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Nemojte me pogrešno shvatiti, ali svako malo umre poslednji učesnik WWI - ovo je 4. ili 5. članak o poslednjem vojniku velikog rata u poslednjih nekoliko godina, da ja znam. Matori RIP.
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Sta smo imali sinoc:- ocekivani debakl LibDems, 10% manje u odnosu na prosle lokalne izbore (sa 26% na 15%). U mom mestu (Bristol) izgubili su ukupnu vecinu, mada nisu desetkovani kao na severu ili u Skotskoj- SNP (skotski nacionalisti) rabili u Skotskoj. Sami ce formirati Vladu. Debakl laburista (najgori rezultat u osamdeset godina) i LiBdems (u skladu sa ostatkom zemlje).- konzervativci na nuli- ocekuj se NE na referendumu o promeni izbornog sistema Moja interpretacija: Vise od samog ucesca u Vladi koja sece budzet, cini mi se da su LibDems nadrljali jer su izgubili poverenje, ciji je simbol prekrseno obecanje da nece biti rasta skolarina za univerzitete. To su toliko isticali pred prethodne parlamentarne izbore, sve potpisujuci izjave da za rast nece glasati, da to nije moglo a da im se ne obije o glavu. Pri tome, za razliku od FDP u Nemackoj, nisu se pokazali nekompetetntnima.Ocekuje se Brave Margot sa izvestajem iz Aberdina: Aleks Salmond (vodja SNP) razbio, i SNP preoteo mesto od LibDems.

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Kaze Salmond odrzace referendum.Btw, steta sto je propao referendum. Interesantno je kako se u Skotskoj ne koristi obicni first past the post sistem (vec se koristi mixed-member proportional iliti MMP) i da je taj sistem kreiran za Skotsku upravo sa ciljem da SNP ne bi mogla da uzme apsolutnu vecinu...jer se racunalo da nece prelaziti 40% na izborima. S druge strane, konzervativci i stara laburisticka garda su zesce branili fptp na ovom referendumu.

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Breaking news:

Greece Considers Exit from Euro Zone The debt crisis in Greece has taken on a dramatic new twist. Sources with information about the government's actions have informed SPIEGEL ONLINE that Athens is considering withdrawing from the euro zone. The common currency area's finance ministers and representatives of the European Commission are holding a secret crisis meeting in Luxembourg on Friday night.
Plus, danas cuveni investitor Jim Rogers rekao da ce Britaniji ukosro treba bailout. Iako Britanija nije u EZ.Nadam se da ce resiti nekako probleme ali ko zna sta sve kriza moze da stvori. Opasna su ovo vremena.
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Kakav izlazak iz evrozone? Ko ce hteti te nove grcke drahme umesto eura, kada ce se znati da je cilj njihova devaluacija? To bi bila valuta koji bi strmoglavo gubila vrednost, i brze nego sto bi grcka drzava to zelela. Ne moze se iz evrozone izlaziti kada si u qrcu, to vodi samo u dublji ponor.

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Mogu li da probaju da ostvare neki sistem koji imaju Crnogorci..euro kao zvanicnu valutu ali bez odgovornosti prema Frankfurtu ?

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Gubitak vrednosti i jeste cilj. Grcka ima pristup MMF fondovima a i EU bi nesto pomogla da se Drahma ne pretvori u hiperinflaciju.Moras da gledas i politicki momenat za CDU. U Nemackoj je veliki pritisak na CDU zbog zbog "spasavanja" Grcke, Portugala, Irske, za sada njih. CDU bi mogao da poentira ako bi Grci izasli a oni na neki nacin podrzali ono sto Grci hoce. Problem su nemacke banke, ne samo nemacke, koji drze dugove ali bi mogli da se sredi neka finta.

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Ma kakav izlazak bilo koga iz evrozone, da li ste vi normalni? CDU, izbori, i to? To je bre politicko pitanje na prvom mestu, nema sanse niko da dozvoli raspad evrozone, makar obicni Nemci u Berlinu napravili ustanak zbog toga.

