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Izgleda da se desio nuklearni akcident u Nebraski zbog poplava ali se jos cuti o tome

The US Is Having A Catastrophic Nuclear Emergency In Nebraska And The Obama Administration Is Covering It Up -- Russia Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/nebraska-nuclear-meltdown-2011-6#ixzz1PjcT5c39It cites a Russian regulatory agency as saying that the US is currently having a major nuclear emergency at the flooded plant in Nebraska and that the Obama Administration is trying to cover it up.The Russian report describes the Nebraska situation as one of the worst nuclear accidents in the history of the United States.
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US orders news blackout over crippled Nebraska Nuclear Plant: reportA shocking report prepared by Russia’s Federal Atomic Energy Agency (FAAE) on information provided to them by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) states that the Obama regime has ordered a “total and complete” news blackout relating to any information regarding the near catastrophic meltdown of the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant located in Nebraska.According to this report, the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant suffered a “catastrophic loss of cooling” to one of its idle spent fuel rod pools on 7 June after this plant was deluged with water caused by the historic flooding of the Missouri River which resulted in a fire causing the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) to issue a “no-fly ban” over the area.Located about 20 minutes outside downtown Omaha, the largest city in Nebraska, the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant is owned by Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) who on their website denies their plant is at a “Level 4” emergency by stating: “This terminology is not accurate, and is not how emergencies at nuclear power plants are classified.”Russian atomic scientists in this FAAE report, however, say that this OPPD statement is an “outright falsehood” as all nuclear plants in the world operate under the guidelines of the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) which clearly states the “events” occurring at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant do, indeed, put it in the “Level 4” emergency category of an “accident with local consequences” thus making this one of the worst nuclear accidents in US history.Though this report confirms independent readings in the United States of “negligible release of nuclear gasses” related to this accident it warns that by the Obama regimes censoring of this event for “political purposes” it risks a “serious blowback” from the American public should they gain knowledge of this being hidden from them.
Pitanje je: da li je istina?
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Било јуче и код Алана Вота, а он нема обичај да измишља.
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Било јуче и код Алана Вота, а он нема обичај да измишља.
Naravno da nema obicaj da izmislja. Svima je poznato da iluminatska svetska vlada tezi ka stvaranju hermafroditske nove rase ljudi koji ce moci da se lako repliciraju na dugim svemirskim putovanjima. Da bi se ovo ostvarilo, svetska zavera naucnika, putem kreiranja zemljotresa, zaraza i gladi, radi na tome da svede svetsku populaciju na 500 miliona ljudi.
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zanimljivo je da svi, tj. 2 komentara na B92 govore o tome kako su deportacije imigranata sasvim OK ako ovi pocine zlocin, i polemisu sa autorom vesti o tome laugh.gifnesvesno je novo svesno

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Jel prati neko dogadjanja u Juznoj Africi. Skoro su bili izbori, vladajuca partija ANC je opet pobedila, ali Helen Zile i njena multikulturalna stranka bazirana na demokratskim idejama dobija sve vise i vise glasova.U okviru vladajuceg ANC-a (bivsa partija Nelsona Mendele), koja je sve manje verna njegovim "rainbow color nation" principima, se izdvaja jedan mladi fasista Julius Malema koji podseca na Seselja u nastajanju. Zalaze se za ekspropriaciju rudnika, po uzoru na Mugabea, oduzimanje zemlje belcima, i tako dalje. Ima podrsku medju neobrazovanim slojevima.Poslednja vest je da Malema osipa paljbu na predsednika sopstvene partije, odn. da planira da odvajanje iz ANC-a i pravi sopstvenu partiju. Tako bar deulje.. govor

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Naravno da nema obicaj da izmislja. Svima je poznato da iluminatska svetska vlada tezi ka stvaranju hermafroditske nove rase ljudi koji ce moci da se lako repliciraju na dugim svemirskim putovanjima. Da bi se ovo ostvarilo, svetska zavera naucnika, putem kreiranja zemljotresa, zaraza i gladi, radi na tome da svede svetsku populaciju na 500 miliona ljudi.
Па нема, он преноси шта другде нађе...
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'EU has lost its leverage on Turkey', ambassador saysUhuhuh, obustava procesa ispunjavanja EU kapitola, izgradnja predsjedničkog sistema za svu vlast Erdoganu, inspiracija muslimanima bliskog istoka, orijentalne sofe opet jašu. Dosta je bilo ašikovanja, Uníííjo, jebemte i sve tvoje zvjezdice.Ni manje ni više nego dijalektički grom. Hoće li se pokazati da je Evropa više trebala Tursku, nego Turska nju? Ovo izgleda kao početak početka, stej tjund. A da, zaboravio sam da je Hella budan&spreman. Ovaj put neće sofe stići ni do Pečuha. :fantom: Edited by king louie
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A da, zaboravio sam da je Hella budan&spreman. Ovaj put neće sofe™ stići ni do Pečuha. :fantom:
Ал' канда неће Еуропеици стићи ни до Анкаре.
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E баш се наизмишљао овог пута:http://enenews.com/tag/fort-calhounhttp://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/17/us-flooding-nuclear-idUSTRE75G4Z120110617http://republicbroadcasting.org/?p=15713Наравно, има ко је још пре 11 дана знао да се ништа неће десити:http://theenergycollective.com/dan-yurman/59552/spiking-conspiracy-theories-about-ft-calhoun-npp
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