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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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6 hours ago, ObiW said:




Evolucija je "dokazana cinjenica" osim evolucije coveka. Jer ako kazu "covek je evolucijom nastao od majmuna", onda nema potrebe za Bogom. Odmah pada u vodu prica o Isusu koji je rodjen bezgresnim zacecem, i kao takav bio i covek i bozanstvo. Posledicno pada prica o njegovom vaskrsenju i odlasku u nebo kod tate, tj Boga. I kada sve to padne u vodu, od hriscanstva ostane samo 10 zapovesti o lepom ponasanju, ergo bonton. Dakle, mogu oni da priznaju da zivotinje evoluiraju, ali ne mogu nikad da priznaju da je covek nastao od zivotinje. 


A ipak su, vidiš, priznali i dogma je to preživela jer religija ipak funkcioniše malo drugačije. 


Neću nastavljati diskusiju jer ne želim da gubim vreme na odbranu javno dostupnih fakata. 



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5 minutes ago, James Marshall said:

Pa domaći su igrali vlaško, ne znam tačno šta konstituiše vlašku svadbu, ali se sjećam belmuža i vlaškog kola. 


Običaji i muzika, ako je set lista muzike bila dominantno vlaška muzika, onda je to - to

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6 hours ago, ObiW said:

Jel to znaci da ti i ja sada razgovaramo na hrvatskom? 

Evolucija je "dokazana cinjenica" osim evolucije coveka. Jer ako kazu "covek je evolucijom nastao od majmuna", onda nema potrebe za Bogom. Odmah pada u vodu prica o Isusu koji je rodjen bezgresnim zacecem, i kao takav bio i covek i bozanstvo. Posledicno pada prica o njegovom vaskrsenju i odlasku u nebo kod tate, tj Boga. I kada sve to padne u vodu, od hriscanstva ostane samo 10 zapovesti o lepom ponasanju, ergo bonton. Dakle, mogu oni da priznaju da zivotinje evoluiraju, ali ne mogu nikad da priznaju da je covek nastao od zivotinje. 


Koliko ima reci koje se razlikuju? 200 ? 300?  Razlika je dovoljno velika da covek koji govori ekavicu veoma tesko moze da nauci da pravilno govori ijekavicu. Sto se razlike u akcentiranju reci tice i tu ima razlike, u Bosni se recimo kaze bEograd, a u Srbiji beOgrad. Razlika nije velika meni i tebi, ali ako bi stranac prvo naucio ijekavsku varijantu srpskog,  pa onda ucio ekavsku varijantu morao bi  opet da nauci  te reci koje se razlikuju, kojih nema malo. A kada bi prvo ucio  ijekavsku varijantu srpskog pa bosanski, morao bi da nauci samo 3 nove reci: kahva, lahko i mehko.  O tome sam pricao kada sam rekao da je srpski u Bosni blizi bosanskom nego srpskom u Srbiji. S druge strane nema razlike u pravoslavnim obicajima kod Srba bez obzira gde zive.



leksika se razlikuje i kod srpskih govornika  u pojedinim dijelovima bih.

u zapadnoj bosni ima mnogo germanizama i madjarskih rijeci donesenih od doseljenih srba iz vojne krajine, dok u istocnim dijelovima bih toga nema.

akcenatski sistem je isti-cetvoroakcenatski, a manjih razlika u akcentovanju ima od lokaliteta do lokaliteta, prakticno na nivou dva sela.

sto se tice bosanskog, on je izveden iz srpskog jezika ijekavskog izgovora tj. preimenovan, pa je logicno da je vrlo slican srpskom koji se govori u bih, ali ne znam kako to negativno utice na koheziju srba u ex jugi.

i da, pravoslavni obicaji se itekako razlikuju od regije do regije.

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1 hour ago, mustang said:

svi pricaju srpsko-hrvatski samo sa drugacijim dijalektom


sve je to jedan jezik ma kako nononastale drzave pokusavaju da glume ludilo.