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Izgleda da je Der Spiegel pustio patku:

The report has been broadly denied. Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European council, has denied the Der Spiegel report and the existence of an emergency meeting this evening, according to Bloomberg. German government spokesman Steffen Seibert has also denied European talks on the matter. A senior Greek government official has also denied the report
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Garment workers react during a protest in front of the garment factory June Textiles Co. ,LTD (Cambodia) in Phnom Penh May 8, 2011. At least eight female garment workers and another 7 police officers were injured on Sunday in clashes when police used shields and electric batons to end a strike over a factory closure, witnesses and police said. Garment workers told Reuters that Cambodian riot police had fired two times into the air to disperse around 2,000 workers who were blocking a road to the international airport demanding seniority money from June Textiles Co. LTD (Cambodia) which was destroyed in a recent fire.
Riot policemen inside a police vehicle fire tear gas against environment supporters during a rally in Valparaiso city, about 121 km (75 miles) northwest of Santiago, May 9, 2011. Chilean environmental regulators on Monday gave the green light to the divisive $3.5 billion HidroAysen hydro-power dam project that promises to help ease energy squeezes, but opponents say it will ruin pristine Patagonian valleys.
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Iran to blind criminal with acid in 'eye for an eye' justice
In a literal application of the sharia law of an eye for an eye, Iran is ready for the first time to blind a man with acid, after he was found guilty of doing the same to a woman who refused to marry him.Majid Movahedi, 30, is scheduled to be rendered unconscious in Tehran's judiciary hospital at noon on Saturday while Ameneh Bahrami, his victim, drops acid in both his eyes, her lawyer said.Bahrami who had asked for an eye for an eye retribution in the court, was disfigured and blinded by Movahedi in 2004 when he threw a jar of acid in her face while she was returning home from work. "He was holding a red container in his hand. He looked into my eyes for a second and threw the contents of the red container into my face," she told the court in 2008.According to Iranian media, Bahrami's lawyer, Ali Sarafi, has said: "A very good sentence has been given and an appropriate method has been adopted so that the convict will be blinded by few drops of acids in eyes after he is rendered unconscious."In a highly publicised dossier in November 2008, a criminal court in Tehran ordered qisas (retribution) on Movahedi after he admitted throwing acid at Bahrami, and entitled her to blind him with acid. He was also required to pay compensation to the victim. Bahrami refused to accept the "blood money" and told the court: "Inflict the same life on him that he inflicted on me."Iranian officials have endorsed the the sentence in the hope of halting an increase in the rate of acid attacks. But human rights activists have warned against an "inhumane" sentence.The British Foreign Office urged Iran to halt the sentence. "The attack on Ameneh Bahrami in 2004 was a horrific crime," a spokesman said. "However, we are deeply concerned by reports that Majid Movahedi's sentence of being blinded by having acid dripped into his eyes may be carried out."The FCO calls on the Iranian authorities to commute this inhumane punishment to an appropriate sentence in line with Iran's international obligations and to cease the practice of corporal punishment for crimes."Iranian media have reported that Movahedi will be blinded in both eyes but Bahrami, in an interview in 2009, said that the man would be blinded only in one eye because "each man is worth two women" under Iranian law."The person who did this deserves to go through the same suffering. Only this way will he understand my pain … my intention is to ask for the application of the law not just for revenge but also so that no other woman will have to go through this. It is to set an example," Bahrami was quoted by the Spanish newspaper ABC as saying.Bahrami, who has an electronics degree and worked in a medical engineering company before the attack, moved to Spain with the help of the Iranian government where she has undergone a series of unsuccessful operations. She briefly recovered half vision in her right eye in 2007 but an infection blinded her again.Bahrami has recently published a book in Germany, Eye for an Eye, based on her personal life and her suffering since she was blinded.In recent months, human rights organisations have expressed alarm over the unprecedented increase of capital punishment in Iran, which last year executed more people than any other country apart from China
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