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Nismo se ni mi proslavili u nabavkama i modernizaciji...



Meni je stvarno muka od ovoga npr. http://www.blic.rs/Vesti/Drustvo/396552/Kupili-vozove-prebrze-za-nase-pruge-Ruske-lokomotive-se-kvare-ako-voze-30-km-na-satI sad ja uzela da vidim na google maps gde su ti Bikovo i Orom, kolika je ta deonica, a ono selo do sela! Pa jebote, tri čoveka bi istovarila taj tucanik i izlila i nove betonske pragove za tri nedelje dana.

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Nismo se ni mi proslavili u nabavkama i modernizaciji...




Hajde da budem malo advokat SNCF-a i RFF-a (ovi prvi su nam akcionari a sa ovim drugim radim na jednom projektu). 


Da su kupili uze vozove, trebalo bi ih kupiti vise da bi previzili isti broj putnika (ne znam koja je razlika u cijeni ali sigurno nije mala).

Pedpostavljam da su kupili standardne vozove koje nije trebalo prepravljati (suziti) i kojima je cijena niza.

Da su kupili uze vozove rupa izmedju perona i voza bi bila velika i siguran sam da regije ili EU trazili da se ta "rupa" smanji to jest da se ti peroni rasire.


Ovo su neke moje predpostavke, parlament ce izvrsiti istragu pa cemo da vidimo u cemu je caka.

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Kad bi videli kakav je tu šou na nasim prugama pa oni bi implodirali. pa mi nemamo ni jedistvenu visinu perona nego je to menjano pa vraćano, a ko zna tek šta je sa slobodnim profilom.

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Evo sta je napisao jedan na skyscraper forumu:


There are thousands of trains, and around 8000 railways platforms in France.

In old times carriage floor was 3 our 4 feet higher than platform level, with gap between platform and cars.
The european legislation says all the trains must allow disabled person (even on wheelchair) to go into the carriage alone, without help.
So the new trains must be low floor, wide, and very near from platforms (less 2 inches, 5 cm).

No more than 1300 platforms are still not adapted to that wideness and floor level. It need 50 millions euros to adapt them.
Neither SNCF nor RFF forgot the problem.

The reality is that some politicians want to get off the SNCF manager, and that Mrs Segolene Royal, new Ministry of Environnement is among these politicians.


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ovi kitajci izgleda resili da pokriju sve vozovima. posle singapura i evrope neka se spremi amerika (samo severna za sada, pa kad su vec tamo, sta je to spustiti se i do juzne  :0.6:  )

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Cek malo, brza linija Singapur Kuala Lumpur jer tek u fazi projekta. Po meni jos nisu izabrali vozove.

Kitajci za sada jos nisu izvezli svoje brze vozove.

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ne znam u kojoj je fazi. znam da nije izgradjena. ti to pratis ili radis, sigurno znas mnogo bolje od mene. 


gde god dodjem lokalci mi pricaju o kineskim vozovima. u HK pokazali rupcagu neku i kazu ovde ces za godinu - dve moci iz pekinga vozom da stignes. za recimo 8 sati. u singapuru ista prica ali bez rupe :) 


mislis da ce ostati na fazi projekta i novinskih clanaka? meni se cini da ce oni do patagonije dogurati pre ili kasnije :) navuceni su na rast privrede, nema stajanja sada...



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  • 4 weeks later...

ne znam u kojoj je fazi. znam da nije izgradjena. ti to pratis ili radis, sigurno znas mnogo bolje od mene. 


gde god dodjem lokalci mi pricaju o kineskim vozovima. u HK pokazali rupcagu neku i kazu ovde ces za godinu - dve moci iz pekinga vozom da stignes. za recimo 8 sati. u singapuru ista prica ali bez rupe :) 


mislis da ce ostati na fazi projekta i novinskih clanaka? meni se cini da ce oni do patagonije dogurati pre ili kasnije :) navuceni su na rast privrede, nema stajanja sada...

Na ovoj liniji radimo nesto ali ja ne radim na tom projektu. Jos se nije stiglo do tendera, to je ono sto znam i najvjerovatnije ce je raditi. E sada ko ce raditi tu liniju, to ti ne bih znao reci. Kinezi su mogli da dobiju brzu liniju Meka Medina ali su se povukli i to sada rade spanci.

