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2 minutes ago, Dziber said:


striktno u vezi teniske igre... da, bas ce propasti tenis bez antivakserskog olosa... kad neki kul lik tipa Meda preuzme no. 1



Samo sam trenutno izbacio koronu iz price, meni ne bi niko nevakcinisan igrao nista nigde.

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6 minutes ago, villiem said:

Samo je trebalo da bude jasno da ne postoji mogucnost da dodje ako se ne vakcinise i da se drze toga. To je tako i delovalo da ce biti definisano, slucajnim posmatracima, nema ovde zavere samo gluposti. 


Slazem se sa tobom po tom pitanju. Prvi sam govorio da je ovo deo politicke igre u Australiji ali Novak je navukao svoj zig jos od onoga Adria toura(tako bese se zvao turnir?) dok se celi svet zatvarao od nejasne bolesti, koja ni do danas nije jasna jer mi ne znamo da li uopste imamo lek za ovo ili se moramo cepiti svekih 6-9 meseci samo to nece niko javno da kaze od politicara jer bi mogla nastati velika panika...Sada se to pocelo prelivati i na Srbiju i Srbe...


Edited by pasha
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3 minutes ago, pasha said:


Slazem se sa tobom po tom pitanju. Prvi sam govorio da je ovo deo politicke igre u Australiji ali Novak je navukao svoj zig jos od onoga Adria toura(tako bese se vao turnir?) dok se celi svet zatvrao od nejasne bolesti, koja ni do danas nije jasna jer mi ne znamo da li uopste imamo lek za ovo ili se moramo cepiti svekih 6-9 meseci samo to nece niko javno da kaze od politicara jer bi mogla nastati velika panika...Sada se to pocelo prelivati i na Srbiju i Srbe...


Nije sada pocelo, nije ni za vreme AdriaTura, frustrirajuce je da tako fenomenalan sportski dragulj nije 1 savrsenstvo spram ravnozemljasa. Isti lik sto nas proslavlja krade mogucnost, ako to moze tako da se nazove, da se predstavimo ne nuzno bolje jer svisuisti al bar da ne budemo centri debilizma(vidi ovu familiju, vidi ko nas vodi, nema puno javnih licnosti na sceni jer nas je malo). Tako ja osecam da su mi maknuli C.Zvezdu i ne mogu nista tim povodom da uradim, doci ce do polufinala evropskog kupa sa novom garniturom..tog necega sto u nama ne valja.

Uopste se ne koncentrisem kakav je Nadal, kakav je Federer, ne tangira me niti zelim da osvoje vise. Iznervirao sam se, ne zbog Novaka vec zbog tih nesposbnih tupadzija tamo sto su ovo kreirali. Bolje za sve, za Novaka isto, bi bilo da mu je jasno da nema 21 nista dok ne savije negde nesto. Sve vreme sam mislio da ce se to desiti al su ovi dripci poslali to neko zeleno svetlo amaterski i vrnuli sve unazad i ko zna gde ce da ode.

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1 hour ago, morgana said:


na stranu sve tj uzmimo da novak nije ni najmanje odgovoran za nesporazum o kome cosic pise, ne znam kako bi teniski savez u bilo kojem drustvenom uredjenju bio egal sa drzavom ili njenom jedinicom pa da ovo smatramo nesporazumom saveza i drzave i trazimo da oni to rijese. novak teorijski moze da tuzi savez ako su informacije koje je od njega dobio u koliziji sa drzavnim uzusima, ali drzava je naravno nadredjena instanca, jebote, sta sad pozove me neko na seminar i ja mogu da se ponasam po seminarskim pravilima, a kontra drzavnih. covjek zestoko masi loptu, a pritom je novinar.


Osim sto je Tenis Australia poslao pravila drzave.


Malo guglanja da ne pricamo napamet:







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Ja ne kapiram već godinama ovu histeriju zbog tog idiotskog zvanja goat-a koga nema u drugim sportovima gde ljudi isto nešto rade. Ovde se ne prati već dugo vremena tenis nego se broje nedelje Đokovića na prvom mestu, sada se upoređuje i sa ženskim tenisom, broje trofeji, jako ružnim rečima se nazivaju konkurenti ili neko ko i malo nešto iskritikuje Đokovića, taj odmah nije ništa uradio u životu, zavidi, želi mu da izgubi, slomi nogu, crkne..., najmanje se gleda tenis, kada on ne učestvuje tenis pa i ne postoji.

