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US Soldiers Shot Dead At Frankfurt AirportTwo US soldiers have been killed in a shooting at Frankfurt airport, Sky sources have said.Two other people are said to have been injured in the incident and police have reportedly arrested a 21-year-old suspect from Kosovo.The shots were fired on or near a bus carrying soldiers, according to reports.It happened in front of terminal 2 of the airport, which is Europe's second-biggest, a spokesman at the airport said.
Kosovare greift US-Soldaten an – zwei Tote!Frankfurt – Zwei Tote bei Schießerei am Frankfurter Flughafen – ein Mann aus dem Kosovo (21) hat das Feuer eröffnet, einen Bus mit US-Soldaten angegriffen! Angeblich hat der Täter beim Angriff auf den Bus islamistische Parolen gebrüllt.
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The Paiza Club and Mansions are part of the Macau Venetian, the world's largest casino, and the fifth biggest building on the planet. And every time you buy something with a Made in China label, much of the money eventually ends up here.Las Vegas is puny in comparison. Chinese punters bet around £70bn on Macau's baize tables (they prefer baccarat) last month alone. This year it could reach £1tn, an almost unimaginably colossal sum. Think of all the cash issued from all the UK's ATMs last year. Then multiply it by five.
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Francuska 1. krug:

Selon un sondage réalisé par l'institut Harris Interactive pour «le Parisien» -«Aujourd'hui en France» à paraître ce dimanche, Marine Le Pen arrive en tête des intentions de vote au premier tour de la présidentielle avec 23%. Elle devance Nicolas Sarkozy et Martine Aubry, crédités tous deux de 21%.
(slučaj da DSK nije kandidat)
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Prag -- Češki ministar odbrane smenio je šefa Vojne policije i još dvojicu visokih zvaničnika, pošto su naoružani vojnici upali u sedište državne televizije. Upad u sedište televizije izvršen je u potrazi za "osetljivim materijalom" korišćenim u izveštavanju o vojsci.
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Putin počasni građanin Zubin Potoka
"Biće svečana skuptšina i na njoj ćemo proglasiti za počasnog građanina autonomne pokrajine Kosovo i Metogija Vladimira Vladimiroviča Putina. Zbog zasluge lično njega i njegovog tima koji vodi državu koji vode računa o teritoriji Kosova da bi ostala u sastavu republike Srbije, zahvaljujući angažovanju Ruske Federacije“, kaže Ničić.
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STUDY SHOWS RELIGION SET FOR EXTINCTIONA US study using census data shows that religion here and in eight other Western world countries is set for extinction.Census data was taken from as far back as a century from countries in which the census queried religious affiliation: Australia, Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Switzerland.The result, reported at the American Physical Society meeting, indicates that religion will all but die out altogether in those countries.In New Zealand, it's thought around half of all Kiwis claim no religious affiliation.Massey University Associate Professor of History Peter Lineham says in the 1950s, around 10% of New Zealanders had no religious affiliation. He says that increased to 45% in the 2006 census."Hopefully the 2011 Census will take place at some point next year and we'll know the latest figures, but it surely will have gone up to over 50%," he told Newstalk ZB.Professor Lineham says the study would have very different results if the study looked at other countries."If they took any countries beyond the western countries they've named, they would actually have the opposite phenomenon of religion getting larger."


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