Ne znam zasto jos nisu izvezli svoje brze vozove. Neki kazu da su kopirali japance i da ih ovi cekaju kod prvog projekta u inostranstvu ali to je samo prica rekla kazala.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Zeleznicka stanica Peking




Ima ljudi iz Kine, pa neka me isprave ako gresim, ovo je juzna stanica odakle brzi vozovi krecu prema Sangaju, 1320 km razdaljina.






Treci prsten Pekinga




Sa linije Peking-Sangaj





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China's High-speed Railways Exceed 10,000 km

2013-09-26 14:37:47 Xinhua Web Editor: Zhang


China's high-speed train lines now exceed 10,000 kilometers after a railway track linking the coastal city of Fuzhou and in-land Nanchang began operating on Thursday morning.


It is the fourth line to open this year and the total length of track for speedy trains in the country is 10,463 kilometers. Last year, the figure was 9,356 kilometers.


With the new line, the traveling time between Fuzhou, capital city of southeastern China's Fujian Province, and Nanchang, capital city of Jiangxi Province, will be reduced from the previous 11 hours to 3 hours and 12 minutes. The train travels at 200 kilometers per hour.


At the initial stage of operation, 37 bullet trains will be used for passengers and 18 will carry cargo, according to China Railway Corporation


Nanjing-Hangzhou-Ninbo HSR




Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou HSR, crossing the bay




Peking, zapadna stanica, polasci za Guangzu




Nanjing-Hangzhou-Ningbo HSR opens




Tracklaying for Xinjiang section of Lanzhou-Xinjiang HSR completed


Lanzhou-Xinjiang HSR


1776km, crossing Xinjiang, Gansu and Qinghai provinces

143.5 bln yuan (US$ 23 bln)

Construction started in 2009, opening in 2014

Testing run will start from May 2014










Datong to Xian line





Edited by Zaz_pi
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hajd', posto nema direktno teme, ali je ipak prevozno sredstvo na sinama, da stavim ovde.

Elem vec severnije postavio sliku ludackog izgleda novog ruskog tramvaja da ovde satavim jos par.


UVZ to unveil the R1 (Russia One) tramway prototype next week

Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) corporation will unveil R1 (Russia One) tramway prototype produced by Uraltransmash factory, on 9th of July 2014, in Yekaterinburg, as a part of the industrial exhibition INNOPROM 2014.

UVZ via Uraltransmash factory has merged its production forces with the creative approach in order to develop a R1 tram prototype, which combines the up-to-date achievements of the Russian transport industry with the hype-generating visual solutions. The experts of Uraltransmash have analyzed the main trends of the city development; the collected data has backed the creation of the tram prototype, which would stay up to date for 10–15 years after the first launch, if the city infrastructure and architecture would develop accordingly.

In terms of technical characteristics, the R1 tram is bidirectional (i.e. driver cabs at both ends). The tram is 24 meters in length and 2.5 meters in width. It is mounted on two wheeled trolleys. On each side, there are four sliding plug doors with a complex geometry and kinematics.

In different configurations, the R1 tram can accommodate from 190 to 270 passengers and there are 28-50 seats. An air conditioning system will be installed both in the driver cab and in the salon. The tram will be equipped with GPS and Glonass navigators. The driver will be able to monitor the external and internal environment through seven HD surveillance cameras: four external and three internal cameras. This innovation by Uralvagonzavod will also be equipped with Wi-Fi, a modern audio system and antibacterial handrail.

Alexey Maslov, lead designer at Atom, has developed the exterior and interior designs for the project, and experts of Atom bureau oversee and control all the production phases, so the differences between prototype and the concept are lessened to 10 per cent. The transition from draft to the unit which is that precise is experienced for the first time in the world practice of industrial design, for usually the creation of the concept is processed without many technical parameters and differs from the final product dramatically.

R1 is the new driving force of the cityscape. The next-gen tram is created for the actual problem-solving and it would definitely highlight the new perspectives for the city development.





















Rusi se sale pa kazu da ovako treba da izgleda:





Zanimljivo su resenje izvelii. Voleo bih da vidim kako to izgleda u vazdusnom tunelu. Mozda su i u pravu oko aerodinamike ako se dodaju nekakvi vanduzni tuneli ispod ili tako nesto.

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Nanjing-Hangzhou-Ninbo HSR



Склањај те слике да не види Вучић, добићемо и Београд на шинама...

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