Pa igraće se tenis i posle ovih ljudi što sada igraju, doći će pre ili kasnije neko ko će oboriti i te rekorde i nikom ništa, ide sve(t) dalje.

I, ovo je ipak samo tenis, jedan od mnogih sportova, koji treba da služe za uživanje. Totalno ludilo je zavladalo. Ne mogu da verujem da ljudi misle da su i svetu toliko opterećeni tom famoznom 21.titulom i nazivom nekog goat-a.

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1 hour ago, morgana said:


postavlja se pitanje zasto ih ranije nisu kontrolisali, svakako, sto ne znaci da ne smiju da ih kontrolisu, tj papire, bilo kada, nista drugacije nego gradjevinske radnike iz recimo albanije na pola ugovora u cg ili srbiji. a za cehinju koja je od decembra u au ne znamo je li usla po starim ili novim pravilima (u decembru su mijenjana) i kakve su reperkusije. tj, to sto su vlade oba nivoa nesto zasrale u pr-u ili sluzbenicki na terenu ne znaci niti da je novak u pravu niti da nije. o teniskom savezu da ne govorimo jer je to smijesno.


(ja navijam da antivakseri striktno ne mogu da udju u bilo koju drzavu, btw, moze mi se, a drzave imaju pravila koja mi se ne svidjaju uvijek, evo srbija recimo)


edit, sad bolje citam, otkud znamo na cemu su bazirana izuzeca drugih?


Da, bas je to isto. Nidje veze.


To na pola ugovora kontrolise, koliko kapiram, da li aktivnosti koje vrse od ulaska odgovara vizi na koju su usli. Sasvim ok. Recimo, Novak naplacuje konsultantske usluge umesto igranja tenisa.


Sasvim je drugo kada udjes na vizu, ispunjavas uslove iz vize ali ti kazu, e zajebali smo se, ta viza ti vise ne vazi iako ispunjavas sve uslove iz iste, predomislili smo se. Zasto? Eto tako, moze nam se.

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1 hour ago, Redoran said:


Priča o Srbinutm nije forumska priča nego priča iz srpskih tabloida i njihove publike, tako da mi nije jasno zbog čega se stalno poteže na forumu. Kada je nas nekoliko reklo da nema paralelnog univerzuma u kojem bi Fed ili Nadal ovako nešto doživeli, to nije značilo da Novak ovo doživljava kao Srbintm već kao neko ko je onom građevinskom kuglom poravnao mitove o pomenutim zlatnim teladima, a što mu ATP nije i nikada neće oprostiti zbog sveopšte korupcije i nitkovluka koji tamo vlada. I rekli smo sto puta da to nije nikakva zavera protiv Srbina već prosto i jednostavno borba da se očuva status quo i korist koju ATP ima od toga. Činjenica da je Novak iz Srbije mu svakako ne pomaže nimalo, ali problem nije to već to što neće da im legne na rudu. Da je legao, ne bi bilo nikakvih problematm.


Argument da bi sve bilo fundamentalno drugačije da se nije qrčio na instagramu uopšte ne stoji. Jer po tome ispada da čuveni australijski Border Force, pred kojim su svi isti i važe ista pravila i isti aršini za sve, pušta ili ne pušta ljude u zemlju bukvalno na osnovu onoga što im kaže barometar raspoloženja javnosti na društvenim mrežama, drugim rečima osluškuju fokus grupe. Ako su im svi isti i za sve važe ista pravila, i već su pre Novaka pustili onu Čehinju i još par njih da uđu, onda ima da puste i njega makar pred poletanje objavio fotku na kojoj briše mast od bureka sa usta australijskom zastavom. Naravno da oni imaju sva diskreciona prava što se tiče ulaska u Australiju, i sve je to OK i nikom nisu dužni da se pravdaju, samo neka prestanu da tako odvratno i bolno serendaju o pravilima i jednakim aršinima. Izveli su pokaznu vežbu primene različitih aršina i populističkog muljanja, tako da mi uopšte nije jasno koga misle da lažu sa tim mantrama o pravilima i jednakosti.


Pobogu, pa Fedalove fanove. Mora da se racionalizuje. Nece valjda da kazu mrzimo Novaka.


Koliko malo vidim, onima koji se ne petljaju u tenis je lose-lose, ne drze stranu ni Novaku ni Morisonu, ali su zato ljubitelji Federera i Nadala prilicno glasni u opravdavanju odluke Australije.

