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Covid-19: Razvoj vakcine, imunitet i primena medikamenata


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"Ne znamo koliko će vakcina biti efikasna, da li će to biti 50 ili 60 odsto. Voleo bih da bude efikasna 75 odsto ili više od toga", rekao je Fauči u svom obraćanjui se na onlajn seminaru Univerziteta Braun.


Ukazao je i na to da se koncept javnog zdravstva, kako je rekao, nikada ne sme napustiti jer je nemoguće razviti vakcinu koja je delotvorna do 98 odsto, objavio je Sky News.


To znači da ljudi u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i u drugim delovima sveta moraju i dalje da održavaju fizičku distancu, nose zaštitne maske i izbegavati gužve u cilju zaustavljanja širenja virusa.




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For a world crippled by the coronavirus, salvation hinges on a vaccine.

But in the United States, where at least 4.6 million people have been infected and nearly 155,000 have died, the promise of that vaccine is hampered by a vexing epidemic that long preceded COVID-19: obesity.

Scientists know that vaccines engineered to protect the public from influenza, hepatitis B, tetanus and rabies can be less effective in obese adults than in the general population, leaving them more vulnerable to infection and illness. There is little reason to believe, obesity researchers say, that COVID-19 vaccines will be any different.

“Will we have a COVID vaccine next year tailored to the obese? No way,” said Raz Shaikh, an associate professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

“Will it still work in the obese? Our prediction is no.”

More than 107 million American adults are obese, and their ability to return safely to work, care for their families and resume daily life could be curtailed if the coronavirus vaccine delivers weak immunity for them.



Edited by vememah
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People around the world are eagerly waiting for a vaccine for the COVID-19 disease that has killed over 700,000 and infected more than 19.3 million. While the price of the vaccine has been a cause for concern considering its high demand, the world's largest vaccine manufacturer (by volume) wants to make the vaccine affordable, at just $3 so that it doesn't cut a hole in the pocket and could potentially end the pandemic.

The Pune-based Serum Institute of India (SII), which produces about 1.3 billion vaccine doses annually, has proposed INR 225 or around $3 cap for the upcoming Coronavirus vaccine for India and lower-and middle-income countries (LMICs). The SII has received exclusive rights to supply the vaccine candidates in India that are being developed by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca and the U.S. drug manufacturer Novavax.

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- Jutros je prvi put u svetu registrovana vakcina protiv korona virusa - rekao je Putin na sastanku sa članovima vlade, prenose ruske agencije.

Putin je rekao, kako prenosi RT da je tu vakcinu primila i njegova ćerka. Ona je posle primanja vakcine imala blagu temperaturu, ali je to brzo prošlo.


- Jedna od mojih ćerki dobila je vakcinu. U tom smislu, učestvovala je u eksperimentu. Posle prve vakcinacije, imala je temperaturu 38, sledećeg dana - 37 i to je bilo sve - rekao je on.



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