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Sa svojom platom u drzavnoj firmi, project management office si u 3% koliko i ja u 0.01%.

Isti sablon kao i uvek. Poklopis ga sa cinjenicama, nestane na par nedelja/mesec dana, i ponovo krene da vergla isto.

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Direct from the US, moronavirus is here and spreading fast

Sad, nije baš da se brzo širi jer je na tom protestu u Melburnu bilo celih 100 veselnika.


Ovde prvi dan da nema nijedan  novi bolestan, ja jutros vodio klinca u školu, jedan dan ove i sledeće nedelje (ćerka u petak), jamačno se nadamo da će posle kompletno.


Alan Džons najavio da se penzioniše kao radio voditelj (i dalje će da piše za novine).


U 91 godini umro Džek Mandi, član Komunističke partije, inicijator Zelenih zabrana (gradnje), zaslužnih za očuvanje brojinh parkova i starih zgrada u SIdneju i za izgled koji grad ima danas. Bio je inspiracija Nemici Petri Keli za osnivanje stranke nemačkih Zelenih, i budućem vođi ovdašnjih Zelenih Bobu Braunu za blokadu izgradnje brane na reci Franklin na Tasmaniji osamdesetih.




The green bans were placed on building activity by the BLF and a much smaller union, the FEDFA, between 1971 and 1974. They were originally simply called black bans but they were later dubbed "green" bans by Mundey. There were eventually 54 green bans and they held up $5 billion worth of building activity in 1970s dollar terms. It is not exaggerating to say that the NSW BLF is responsible for the shape of Sydney as we now know it.


Green bans saved The Rocks and Woolloomooloo from being turned into a forest of high rise "executive suites"; they saved Glebe from being split into three islands by two major expressways; saved Centennial Park from being turned into a giant sporting complex; saved Victoria Street, Kings Cross from destruction; saved Surry Hills from excessive high rise; saved Ultimo from an expressway and saved the Opera House fig trees from being destroyed by a car park. Individual buildings saved by green bans include the State Theatre, the Pitt Street Congregational Church, and the Colonial Mutual, National Mutual and ANZ bank buildings in Martin Place.


Why were these bans necessary? The late 1960s and early 1970s saw a massive building boom in Sydney caused by unregulated overseas investment and the pro-development Askin government. At the time there was no heritage or environmental protection legislation in NSW. If you owned something you could rip it down no matter how important or historic it was. There was a poorly funded National Trust, and an even weaker Royal Australian Planning Institute. The Institute of Architects was only just beginning to show some muscle.


However, the union’s stand was strengthened by the rise of the resident action groups. First formed in Paddington and Glebe, they were quickly followed by other suburbs. The activist middle class had started to move into the inner city, which is where most of the pressure from developers was occurring. And these activists were desperate for help.


The BLF leadership always insisted that every ban had to occur at the request of the community, and had to have the community involved. Then every ban had to be voted on by a general meeting of the union. Almost all bans ended up being physically defended and many labourers and residents were arrested and even jailed for this stoic defence.


The union’s green bans quickly became known around the world. Unions overseas began to place environmental bans on construction and ‘Green Ban Committees’ were formed by unions in the UK. Mundey was invited to lecture in Europe and North America and in 1976 he addressed the first United Nations Conference on the Built Environment.




Jack Mundey and the men and women of the BLF did indeed save a city, as our book points out, and every day all of us benefit from that.




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I ne vidi nikakav problem što u filmu reklami nema nijedan domaći, osim naravno osoblja...


Jel mogu ja koju o Tajlandu, raju na zemlji, kad se već gadjamo vidojima... ? 



Edited by braca
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Farang in the free food queue


His name is John and he comes from Yorkshire. He was made redundant from a factory last year and decided to blow his lump sum on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday in Thailand. He started off last December in Pattaya’s four star hotels but rapidly dropped down the Trip Advisor star ratings as his cash shrank before disappearing altogether. He currently lives in a single room with a group of out-of-work bar workers who, he says, took pity on him.


John says he is in no hurry to return to UK where he has nothing positive to look forward to. “Thais are very friendly and the only people who reject me are other farang,” he says. “I intend to give myself up eventually, but I’m actually happier now than when I had a full wallet.” He adds that the current lockdown in Pattaya isn’t too bad as there aren’t any tour buses clogging the roads and “there’s nothing to waste your money on anyway.”



