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Anarchists run to protect themselves from tear gas used by riot police during clashes in the northern port city of Thessaloniki, Saturday, April 16, 2011. Police say they have detained scores of anarchists who attempted to march in the center of the city in support of jailed alleged members of radical anarchist groups.
Kurdish protesters throw stones to a metro station during clashes with riot police in a street demonstration on April 19, 2011 in Istanbul after Turkey's electoral board barred prominent Kurdish candidates from standing in upcoming elections. The Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), Turkey's main Kurdish political movement, urged an extraordinary parliamentary session to resolve the problem, warning of fresh unrest in a country long plagued by ethnic conflict.
Police riot squad members walk past detainees standing on the roof of a building at the Villawood detention centre in Sydney April 21, 2011. Angry asylum-seekers torched an immigration detention centre in Sydney on Thursday, burning part of it to the ground after Australian authorities denied some of their requests for refuge, local media reported.
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Izvjesce iz Bejruta... ovo je nesto po ukusu mandinga, Andurila i ostalih pristasa naoruzanog naroda. :P art_534552649-420x0.jpgAK-47, anyone?

for Abu Jihad, his main worry at present is Syria. "[President Bashar] Assad has very large weapons stores and if the same thing happens in Syria that has happened in Libya, then the market here will be flooded with weapons. You will see AK-47s drop in price to around $US200".
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Samo jos jedno vece u prljavom gradu... Nagledao sam se toga onoliko. Za ovo sto kojot kaze, pa vecina ljudi to ni ne primecuje (ili se pravi) posle nekog vremena. Ti ljudi su potpuno van sebe, obicno na koktelu alkohola i metha, ja sam stekao utisak da ih ni cigla u glavu ne bi zaustavila. Sazaljevam policiju i ostale organe kojima je posao da sa takvima rade. Nista mi ne nedostaje zivot u centru grada.
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Ovaj poster je svuda po gradu, firma koja ga je stampala ima sigurno neki dobar ugovor sa Ivicom Osimom.osim2.JPGPoster kaze "Moj zivot je bio brz", u smislu doveo me do infarkta.AED proizvodi sredstva za reanimaciju i u toj industriji je lider. Radi i skolovanje i certifikaciju za prvu pomoc, kroz njihove skole su prosli milioni ljudi.Otkud Ivica Osim ? On je bio trener nacionalnog tima (sa malo uspeha) i bio je dosta omiljen u javnosti.16. novembra 2007. doziveo je srcani udar dok je gledao utakmicu na TV. Iz kome se podigao 10 dana kasnije i kao da nista nije bilo, kao da je nakratko zadremao, pitao "Koji je rezultat?".Knjiga sa njegovim biserima, na japanskom, se prodala u 400 hiljada primeraka.

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Kad mora da se podilazi nacionalistima...Turkey-Armenia friendship symbol being demolished

The demolition of a huge Turkish statue devoted to reconciliation with Armenia has begun, months after the prime minister described it as a "freak". The 30m-high statue - depicting two human figures facing each other - was erected on a mountain in the Turkish city of Kars, near the Armenian border. Local authorities commissioned it several years ago to symbolise an end to decades of enmity and suspicion. Artists had tried to save the statue, which could take 10 days to dismantle.The company carrying out the demolition has already cut down one of the figures using a crane, witnesses said.The work, called the Statue of Humanity, was the creation of well-known Turkish artist Mehmet Aksoy. When finished, it would have had one figure extending a hand to the other. "I am really sorry, sorry on behalf of Turkey," Anatolia news agency quoted the sculptor as saying. "They can demolish it, we will re-make it."It was commissioned as a gesture of reconciliation, as Turkey and Armenia began attempts to repair relations after a century of hostility. But that process stalled last year and there were a number of objections to the monument.On a visit to Kars in January Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan reportedly described the monument as a "freak", and an affront to a nearby 11th Century shrine. Critics say Mr Erdogan may have aimed his remarks at nationalists, who are strong in this part of Turkey, ahead of June's parliamentary elections.Kars once had a large Armenian community, which was annihilated in 1915 as part of mass killings which Armenians and many historians call a genocide. Turkey rejects the term and says atrocities were committed on both sides in World War I. In 2009 the two countries agreed to normalise relations and, in that spirit, the former mayor of Kars commissioned the sculpture.
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Riot policemen are reflected in a mirror as they take part in an operation to seize counterfeit products in downtown Monterrey April 26, 2011. Federal forces set an operation in which they seized some 140 tons of counterfeit products (electronics, clothing, software), according to local media.
Squatters throw bottles and rocks at anti-riot police during a demolition in Manila on April 27, 2011. The squatters recently lost their homes in a huge fire last week, and government orders to relocate them resulted in violence after the residents resisted the demolition teams.
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Jel ja ovde nesto propustam ili nit nasi nit mediji na engleskom ne trube o Naci-Radikalima iz Madjarske? U nemackim medijima se u zadnje vreme relativno dosta obradjuje tema, ukratko nacosi su uspeli da proteraju sve rome iz jednog sela u 80ak km od Budimpeste, ulicama setaju uniformisani paramilitarci itd itd...ko zna nemacki neka overi:http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,759355,00.htmlimage-206608-galleryV9-pcih.jpgimage-206579-galleryV9-ypcm.jpgimage-206581-galleryV9-bpgp.jpgimage-206557-galleryV9-qzim.jpgetc etc...

Edited by Boycie
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