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1 hour ago, Tsai said:


Ouvaj, imao je priliku 2021. da uzme kalendarski (i 21.) slem na USO, i nsu ga sprecile ni tetka ni politicare nego pritisak i danil medvedev u finalu



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9 minutes ago, sasha said:

Ja ne kapiram već godinama ovu histeriju zbog tog idiotskog zvanja goat-a koga nema u drugim sportovima gde ljudi isto nešto rade.


Naravno da imaju goutovi i u drugim sportovima. Majkl Džordan u košarci i Pele u fudbalu. Jedino što su oni već dekice, pa se manje priča o njima.

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Neki češki fan je postovao gugl prevod intervjua sa teniserkom (Renata Voráčová) koju je ABF priveo i čija je viza poništena.


"I did everything they asked me to do," she said on the phone at the Park Hotel on Swanston Street. "Apparently the Australian Tennis Association has misled us, which is annoying. I wanted to focus on tennis, not visas, quarantine. It's really weird that I spent a week here, played a match ... And then they came for me. "

Can you describe how everything came together?

That would be really long. But I can say that for two days I do almost nothing but send emails to lawyers, the Australian Tennis Association and the people who are in charge of visas and help me.

Is it true that your visa was canceled on Thursday?

Yes. I'm in quarantine now.

How do you intend to proceed now? Do you want to appeal?

Thursday's interrogation was quite enough for me to be honest. I spent several hours on it until nightfall. I wouldn't want to go through anything like that anymore. All the more so when it is not at all certain that the decision will be reversed. I would have to apply for other visas and wait a week closed at the hotel without training. Even if I succeeded, I would then have a match after two days, which doesn't make much sense to me.

How was the interrogation going?

I can't say they were mean to me. But I wasn't prepared for the way it all happened. I felt like I was in an action movie and I wasn't comfortable at all.


Various escorts, uncertainty ... And I had a coach and support from the Australian Tennis Association with me.

When the hype broke out about Djokovic's arrival and detention, did you suspect that your next stay in Australia was endangered?

No. The commissions that considered the exceptions treated each player separately. I don't know the details of Novak's request, but each case is a little different.

Has your exception been based on running a covid in the last six months?

Yes. But I had it before Christmas, at the last minute. Plus I had some medical indications. So I met all the criteria set by the Australian Union.

Did you experience any problems when you went through passport control in Melbourne?

They looked at my documents carefully everywhere, but they didn't make a fuss about it. The Federal Border Service released me immediately. I only stayed with Victoria officials who sent my papers somewhere. But then they confirmed my entry into the country without any problems.

Your case seems to have come down with a closely watched hunt for Djokovic. What do you think?
I don't know if I can say that hard. But I think so. I don't understand why they would come to me after a week and say, "Look, what was paying is no longer valid."

How was the detention?

They came to the hotel for me.

And what about you? They must have taken you by surprise.

Yeah. They really didn't act rude or vulgar. But some quarantined practices are not pleasant. You have to report, everything is allotted. I feel a bit like a prison.

How do you handle unexpected events?

It was an onslaught on the psyche. I felt the worst when they told me they would cancel my visa. Even the lawyer sitting there with me said that I had all the necessary confirmations.

So why don't you fight for your rights?

I have some insight. I don't know if my presence would change anything. I hope that Djokovic will succeed in court on Monday. But in my case, everything would take a few more days. I don't want to waste time on the political war that is going on behind the scenes here. I think the feds found a loophole in Victoria's protocol because of Djokovic. Now, again, his lawyers can find a loophole in federal regulations.

When are you going home?

It's not quite easy. I don't know exactly how the travel process works. It will take some time. You can't decide and go to the airport in an hour. I'm waiting for permission. Maybe Saturday.

Is the Czech Embassy helping you?

All our officials help me. They also recommended a Czech lawyer, thanks to whom I realized that even after a week of waiting, I would not have to win in the case.

What are the conditions at the Park Hotel? Some witnesses talked about bedbugs and moldy food.


I don't even know it's the Park Hotel. They brought me in early in the morning. I'm at peace and I'm not allowed anywhere. Conditions are common, the category of better hostel. No tragedy, no hit parade. They knocked me out, they brought me food. An escort is guarding me in the hallway.

Are the guards strict?

They are fine. Not that they shout at me when I stick my head out the door. He tries to be helpful. But maybe the window is hard closed and I can't open it for five centimeters. And the security guards are everywhere - even under the window, which amused me quite a bit. If they thought I'd jump and run ... I don't know.

Are you watching Djokovic's fans gather at the hotel?

