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Bajden - jedno staro i očekivano presidency?


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14 minutes ago, dragance said:

To je druga (i sramotna) priča.


Ja svaki dan slusam ovakve "price". Ovo nisu "sramotne price", ovo je necija, moja recimo, svakodnevnica i ovo je masovni atak na ljude koji su dusevno zdravi od strane neizlecivih, beznadeznih bolesnika. Ovo je cak bezazlen primer novog idiotizma, postoje mnogo opasniji. Kada drzava krene putem bolesnika svi moraju da reaguju, s toga, ne shvatam sta je smesno u mom prethodnom postu, koliko znam americka/francuska vojska nije slala upozoravajuca saopstenja decenijama. I najbolje da ostane tako nejasno, sto bih ja morao sve da znam. Ne interesuje me. Nemoj se deranziras.

Edited by Jusuf Hatunic
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2 hours ago, Jusuf Hatunic said:

...jel tako, jeste

Ono, kako se uzme: mi, u Srbiji, na primer, sortu branitelja :isuse: Amerike poput tebe, obicno po nekad pocastimo sitom za pivo u prolazu pored kioska...

Doduse, kada bas preteraju, a 'oce to, tretiramo ih komisijski...;)

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12 minutes ago, namenski said:

Ono, kako se uzme: mi, u Srbiji, na primer, sortu branitelja :isuse: Amerike poput tebe, obicno po nekad pocastimo sitom za pivo u prolazu pored kioska...

Doduse, kada bas preteraju, a 'oce to, tretiramo ih komisijski...;)


Vi ste braco zbog toga tu gde jeste i mlako pivo ispred kioska vam je zagarantovano do penzije, onda vise ni to :D


Tako da ne vidim kako bi to mogao biti moj problem. 

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2 minutes ago, Jusuf Hatunic said:


Vi ste braco zbog toga tu gde jeste i mlako pivo ispred kioska vam je zagarantovano do penzije, onda vise ni to :D


Tako da ne vidim kako bi to mogao biti moj problem. 

Ma vazno da si se ti na vreme izvuk'o, dok je 'ladnog piva i tebe...

Blago Ameriki...:cry:

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On 14.5.2021. at 13:51, Lezilebovich said:

Bajdenara dominira i globalno






I adekvatno ispraćeno na forumu.

Edited by Milošica
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Biden just dethroned the Welfare Queen


...But Biden is now boldly going where no contemporary Democratic president has gone before, and he's destroying one of the GOP's most effective political attacks in the process.


The heart of Biden's "Build Back Better" agenda is three massive plans that would use huge sums of government money to help working families, including people of color. The American Rescue Plan, which was signed into law in March, includes direct cash payments to struggling families. Two other plans would rebuild the country's infrastructure and expand tax credits to help working families and make education more affordable.


What's fascinating is how Republicans have responded. It's not what they've said: that Biden is a "radical" and a "socialist" and his proposals are a "sloppy liberal wish list."

It's what they haven't said that's revealing. They haven't successfully deployed any Welfare-Queen-like stories about people of color mooching off pandemic aid to turn a critical mass of White voters against Biden's plans. If there have been such attacks, they haven't gained traction.


"[The Republicans] don't have a coherent pushback," James Carville told the Daily Beast in a recent interview, describing three right-wing lines of attack against the President. "It's all CBS: cancel culture, the border and senility."


"As a White, elderly man, Biden is a difficult target for Trump-loving conservatives who like to portray racially diverse Democrats as a threat to what they see as Anglo-Saxon cultural traditions," CNN's Stephen Collinson recently wrote.


What was once seen as Biden's vulnerability as a Democratic candidate -- his mixed record on race -- has become a presidential asset. It's easier for him to propose plans that help people of color without sparking a White backlash.

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It all began when the intellectual Godfather of modern conservatism, William F. Buckley Jr., defined that movement as standing athwart history yelling stop. What Buckley was trying to stop was the New Deal—the expansion of government under Franklin Roosevelt. He was also referring to the growing secularization of society. His first book, "God and Man at Yale," published in 1951, was a diatribe against what he believed were the anti-Christian and anti-capitalist forces at the nation's best universities.


