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Boktemazo, pa vreme je da opašemo koltove i svako za sebe

Jovana Perković@Jovanasubotom Pucnjava na Novom naselju. Vlasnika menjačnice pokušali da opljačkaju. Pucao na napadače. Jedan ranjen, trojica pobegla. #novisad
Edited by giuseppe
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РТВ сазнаје у Ургентном центру да је примљен младић са иницијалима И.Д. из Каћа (1976.) у тешком стању.http://www.rtv.rs/sr_ci/vojvodina/novi-sad/vlasnik-menjacnice-pucao-na-razbojnike_422165.html
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: Edited by Hella
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Ucini Dobro DeloHITNOOOO!!!!! NAJHITNIJE!!!!! Udaren pas lezi u kanalu,muzijak,snaucer,4 meseca,deluje kao da je neciji al ne mozemo da mu nadjemo vlasnika....nismo u finansijskoj mogucnosti da mu pomognemo,kao ni da mu pruzimo smestaj,MOZE LI NEKO DA POMOGNE???????? Mozemo da ponudimo prevoz....Ima li nekog da pomogne?? Petrovaradin,062 799 294
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šta je ovo trebalo da bude? baš je jadno ispalo. mene blam.
pa protest protiv nasilja, piše ti.
Grupa Novosađana pokrenula je inicijativu da se danas u 17 časova na Trgu slobode organizuje protest zbog katastrofalnog stanja bezbednosti u gradu.http://www.021.rs/Novi-Sad/Vesti/Protest-protiv-nasilja-na-Trgu-slobode.html
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  • 2 weeks later...

besna sam skoro ko u petak uvečesudbina bajk kična

People have been asking us to post something more detailed about our story and our situation at the moment so here goes our story in short version.We are all young people that come from a similar background. We all grew up traveling different countries and doing volunteering projects. In 2010 we decided to move to Serbia and start something here. We started a small play ground where children could come and learn English, we would give free English classes, clean up days, organizing performances for the handicap centers and Roma schools. We love Serbia, the people, the culture, we call it home. In 2012 we started the Culture Exchange a project that combines a cafe/bike kitchen, a social and business project so that we could support ourselves in the country and still be doing the things that we love. We wanted to create a public space where young people can share goals, ideas, dreams, learn languages, present their art work, perform and benefit from the once a month kickstarters.We never had any problems with our papers or visas until somebody decided to write an article about us in June, 2013. In this article he was claiming that we are a sect, and a sex cult, we deal with rituals and pedophilia, linking us to a movement that started in the 60′s in the United States of America. Thanks to this article we started getting life threats, a smashed window at our cafe, and police at our doors. We got so much support from the people and the press and we are so thankful for that. The whole story went down because the accusations were false.The police started investigating about us, witch we find to be normal after this article. But even after talking with them for hours and explaining every little detail of our lives they still seemed to not believe us.They started finding reasons to fine us, they told us we had to leave the country and we could not come back in. But the story they would give us was changing every day. They did not allow us to have somebody translating for us and since we are not really able to understand them very well we did not know about many laws and legal things they were telling us.The next thing they told us was that we could leave the country and then come back again and they would give us our visas with no problem.After doing as they asked, it seemed everything was fine but they denied the visas of two of the members of the Culture Exchange, telling us that they found some little mistakes and they could not give them a visa to stay in the country.So they left leaving us with less personnel. The other two members who applied for visas got also denied. Even though he has a business and has a very valid reason to stay in the country, the police suggested to them that they reapply for the visa and pay the fee of 700 euros again.This forced us to move address and find a new place in less than a week.Of course they came to us again and gave us another fine for not moving the address of the house in time and for apparently finding one of our members working at the cafe, even though he was at home at the moment that the police showed up.After giving us all the fines, they denied the stay in the country of Simon Wilson and his wife. Letting them know that they have 30 days to leave and that he will not be allowed to enter Serbia for the next year.We believe there is more behind this story then the police who are so concerned about keeping this country safe and making sure the laws are obeyed.Culture Exchange will hold a press conference at 3pm tomorrow 2/10/2013 at the Cafe, please anyone who wishes to show support come along, any reporters or journalists who would like to cover the story, please come to hear the unbelievable story.We would like to thank all the people who support us and have been with us during these past years. We had the best time of our lives. And hopefully we can continue that – with all of you!Culture Exchange team!
ovu zemlju treba sravniti.
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besna sam skoro ko u petak uvečesudbina bajk kičnaovu zemlju treba sravniti.
još od letos sam se zainteresovao za njihovu priču, osuđujem linčovanje ali neke stvari ne razumem. ako jesu povezani sa tom sektom Familija ne bi smeli to da kriju a ako nisu dovoljo je da dokažu na jasan i nedvosmislen način.naime vlasnica kafea Ana Marija Povrdil1371577011.jpgje navodno i na slici Facebook Family stranice sektemeni izgleda kao da može biti devojka na prvoj slici,... ne mora da znači ništa ali može biti dovoljno...
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