Da te ispravim: svi govore srpski, osim čakavaca koji govore hrvatski, i kajkavaca, koji govore slovenački :fantom:

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8 minutes ago, hazard said:


Da te ispravim: svi govore srpski, osim čakavaca koji govore hrvatski, i kajkavaca, koji govore slovenački :fantom:

A Makedonci govore srpski sa govornom manom... :fantom:



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ikavskom stokavicom govori veliki broj hrvata.

 ijekavskom stokavicom kojom govore svi srbi u bih, govore dubrovcani i hrvati u podrucjima u kojima su srbi cinili vecinu, dakle zanemarljiv dio.

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4 hours ago, porucnik vasic said:

Не него то надобудно прђење о стварима о којима се појма нема је заморно. Ајде на фудбалу могу да га истрпим кад лупета, оно Зидан му је један од три најбитнија тренера икад, али ово је превише...


Ti si, idiote, jedna nadobudna isprazna fašistička budaletina.


Popušiš mi stojka za sve gluposti koje ti se ovde tolerišu, onako retroaktivno.



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Jedini razlog zasto spominjem Srbiju je taj sto je arheolog1981 iz clanka koji spominje stav svestenog lica, koji btw po difoltu - bilo gde da se nalazi - MORA da veruje u kreacionizam, Nojevu barku, ravnu zemlju i ostala čudesa, zaključuje da ljudi koji veruju u to ima disproporcionalno više u Americi nego bilo gde u svetu, a ti mu terciraš sa “dobro možda ima više u Saudijskoj Arabiji”. Ja vam samo dajem na uvid da kreacionisti i ljubitelji Nojeve barke imaju daleko veći uticaj na društvo u Srbiji nego u Americi, a ako i dalje ne veruješ u to, pročitaj članak u linku koji sam ostavio Milosici.

Da baš sam iz tog članka i stava ovog bolida izvukao da u Americi ima neuobičajeno mnogo kreacionista i ravnozemljaša... prvi put sam to tamo pročitao i odmah izveo zaključak da je tako po celim Amerikama :) Aj kad moram crtati, taj članak me je samo podstakao da postavim to pitanje jer znam gomilu primera i običnih ljudi i javnih ličnosti koji zastupaju te tupave stavove.

Evo ti članak o jednom širem problemu... u poslednjih 10-tak pasusa imaš navode za konkretno ovu temu ali je sve to deo navedenog problema.

Progreso Weekly

The cult of ignorance in the U.S.: Anti intellectualism and the ‘dumbing down’ of America


[https://secure-gravatar-com]By Ray Williams on May 29, 2016

There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.

Susan Jacoby, author of The Age of American Unreason,says in an article in the Washington Post, “Dumbness, to paraphrase the late senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, has been steadily defined downward for several decades, by a combination of heretofore irresistible forces. These include the triumph of video culture over print culture; a disjunction between Americans’ rising level of formal education and their shaky grasp of basic geography, science and history; and the fusion of anti-rationalism with anti-intellectualism.”

There has been a long tradition of anti-intellectualism in America, unlike most other Western countries. Richard Hofstadter, who won a Pulitzer Prize in 1964 for his book, Anti-Intellectualism In American Life, describes how the vast underlying foundations of anti-elite, anti-reason and anti-science have been infused into America’s political and social fabric. Famous science fiction writer Isaac Asimov once said:

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”[https://progresoweekly-us]

Mark Bauerlein, in his book, The Dumbest Generation, reveals how a whole generation of youth is being dumbed down by their aversion to reading anything of substance and their addiction to digital “crap” via social media.

Journalist Charles Pierce, author of Idiot America, adds another perspective:

“The rise of idiot America today represents – for profit mainly, but also and more cynically, for political advantage in the pursuit of power – the breakdown of a consensus that the pursuit of knowledge is a good. It also represents the ascendancy of the notion that the people whom we should trust the least are the people who best know what they are talking about. In the new media age, everybody is an expert.”

