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Ostavim tebi da izmastas sta sve takav odred dobro obucenih hakera moze da napravi.
ovako nesto?The official also asked for anonymity because his information was privileged. He cited a Western intelligence report suggesting that Stuxnet had infected the control system of Iran’s Bushehr reactor and would be activated once the Russian-built reactor goes on line in a few months.Stuxnet would interfere with control of “basic parameters” such as temperature and pressure control and neutron flow, that could result in the meltdown of the reactor, raising the specter of a possible explosion, he said.edit: vreme je da updejtujem Neuromansera. davno bese. Edited by Gandalf
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otvorim b92 kad ono vest - http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2011&mm=06&dd=04&nav_category=640&nav_id=516564Kosovo uvodi vize Rusiji i KiniPriština -- Kosovo će početi sa uspostavljanjem viznog režima za zemlje iz kojih najviše dolaze izbeglice, piše prištinski "Koha Ditore". Rusija i Kina su zemlje prema kojima će se uspostaviti vizni režim za ulazak na Kosovo i to ne zbog nepriznavanja nezavisnosti Kosova, već zbog toga što se smatraju zemljama iz kojih pristižu izbeglice.mislio sam prvo da stavim na laugh al sam se u poslednjem trenutku predomislio.

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ovako nesto?The official also asked for anonymity because his information was privileged. He cited a Western intelligence report suggesting that Stuxnet had infected the control system of Iran’s Bushehr reactor and would be activated once the Russian-built reactor goes on line in a few months.Stuxnet would interfere with control of “basic parameters” such as temperature and pressure control and neutron flow, that could result in the meltdown of the reactor, raising the specter of a possible explosion, he said.edit: vreme je da updejtujem Neuromansera. davno bese.
ili ovako :
Anonymous Hacks ‘Top Secret’ Iran Government Email, Shows Obama How It’s DoneAnonymous launched Operation Iran several months ago. Today, 10,365 “top secret” emails from the autocratic regime were made public after Anonymous hacked Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs some time around May 30th. First question that must be asked: What is going on here? It almost seems as if Anonymous just pulled a freelance job for the U.S. government. However, it’s more likely that despite Anonymous’ clear objective to cause damage to the Iranian regime, making top secret Iranian emails public has the secondary effect of making U.S. intelligence services look bad (even if the intel isn’t ultimately of the best quality). Right now, the latter scenario seems to be the case. However, from Iran’s perspective it will certainly seem as if Anonymous were a CIA front. This, after all, is a country with a leader who buys into the peculiar realm of conspiracy theory known as Holocaust denialism. What is the substance of the 10,365 “top secret” emails Anonymous stole from Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Visa applications for an “oil meeting,” with many of them coming from China. This, of course, opens up an entirely new dimension to the cyber attack. China, as with any country, doesn’t like its secrets revealed to foreigners, but we also know China is quite aggressive when it comes to hiding information from its own people. This certainly won’t help their standing in the world, even though it’s known that China is Iran’s single biggest trading partner and investor in Iran’s oil and gas industry. Iran, of course, has been trying to cover up the hack over the last few days and it seems that Anonymous will be continuing their efforts against the regime. It’s part of a larger effort aimed at shutting down government websites in autocratic regimes in North Africa and the Middle East. Regardless of one’s personal opinion of Anonymous, the hacker collective did strike at one of the worst offenders of free speech and free information in the world.
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Veliliki problem US u Iraku je izvlacenje vojske a u ponedeljak poginulo pet americkih vojnika.

U.S. Braces for Withdrawal Along Iraqi RoadBAGHDAD — Even as the American military winds down its eight-year war in Iraq, commanders are bracing for what they fear could be the most dangerous remaining mission: getting the last troops out safely.The resurgent threat posed by militants was underscored Monday when rockets slammed into a military base in eastern Baghdad, killing five service members in the most deadly day for American forces here since 2009. In recent weeks, insurgent fighters have stepped up their efforts to kill American forces in what appears to be a strategy to press the United States to withdraw on schedule, undercut any resolve to leave troops in Iraq, and win a public relations victory at home by claiming credit for the American withdrawal.
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Sada tek vidim da su nemci odlucili da odbace nuklearnu energiju do 2022, i naravno odmah na istoku sreca

Gazprom ready to ship extra gas to Europe Gazprom is ready to supply to Europe the additional amounts of natural gas it will need once Germany shuts down its nuclear power plants, Alexander Medvedev, CEO of Gazprom's gas export arm Gazprom Export, told Russia Today television channel. "We welcome the decision of the German government (to renounce atomic energy), because it opens up additional opportunities for us to supply gas to our traditional European market, where we have everything to meet the demand. We have gas, the gas transportation system, which we develop by implementing such projects as Nord Stream and South Stream, and technologies enabling us to deliver gas not only to the border of Germany and other European countries, but also to sell it to end consumers either through joint ventures or subsidiaries," Medvedev said. He assured that Gazprom has sufficient gas reserves. The company is replacing its depleted deposits with new ones located mainly on the Yamal Peninsula and exploring deposits in East Siberia.
Da li su normalni? Idu direktno rusima u ruke :isuse:
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Slavne pobjede u oslobodilačkim ratovima: ...... Precjednik Rajapaksa, neočekivano, tvrdi da su mondijalistički lašci i špijuni koji poziraju kao novinari Channela 4 krivotvorili snimke.

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