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328 members have voted

  1. 1. Da li ćete se vakcinisati?

    • Da, prvom prilikom
    • Da, ali ne odmah, sačekao bih prvi talas reakcija
    • Ne zasad, ali sam spreman da promenim mišljenje
    • Ne, nikako
    • Ne znam
  2. 2. Koju vakcinu biste napre uzeli?

    • Pfizer and BioNTech
    • Moderna
    • Sputnik V
    • AstraZeneca
    • Sinopharm China
    • Svejedno mi je

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12 minutes ago, chandra said:


@LanciaDocim smo do sada ziveli zivot postedjen manipulacija.


Offtopic - si video novi zakon o radu? Je-bo-te. U Spaniji vise nema poslova na odredjeno! Hurej! Svi ugovori moraju da budu za stalno! Fantazija. S tim sto tim stalnim ugovorom mozes tacno dupe da obrises, odnosno mozes da dobijes otkaz uz minimalnu naknadu u bilo kom trenutku. U oblastima gde dominiraju privremeni ugovori tacno ce da smanje plate za iznos predvidjene otpremnine. Pritom ovo nema veze sa covidom vec s brigom za malog coveka. :isuse:

Mislis, nije zgore da pridodamo jos neku? :) Video sam, kao sto sam bio svedok sta su uradili od 99-te godine, kad je Spanija bila (a pogotovo Kanari) destinacija nº1 za zivot..

Nekad je ovde bio El Dorado, sa nikakvim sansama da se ponovi.

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23 minutes ago, mackenzie said:

4 doze nisu dovoljne :fantom:


Israeli trial, world’s first, finds 4th dose ‘not good enough’ against Omicron

Expert at Sheba Medical Center says jab raises COVID antibody levels, but there are ‘still a lot of infections’ among those who received it

Nearly a month after Sheba Medical Center launched a landmark study to test the efficacy of a fourth COVID shot, the hospital said Monday that this fourth booster was only partially effective in protecting against the Omicron strain.

“The vaccine, which was very effective against the previous strains, is less effective against the Omicron strain,” Prof. Gili Regev-Yochay, a lead researcher in the experiment said.

“We see an increase in antibodies, higher than after the third dose,” Regev-Yochay said. “However, we see many infected with Omicron who received the fourth dose. Granted, a bit less than in the control group, but still a lot of infections,” she added

“The bottom line is that the vaccine is excellent against the Alpha and Delta [variants], for Omicron it’s not good enough,” she said.

Regev-Yochay added that it is still probably a good idea to give a fourth shot to those at higher risk, but intimated that perhaps the current campaign, which also offers the jab to the over-60s, should be amended to only include even older groups. She did not elaborate.

The hospital did not release more specific data. Regev-Yochay said the results of the research are only preliminary, but indicated that she was providing the initial information since there was high public interest in the matter.


Sad je samo pitanje sta je sledeca iteracija posle omicrona i kojom brzinom ce virus dalje mutirati, tj. hoce li i prelezani omicron pruzati neku zastitu od pija, roa, sigme ili nekog sledeceg. Sve vise citam da se govori o rafalu razlicitih virusa pre nego o jednom covidu. Negde su pominjalii deltacron (na Kipru?) gde je nejasno da li su se delta i omicron nekako ukrstili ili je doslo do istovremenog zarazavanja i jednim i drugim.


Sto se tice vakcine, stici ce neka nova i dodatna verzija, pa onda sledeca, sve zbog nespremnosti da se ide ponovo na obimna zatvaranja.

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Ništa ako se ne živi bolje zbog vakcine sem ako bude obavezna a obavezna vakcina će da smanji vakcinaciju da se zatvara topik


Jer će i on da smanji, većinom je pro vax i ja već vidim kontraefekat ;/ Dan kad sam postao vakser, dupišem

Edited by Hermetico
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Don’t believe the hype around Djokovic, catching COVID is no substitute for the jab

By Sarah Palmer and Graeme Stewart
January 18, 2022 — 5.30am

Amid all the hype surrounding the Novak Djokovic saga, one troubling myth needs to be dispelled: that being infected with SARS-CoV-2 and recovering from COVID-19 provides adequate immunity from the disease, making vaccination unnecessary.