“There’s a pervasive suspicion of rights, privileges, knowledge and specialization,” says Catherine Liu, the author of American Idyll: Academic Antielitism as Cultural Critique and a film and media studies professor at University of California. The very mission of universities has changed, argues Liu. “We don’t educate people anymore. We train them to get jobs.”

Part of the reason for the rising anti-intellectualism can be found in the declining state of education in the U.S. compared to other advanced countries:

After leading the world for decades in 25-34 year olds with university degrees, the U.S. is now in 12th place. The World Economic Forum ranked the U.S. at 52nd among 139 nations in the quality of its university math and science instruction in 2010. Nearly 50% of all graduate students in the sciences in the U.S. are foreigners, most of whom are returning to their home countries;

The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs commissioned a civic education poll among public school students. A surprising 77% didn’t know that George Washington was the first President; couldn’t name Thomas Jefferson as the author of the Declaration of Independence; and only 2.8% of the students actually passed the citizenship test. Along similar lines, the Goldwater Institute of Phoenix did the same survey and only 3.5% of students passed the civics test;

According to the National Research Council report, only 28% of high school science teachers consistently follow the National Research Council guidelines on teaching evolution, and 13% of those teachers explicitly advocate creationism or “intelligent design;”

18% of Americans still believe that the sun revolves around the earth, according to a Gallup poll;

The American Association of State Colleges and Universities report on education shows that the U.S. ranks second among all nations in the proportion of the population aged 35-64 with a college degree, but 19th in the percentage of those aged 25-34 with an associate or high school diploma, which means that for the first time, the educational attainment of young people will be lower than their parents;

74% of Republicans in the U.S. Senate and 53% in the House of Representatives deny the validity of climate change despite the findings of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and every other significant scientific organization in the world;

According to the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress, 68% of public school children in the U.S. do not read proficiently by the time they finish third grade. And the U.S. News & World reported that barely 50% of students are ready for college level reading when they graduate;

According to a 2006 survey by National Geographic-Roper, nearly half of Americans between ages 18 and 24 do not think it necessary to know the location of other countries in which important news is being made. More than a third consider it “not at all important” to know a foreign language, and only 14 percent consider it “very important;”

According to the National Endowment for the Arts report in 1982, 82% of college graduates read novels or poems for pleasure; two decades later only 67% did. And more than 40% of Americans under 44 did not read a single book–fiction or nonfiction–over the course of a year. The proportion of 17 year olds who read nothing (unless required by school ) has doubled between 1984-2004;

Gallup released a poll indicating 42 percent of Americans still believe God created human beings in their present form less than 10,000 years ago;

A 2008 University of Texas study found that 25 percent of public school biology teachers believe that humans and dinosaurs inhabited the earth simultaneously.

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Obama’s defenders often judge him according to imaginary, free-floating criteria such as how good he was at ‘getting things done’. According to such criteria, they say, he did ‘pretty well’. But presidents should be judged by how well they respond to historical situations, not by trans-historical criteria such as how many bills they get passed. We judge Lincoln by how he handled the Civil War and Roosevelt by how he handled the Depression. Obama came to the presidency at a potentially momentous crossroads, when the neoliberal order was deeply discredited because of the disaster in Iraq and the financial crisis. In that context, Obama was the object of charismatic longings of rare intensity. Grasping this, he ran on the promise of moving in a wholly new direction, claiming we needed not just new policies but a new mindset. Once elected, however, he governed on the basis of ‘pragmatism’, ‘little steps’ and ‘bipartisanship’. In the end, it was not Obama but Trump who answered the call for a wholly new direction, but in a disastrous way.


The Case Against Obama

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arheolog, dobar clanak. thx. 


nra je biznis, prodzaraj malo ko su sve vlasnici

pocecu da razmisljam ko u bilioners pa uzmem nesto akcija koje ce opet da buknu cim bude sledeca pucnjava

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