapiji koju prima. Predsednik Venecuele je ocenio da je pogrešio što nije vodio više računa o svom zdravlju i odlazio na lekarske kontrole. On takođe nije naveo koliko još planira da se oporavlja na Kubi, a takođe nema podataka ni kada, ni gde je snimljen njegov govor. Čavesov govor je emitovan posle sve češćih nagađanja o njegovom zdravstvenom stanju među građanima Venecuele, koje nije umirilo ni objavljivanje slika i snimaka Čavesa i Kastra. Vlada Venecuele u sredu je otkazala dvodnevni samit lidera zemalja Latinske Amerike, čiji je domaćin trebalo da bude Čaves, navodeći kao razlog otkazivanja njegovo loše zdravlje. Samit je trebalo da bude održan sledeće sedmice povodom obeležavanja 200. godišnjice proglašenja nezavisnosti Venecuele od Španije.
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ЕСађани, пазите шта потписујете... можда сте потписали да им не можете ништа.

Take the young woman now testifying in court in Texas. Jamie Leigh Jones claims she was drugged and gang-raped while working for military contractor KBR in Iraq (at the time, a division of Halliburton). Jones, now 26, was on her fourth day in post in Baghdad in 2005 when she says she was assaulted by seven contractors and held captive, under armed guard by two KBR police, in a shipping container.
As Leigh testified before Congress, in October 2009, "I had signed away my right to a jury trial at the age of 20 and without the advice of counsel." It was a matter of sign or resign. "I had no idea that the clause was part of the contract, what the clause actually meant," testified Jones.
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