In fact, the immunity conferred on many people by the Omicron tidal wave does not alter the critical importance of an ongoing vaccine rollout and innovative vaccine science. They remain the cornerstones for protection of life, quality-of-life and livelihood throughout 2022 and beyond.


With each vaccination, protective immune response expands, refines and better equips the army poised to protect against future infection. If the virus enters and attaches to cells of the upper airways, an immune system primed by vaccinations is both more potent and more rapidly activated. This is especially important in the initial few days of infection as the virus attempts to spread and establish a foothold in other vital organs. The outcome of the race between virus and immunity is disease or no disease. Boosters are essential for winning the race.


In contrast, immune protection from a single episode of infection is inferior to that conferred by double dose vaccination. It can be viewed as being somewhere between the benefit of one vaccine shot and two, and way below the immunity gained after boosters.


For the unvaccinated but not yet infected, the message is clear: the extremely contagious Omicron variant changes your risk calculation and you need to forego hesitancy, resist peer pressure and get vaccinated. The Omicron strain does cause serious disease, albeit less frequently than Delta. Further, 10 per cent of current infections are caused by Delta. Fit people in their 20s have died in the current wave and thousands face “long COVID” in the months and years to come. Of greatest concern are the 30 per cent of pregnant women who are unvaccinated despite irrefutable evidence of increased risk of maternal death, miscarriage and stillbirth from COVID-19. In the current Omicron surge, they run a sizeable risk of being infected.


If unvaccinated and recently infected with the virus, the message is still clear: get double vaccinated starting after symptoms have resolved. As protection wanes, Omicron can re-infect, Delta is still out there, and new variants likely to emerge.


Some parents have expressed the view that Omicron infection is a smaller health risk for their 5 to 11-year-old children than that of myocarditis following vaccination. This is not so. Data released last week from the USA on 8.7 million children in that age group showed the risk of myocarditis after the Pfizer vaccine to be 2 per million for girls and 4 per million for boys. Almost every case of myocarditis is mild and transient with no deaths.


The risk of ICU admission for COVID-19 for young children, a much more serious outcome, has been reported at 19 per million. The probability of infection when school restarts is high, children can experience the debilitating effects of “long COVID” and can carry infection to vulnerable family members. High vaccination rates will reduce disruption from pre- and primary school closures.


For the many double vaccinated who have recently acquired COVID-19, the infection should be seen as equivalent to a booster. But still get your booster. It is safe to do so, but the benefit is likely to be greater if left for at least a month after symptoms have settled.


While almost all Australians will comply with expert advice, continual cycles of new boosters for new variants is not an ideal strategy to combat this pandemic. The challenge in vaccine science is to develop a vaccine that protects against all current and future variants. A team led by one of us (Professor Palmer) has developed a computer algorithm which identifies parts of the virus essential for its viability and replication. As they are necessary for virus replication, these regions rarely change. By developing a universal booster containing these regions, the goal is to create a vaccine which should be effective against the current and future variants. Early progress – and research in other labs in Australia and elsewhere – shows promise for this approach.


Gifted scientists worked around the clock to produce safe and effective vaccines in record time to fight back against an extraordinary foe. There is still much more to achieve. The Omicron tsunami has increased, not diminished, the need for everyone to use these tools wisely for the benefit of self, family and community.


Sarah Palmer is a virologist and Graeme Stewart a clinical immunologist at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research. Both are University of Sydney professors.


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4 hours ago, chandra said:


Sad je samo pitanje sta je sledeca iteracija posle omicrona i kojom brzinom ce virus dalje mutirati, tj. hoce li i prelezani omicron pruzati neku zastitu od pija, roa, sigme ili nekog sledeceg. Sve vise citam da se govori o rafalu razlicitih virusa pre nego o jednom covidu. Negde su pominjalii deltacron (na Kipru?) gde je nejasno da li su se delta i omicron nekako ukrstili ili je doslo do istovremenog zarazavanja i jednim i drugim.


