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antivaxx biseri


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Antivakserski nastrojen fudbaler Bajerna Kimih, koji je odbijao da se vakciniše, preležao je virus, ali će preskočiti sve utakmice do Nove godine jer mu lekari ne dozvoljavaju da igra zbog problema s plućima.



I'm doing well and yesterday I got over the really long quarantine period. I'm eager to get going again and be with the team. However, I still have to be patient for a while, as I'm not yet allowed to put full weight on my body due to a slight infiltration in my lungs. I'll be watching the remaining three games this year from the couch and then we'll be attacking together again in January.

https://www.instagram.com/p/CXQpelKKqrR/ (prevod: Deepl)

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Poznanica, blaga antivakserka od pre (nije htela da joj se dete vakcinise sa MMR pa je popustila kada je Nemacka uvela to kao uslov za upis u obdaniste) mi sva radosna juce rece kako joj se najbolja prjateljica KONACNO zarazila sa kovidom te sad, boze zdravlja, nece morati da se vakcinise. :twak: Za sad je sve okej sa drugaricom, kao da je prehladjena. Inace je i dalje u potpuno isotm fazonu kao na pocetku pandemije i zatvaranja u martu prosle godine: kovid je isto sta i grip, vakcine su napravljene za tri meseca.


Covek od 40 i kusur godina preminuo u intenzivnoj stanici, sve vreme uporno tvrdeci da to nije kovid (iako je PCR test potvrdio da jeste). Sad njegova zena zahteva od lekara da nadju sta je ubilo njenog muza jer - kovid ne postoji.


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The fiscal investigative service FIOD has arrested a man Friday morning who is associated with the website 'jaikwilcorona.nl', where the virus could be ordered in a tube in order to perform self-infection. He is accused of fraud.

On the website in question, one could order a so-called 'corona kit' for €33.50, with which the buyer could infect himself with the Covid-19 virus. According to the website, everything needed for a deliberate infection would be easily delivered by mail. After you had infected yourself, a test at the GGD would first be positive and later, when cured, negative. With a healed certificate from the GGD, one could then regain access to the nightlife, without vaccination.

Last month the Healthcare Inspectorate (IGJ) announced that it would be taking action against the people behind the website, who advertised their services with the slogan: "Do you want to determine when you become infected with the corona virus? With the corona kit you can make that choice yourself! According to the website, the virus that was sent was no older than three months, 'this way you can be sure that the latest mutations and variants are included'.

The kit included a tube containing a liquid with the coronavirus and a self-test to subsequently determine the infection.


https://www.telegraaf.nl/financieel/1446454410/fiod-arresteert-man-achter-website-waar-coronavirus-besteld-kon-worden (prevod: Deepl)

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