I don't have windows on the main street where they meet, so I can't see them, I just hear them. It was raining today. But once they stop, they go. They sing, they chant. My name has even been heard. :D :heart:There are clouds of fans. Perhaps they take turns. (laughs) It's nice anyway that Djokovic has such support from them.

Do you want him to succeed in court on Monday and be allowed to enter the Australian Open?

On the one hand, I ended up like this because of Novak. And I don't think I'm alone. More health exemptions have been issued. At the same time, I want them to let him play. We are athletes, we came for tennis and we are not here to resolve local disputes. We read the rules, met the conditions, and received an exception after a lengthy process. So I see no reason why we should after this sit locked in a hostel. That seems pretty sad to me.

Can you tell me why you didn't get vaccinated?
I was busy. I planned it already for weeks after the end of the season and but unfortunately ... I actually caught a covid at the time. And due to it, there was a possible time for vaccinations because I was to fly to Australia next week.

So you are not an opponent of vaccination?
No no. I'm not. I'm not completely against vaccination like Djokovic. As I say, our cases are very different.





Edited by boldrock
ime teniserke
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51 minutes ago, pasha said:

A sada jos novijih tekstova,


Absturz eines Weltstars

Der Streitfall Novak Djoković vor den Australian Open steht für einen neuen Umgang mit Sportidolen. Doch je mehr Menschen den offenbar ungeimpften Superstar kritisieren, desto mehr feiern ihn sein Vater und seine Landsleute.
Ukratko prevod: Pad Novaka Djokovica postavlja pitanja odnosa prema sprottskim zvezdama. Dok je sve vise kritike prema njemu njegov otac i sunarodnici ga sve vise slave...

Boris Becker über Djoković »Er macht einen großen Fehler«

Boris Becker führte Novak Djoković als Trainer zu sechs Grand-Slam-Siegen. Nach dem Eklat um dessen Einreise vor den Australian Open kritisiert Becker seinen einstigen Schützling. Und rät ihm, sich impfen zu lassen.
Boris Beker o Djokovicu: On je napravio veliku gresku....
Ovo vam stavljam da znate kako se sve vise izvestava ne samo o Djokovicu vec i Srbiji i Srbima na zapadu, da nemate iluzije.



To vi Nemci, evo Guardiana koji nije Novakov fan. Fantastican clanak.





For Djokovic physical control is a kind of religion in itself, the superpower that transformed him into a miracle of sporting middle age, a marvel of twang and flex and tensile energy. This is an all-time athlete who has kicked gluten, dairy, sugar and meat, who starts the day with celery juice and yoga before dawn, who believes it is us, those still slaughtering animals, eating chemicals, pumping out the carbon, who are, frankly, the problem, who says things like “our entire body is a harmonic system that is perfectly managing all its metabolic functions”.

So, is he going to have that man-made chemical injected into his bicep, the one he uses to dole out his hyper-organic uber tennis? The same substance unhealthy, McNugget-quaffing people like me and you keep telling him is species-duty? No. No he’s not.

And yes it’s annoying and weird and based on a spectrum of Übermensch pseudo-science. But being weird isn’t, as yet, a crime, just as not taking a vaccine isn’t a crime, even when you combine it with the maddening overclass arrogance of trying to enter Australia under a medical exemption, rather than just staying away out of basic good manners. And really, why even go into all this? Why try to humanise and understand the world’s current most divisive athlete?



How dumb is Novak Djokovic? Dumb enough to allow himself to be used as a pawn by Scott Morrison, an organically reared dead cat hurled on to the table as a welcome election-year distraction. Morrison offered a revealing aside during a TV interview this week. Yes, the Aussie PM confirmed, chuckling quietly, his border force does operate on intelligence, hunches and previous public statements. And so, this is, by extension, a showy piece of opportunism, a staged humiliation. Morrison has been under pressure over fragile administration, an absence of testing kits, a wildfire of new Covid cases. How to appear both strong and big on detail at a single stroke? Enter, yogurt boy.


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Inace da se zna, u Nemackoj je jedan od najboljih nemackih fudbalera i igrac Bajerna, Kimih, imao obajvu na nekoj drustvenoj mrezi protiv cepljenja. Rastrgrlili su ga u glavnim medijima a Bajern se morao ogradjivati...to da znate da nije to prema Novaku jer je Srbin.

U Nemackoj je u glavnom toku izraito negativno ocenjen svako ko je protiv cepljenja. I zato ne bi trebalo ovu pricu dizati na nivo Srbije i Srba. Nece imati milosti, oni su takvi, ne bas takticni.

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