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Politička korektnost


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Ali narod voli... naravno cak i previse, jer su ovde, nedavno na"drzavnom nivou" preokrenuli glasanja zirija (sto mozda nije bilo moguce u Helsinkiju) i neizabrali, jos jednu, crnoputu miss italia. bila je treca, rodjena u Italiji od oca rodjenog u Senegalu. 1996 se desio "bizaran slucaj" da je miss postala devojka rodjena u Santo Domingu i doselivsi se u Italiju posle 7 godina izabrana za miss. tada se desilo suprotno, ziri je bio protiv jer "crnoputa devojka ne moze da predstavlja italijanstvo" ali publika je glasala za nju.



Nisam sretao rec 'buonismo' u drugim jezicima a ona sasvim dobro opisuje izmedju ostalog i mehanizam PC kao hipokriziju dobrote.

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Mi ne mozemo bas nista da uradimo ako Nemci ukinu Remarka jer se osecaju nelagodno. 


Bas kao sto ne mozemo nista da uradimo ako Bosnjaci ukinu Gorski Vijenac, Amerikanci ukinu Ubiti pticu rugalicu, itd...


Mi mozemo da ukinemo samo ono sto nama izaziva nelagodu. Nasa kultura, nas problem.


edit; a da sad vidim zasto me pitas: ne zbog Zenice i Bihaca, nego zbog Novog Pazara. Ja sam rekao 'nelagoda', a ti si shvatio da zbog nelagode Bosnjaka iz NP, Gorski Vijenac mora da se ukine u Srbiji. Ako pricamo o ukidanju, onda bi bilo 'ako Bosnjaci ukinu Gorski Vijenac u Federaciji BiH...'

da li si ti uopste razmislio pre nego sto si poceo da klaparas? nadam se da nisi.

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  • 3 weeks later...

zaumni pokusaji da se islam ucini vise autohtonim u evropi (skandinaviji)


The Rise and Fall of the Viking “Allah” Textile


"...Patterns on the textiles, said Dr. Larsson, reminded her of styles of Arabic script found on mausolea and tombs from Central Asia as well as on medieval Spanish “ribbons” (presumably meaning tablet woven bands). Based on her findings, Uppsala University, Sweden’s most venerable institution of higher learning, issued a press release including quotes from Larsson deeming the finding “staggering.” Within days, dozens of newspapers, from the New York Times, to The Guardian, to the BBC had reported the story, calling it a “breakthrough,” and the story had gone viral on the internet. Some reports were more measured than others, but the hype extended to headlines asking “Were Vikings Muslim?”

The truth is, the Viking textile from Birka has no Arabic on it at all. "

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...




Lik imenom Mark Henning dizajnirao je Handshake Training Station koja bi imigrantima trebalo da pripomogne u integraciji...

I za to dobio i nagradu.



...a toolkit for testing and training the perfect handshake, which he imagines being used in an immigration office...

Projekt nazvan...


...Normaal, seeks to highlight how "abnormal" behaviour – which could be something as simple as an unfamiliar social gesture – can lead to suspicion and fear, particularly in societies where nationalism is on the rise.


To demonstrate this, he has created a table that incorporates a range of complex measurements and instruments. Using this, he is able to test whether an individual conforms to the accepted "normal".


"With the recent rise of populist politics our suspicions have become an arena for manipulation. Suspicion is often constructed in opposition to what we consider normal," explained the designer.

"The project challenges our notions of what is normal by exploring one of the most standard and socially accepted gestures we know: the handshake."


The proportions of the table and the measuring devices on its surface are all based on the size of an average Dutch person. In this way, the table becomes a tool that could be used to both test or train someone who arrives in the country from abroad.

As well as creating the table, Henning has choreographed a short performance, during which he helps another person – presumably an immigrant that has recently arrived in the Netherlands – to perfect a normal handshake.

"The performance is framed within the immigration processes in the Netherlands, exploring institutionalised definitions of normal, and starts to speak about a larger European context," said the designer.


He claims that, although the setup appears "absurd", it is a reflection of today's society and the conditions that many countries already impose on immigrants.

"If you look at some of the things that people have to go through, it's a similar process," he added.

"I've condensed it to one action, one gesture, but it is essentially happening every time a migrant or a refugee enters this country. It's a stylised or simplified version of it."

I tako dalje i tako redom...






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  • 4 weeks later...

The Formula One world champion was accused of humiliating his nephew online after he posted a video in which he disapproved of his relative’s choice of Christmas attire, telling him: “Boys don’t wear princess dresses

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Prvo, smara pasiv u medijskim tekstovima. Tek u petnaestom pasusu saznajemo ko ga je zapravo "optuzio". Guardian to stalno radi - "criticized for" im je redovna formulacija.  


Drugi problem je sto svaka porodicna situacija, dogodovstina ili okolnost sada mora da izadje u javnost, jer zaboga, ako nema snimka ili nekog drugog zapisa, nije se ni dogodilo.


Na kraju, dobro je sto se Hamiltom kao javna licnost posle izvinio. 

Edited by pacey defender
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13 minutes ago, pacey defender said:

Prvo, smara pasiv u medijskim tekstovima. Tek u petnaestom pasusu saznajemo ko ga je zapravo "optuzio". Guardian to stalno radi - "criticized for" im je redovna formulacija.  


Drugi problem je sto svaka porodicna situacija, dogodovstina ili okolnost sada mora da izadje u javnost, jer zaboga, ako nema snimka ili nekog drugog zapisa, nije se ni dogodilo.


Na kraju, dobro je sto se Hamiltom kao javna licnost posle izvinio. 


hvala bogu da se izvinio, inače ne znam kako bi svet dalje funkcionisao

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Jes vala, zbog političke korektnosti će da izbije svetska akademija nepojmljivih razmera, a svet će prestati da funkcioniše.

Edited by pacey defender
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1 minute ago, pacey defender said:

Jes vala, zbog političke korektnosti će da izbije svetska akademija nepojmljivih razmera, a svet će prestati da funkcioniše.


sreća pa su tu SJW i nema brige za budućnost planete

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  • 2 months later...

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