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U medjuvremenu, tamo gde desetak godina ima demokratije, podela demokratsko/desnog centra omogucila populistima drugi krug:

Peru's presidential election will go to a second round on 5 June, pitting former army officer Ollanta Humala against Keiko Fujimori, daughter of disgraced ex-leader Alberto Fujimori.No candidate received the 50% needed to secure victory outright in the first round on Sunday.With 75% of votes counted, Mr Humala has 29.3%, while Ms Fujimori has 22.9%.Observers from the Organization of American States say no major logistical difficulties affected the election.'Aids or cancer'Former Minister of the Economy Pedro Pablo Kuczynski received 21.1%.Keiko Fujimori poses after casting her ballot in Lima Keiko Fujimori says she wants to continue her father's legacyFormer President Alejandro Toledo is also contesting the election.Outgoing President Alan Garcia could not stand for a second term and his Apra party did not put forward a candidate.Peru is enjoying an economic boom and the campaign focused on how to maintain growth while tackling widespread poverty.Mr Humala, 48, who came second to Mr Garcia in 2006, campaigned on a promise to increase the state's role in the economy and redistribute wealth to Peru's poor majority.His critics have compared him to Venezuela's left-wing President Hugo Chavez, but he has emphasised links with Brazil's governing Workers' Party.Keiko Fujimori, 35, appealed to voters who still admire her father, president for a decade from 1990. He is now serving a 25-year jail sentence for corruption and organising death squads.She has defended his record, saying by taming hyper-inflation and defeating Marxist Shining Path rebels, he laid the basis for Peru's current economic boom.The prospect of a run-off between Mr Humala and Ms Fujimori has worried some Peruvians, including the Nobel Prize-winning author Mario Vargas Llosa, who has said it would be like "choosing between Aids and cancer".Mr Vargas Llosa is an outspoken critic of left-wing politics and himself stood for president in 1990 only to be defeated by Alberto Fujimori.On the eve of the election, Apra gave its support to Mr Kuczynski, 72.
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Na zadnjim izborima je bilo 54-46. Da se kandidovao 2000. mislim da bi i tada dobio izbore ali sa mnjim procentom (na ovim izborima ga je podrzao Bedié, bivsi predsjednik koji je uveo taj zakon 1999. da se zabrani Ouattari da se prezentuje na predsjednickim izborima).Inace, podjela je kao sto i rekao plemensko/religiozna.

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Opet lupetaš u tvom klasičnom stilu, penjući se po ogledalima, i pravdajući ono što ne može da se opravda.Kako reče Beowl, to što su poslali desetak specijalaca (od valjda bataljona koji je stacioniran non-stop tamo), da provale u bunker i izvade tog lika, je najblaže rečeno smešno.Kamo sprečavanje ubijanja civila u prethodnih 9 godina, kamo no-fly zone, kamo bombardovanje?Sad nastavi da tamburaš.
Bilo je svega, pišu ti ljudi. Druga je stvar što neki experti imaju pasiju da seru, a da prije ne prolaze kroz gradivo.. Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Napomenuo sam zenu jer je ona bila veca sila mraka.
Ivory Coast former first lady Simone Gbagbo, wife of Ivory Coast former president Laurent Gbagbo, is pictured surrounded by forces loyal to Alassane Outtara at the Golf Hotel after their capture in Abidjan, Ivory Coast on April 11, 2011. Ivorian leader Laurent Gbagbo was captured at his besieged residence in Abidjan and is in detention.
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jbg, neki tako, a neki svoju salju u Moskvu...za francophone :http://www.liberation.fr/portrait/0101102806-la-dame-d-ivoire

Edited by braca
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Mexicans Work the Longest HoursAccording to a new report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, people in Mexico spend more hours of their day working than the people of any other country.The average Mexican devotes 10 hours a day to paid and unpaid work, like cleaning, child care and cooking at home. Belgians, on the other hand, spend the least time each day working, about seven hours, among the 29 countries covered.
economix-12oecdwork-custom1.jpgNajmanje rade Nemci, Danci i Belgijanci a najvise Meksikanci i Japanci.
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sto mladje to opasnije
da ovo uradis detetu u bilo kom drugom kontestu, isao bi pravo u zatvor sa labelom child molester, a posle toga bi morao da spavas na dokovima posto ne bi smeo da budes u blizini skola i vrtica.
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