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On 31.3.2020. at 10:52, noskich said:

Sad se vidi ko zivi u drzavi a ko zivi u plutokratiji.


On 31.3.2020. at 11:17, noskich said:

"It's quite clear that the National Unity Government of the PM and the State Premiers don't actually care about our health.

The contradiction between banning gatherings of more than two people, and then telling people to continue showing up to work - couldn't be more of a mind fu#k. They know we aren't all stupid. But they need to maintain the facade of normality to keep their fragile system of profits and corruption afloat.

As soon as we break from the bullshit idea that these people have our best interests in mind, the sooner their tapastry of bullshit science, spin doctoring and just general lies will unravel before their eyes.

They only care about the profits of Australian businesses, even if they means we get sick and die."


Samo nastavite godpodo da zivite u plutokratijama koje prodaju vase zivote za svezanj dolara.


Nešto gledam ove postove našeg junaka iz marta, pa onda pogledam statistike za 25. mart i 18. maj, 25. marta je Australija po broju zaraženih bila 15. na svetu, a danas je 51., sa tendencijom daljeg pada - evo ga presek broja zaraženih za 25.mart i 18. maj za 37 zemalja, plus link za kompletan dijagram. Ubi nas plutokratija.


25. mart:


Australia 2423
Portugal 2362
Sweden 2272
Brazil 2201
Canada 1959
Israel 1930
Turkey 1872
Denmark 1591
Czech Republic 1394
Ireland 1329
Japan 1193
Ecuador 1082
Pakistan 991
Chile 922
Poland 901
Saudi Arabia 767
Romania 762
Indonesia 686
India 562
Singapore 558
South Africa 557
Philippines 552
Qatar 526
Russia 495
Panama 443
Peru 416
Mexico 405
Argentina 387
Colombia 378
Egypt 366
Dominican Republic 312
Serbia 249
United Arab Emirates 248
Kuwait 191
Ukraine 84
Belarus 81
Bangladesh 39



18. maj:


Russia 281752
Brazil 241080
Turkey 149435
India 96169
Peru 92273
Canada 76991
Saudi Arabia 54752
Mexico 49219
Chile 43781
Pakistan 42125
Ecuador 33182
Qatar 32604
Sweden 30143
Belarus 29650
Portugal 29036
Singapore 28038
Ireland 24112
United Arab Emirates 23358
Bangladesh 22268
Poland 18529
Ukraine 18291
Indonesia 17514
Romania 16871
Israel 16617
Japan 16305
Colombia 15574
South Africa 15515
Kuwait 14850
Philippines 12513
Dominican Republic 12314
Egypt 12229
Denmark 10927
Serbia 10610
Panama 9606
Czech Republic 8475
Argentina 7792
Australia 7045





Edited by Gojko & Stojko
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On 4.4.2020. at 17:36, noskich said:


Tebi mora da valja posto si dobar milion dolara za deset godina koliko si sedeo u fotelji u stanu u Sidneju.


Spisak odabranih azijskih zemalja (koje sam preporucivao) koje imaju manje umrlih od virusa nego Australija:

Vijetnam 0

Kambodza 0

Laos 0

Tajvan 5

Singapur 6

Tajland 20


Australija 30


Evo ga moj stojko.


Hajde i ja da updatujem broj umrlih u zemljama koje sam preporuciovao:

Vijetnam 0

Kambodza 0

Laos 0

Tajvan 7

Singapur 22

Tajland 56


Australija 99


Izvor - https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

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Preporučivao si ti i Južnu Koreju, samo si posle brže-bolje zaboravio. I šta je bilo u međuvremenu, nastavio si da živiš u plutokratiji koja prodaje tvoj život za svežanj dolara? Nisi odlepršao u Singapur, Vijetnam ili Tajland? Patiš se u strahu od virusa, ili čekaš na sigurnom da virus prođe, brojiš parice od kirije?



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Sad će on da se seli, samo tetki da odnese lek, i da se otkupi iz dužničkog ropstva i zaradi još malo para da bi živeo kao patricij među domorodačkim plebejcima, a sve kao nadoknadu za samopregorno odricanje od svakog luksuza zbog nepromišljene odluke da utekne iz trule Srbije i stekne diplomu u truloj Australiji, zaveden svetlima velikoga grada.

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