Buckley yelled stop again during the civil-rights movement, writing in 1957 that "the South must prevail" because the more "advanced" white race had an obligation and right to rule over others. He changed his mind during the mid-1960s, but many conservatives remained staunchly opposed to the landmark civil-rights bills of 1964 and 1965.


In other words, the modern Republican Party has its roots in rebellion—rebellion against the main currents of change in modern American society: the growth of the welfare state, the secularization of life and the increasing diversity of American society. 


The trouble is, most Americans don't agree with that protest. They may express discomfort with the welfare state in theory, but in practice they love Social Security, Medicare and the rest. Secularization is a force that is sweeping through almost all advanced industrial societies and one government can do little to stop. And America's growing diversity is inevitable in a country built on immigration and has mostly proved to be a strength, not a weakness.


But Republican politicians are now riding the back of a tiger and they can't get off. Former President Ronald Reagan, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former President Donald Trump — all icons on the right — whip up their followers into a froth of hysteria and promise that they will repeal and reverse most of these terrible trends.


But of course it never happens: When Republicans take power, they don't actually repeal government programs that, in reality, are popular. Which makes the Republican base get more and more angry. And as their sense of betrayal grows, so does their desperation that American civilization is in imminent danger of collapse.


There is a great and honorable space in America for a party of limited and efficient government that values traditionalism and believes that social change should take place slowly and organically. But that is different from what has become a band of ideological warriors with apocalyptic vision that fears the ends of days, sees opponents as devils and traitors and believes that all methods are sanctioned in its battle to save civilization and itself.

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On 16.5.2021. at 0:12, Milošica said:



I adekvatno ispraćeno na forumu.


Možda nije adekvatno ispraćeno na forumu, ali je to donekle i razumljivo obzirom da ovakva reakcija američkog predsednika na dešavanja u koja je uključen Izrael ne odstupa od standardne matrice reakcija američkih predsednika u ovakvim situacijama. Bajden je očigledno više pro-Izrael od Obame, koji je imao solidna trvenja sa Netanjauhom. Tramp i republikanci su, na razočarenje društva iz ćoška, jedno 30 puta više pro-Izrael i od ovakvog Bajdena.


No, stvari se u američkoj politici menjaju dosta brzo. 2014.g. (pre samo 7 godina) je bio dovoljan jedan propalestinski tvit običnog činovnika u NY legislaturi, da se cela NY štampa obruši na istog, dok je pre neki dan više od 20 kongresmena (samo iz jedne partije, naravno) govorilo u Kongresu protiv Netanjauha i politike Izraela prema Palestini, nazvavši, između ostalog, Bibija etnonacionalistom, a politiku Izraela prema Palestini aparthejdom.


A danas imamo ovu vest, što je do skoro bilo nezamislivo (ni Berni nikad nije predlagao nešto slično, koliko znam). Trend je jasan.



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btw, meni je mnogo interesantnije kako niko od kafanskih   forumskih stručnjaka nije prokomentarisao ovu senzacionalnu vest



Kamo Severni tok kao glavni razlog za rat neokon Bajdena protiv Rusije? Ukrajina, rat, samo što nije, neokoni (pored živog Majka Pompea i Džona Boltona).



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Misliš nakon što su Rusi našli način da sami nastave sa izgradnjom i nakon što su ih Nijemci odjebali svaki put kad bi oni ili sateliti iz EU pokretali to pitanje (IIRC Pomeranija je osnovala i neki fond za finansiranje stvari zbog kojih bi privatne kompanije pale pod sankcije - al drzavu/pokrajinu one ne mogu da pogode) administracija je odlučila da se više ne blamira? Možda ipak ne:

We continue to examine entities involved in potentially sanctionable activity and have made it clear that companies risk sanctions if they are involved in Nord Stream 2




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