Sto se tice vakcine, stici ce neka nova i dodatna verzija, pa onda sledeca, sve zbog nespremnosti da se ide ponovo na obimna zatvaranja.


Zatvoris se, i onda otvoris, i dodje soj iz Juzne Afirke, Bolivije ili Indije.


Samo visoka stopa vakcinacije na svetskom nivou je resenje, ali WHO niko ne slusa.


Ili, ako imam srece, da ti pijevi, sigme, roi budu jos slabiji od  omicrona.

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5 hours ago, maharaja said:

S obzirom da u Srbiji ne postoji baš uređen, zakonski definisan, i u praksi razvijen telehealth (a trebalo bi jer postoji ogromna potreba za tim), eto prilike za pilot projekat :)

Neka, hvala 😁

Otkad imam internet (negde od... 1995, bio dial-up na beogradski Eunet 🤣) pričam ljudima online šta god mogu i (dobro) znam, ali više ne mogu. Dođe vreme i za matorenje 😁.

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12 minutes ago, Budja said:


Zatvoris se, i onda otvoris, i dodje soj iz Juzne Afirke, Bolivije ili Indije.


Samo visoka stopa vakcinacije na svetskom nivou je resenje, ali WHO niko ne slusa.


Ili, ako imam srece, da ti pijevi, sigme, roi budu jos slabiji od  omicrona.

Svim srcem se nadam i želim nam da dođe u formu otprilike gripa, jednom godišnje i 'ajde... 

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6 hours ago, chandra said:


Zato sto i medju njima ima neznalica, budala, cudaka i ludaka. Pocni od Nestorovica i Kisicke, pa redjaj. Ja nisam lekar, ali sam nekom igrom slucaja okruzen raznim lekarima, neki od njih su u top 5% svoje profesije. Svi su medju prvima vakcnisani, vakcinisana su im deca, svi nose ffp2 maske, izbegavaju bilo kakve rizicne aktivnosti mimo posla i pridzavaju se mera.

To dvoje koje pomenuste ne bih komentarisala; jednom prilikom se na nož isvađah s Faktorom iz Batuta, znam dobro ko su i tu sortu ne mogu...😡

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Pominjao sam ovu emisiju državne televizije iz kraja septembra prošle godine na temi o Đokoviću u vezi sa obaveznom vakcinacijom, siguran sam da je svima interesantna u svetlu tekućih dešavanja kako ovde, tako i u US, Italiji i na drugim mestima ( @Leia, @Budja, @harper i ostali). Gledanje je dostupno, nije geoblokirano, a ima i transkript.

The Ethics of Mandatory Vaccination

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8 hours ago, red star forever said:

Znam da nije tema, ali jesam li ja nešto propustio, otkud to da  omikron označava kraj/smiraj pandemije?


Pa to se provlaci neprestano, ali nema mnogo temelja u realnosti. Kacio sam vec, imas ovde dosta realisticne tekstove





Vidi i ovo sto je Gojko postovao.


Meni deluje da je to uzdanje u omicron pre izraz neke prezasicenosti ljudi i nade u daj sta das, samo da se ovo zavrsi. Naprotiv, bojim se da ce biti jos talasa i losih vesti pre nego sto ovo udje u bilo kakav privid normalnosti.


Pritom, ljudi ne razumeju apsolutne brojeve dok nije neko njihov u pitanju.

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Ja danas samo da se polijem govnima što sam 2020. čekao da se vakcinišem, bio lenj pa odradio bolest nevakcinisan bez ikakve potrebe. Sad na sve to gledam drugim očima, ne zbog svoje bolesti to mi nije teško palo. Posramio sam se na drugim mestima javno, al mislim da sam ovde propustio a ovde su mi lepo rekli ljudi

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