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Marvin (Paranoid Android)

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Нова, масивна и веома обећавајућа закрпа, плус Инке и Шпанци.

Update 12/9/2010: Finally, the speculation can end! Today I have the patch release ETA. As you may have heard, we just announced that new DLC will be available to purchase on December 16. I can now confirm to you that the patch will be released before the DLC. The exact release date is still a tad flexible; it could be a couple days before the DLC, it could be an hour before the DLC. But hey, that's why they call it an Estimated Time of Arrival!AI * Worker AI improvements. * Update to tactical AI pillaging code. Additionally, always check to make sure it’s not trying to pillage in an enemy dominance zone. * AI victory emphasis improvements (more efficient end-game when focusing on Science and Diplo victories). * AI should colonize other continents regularly. * AI will emphasize production of an Ocean going explorer unit when the time comes. * Adjust Napoleon to make him more likely to go for culture. * More aggressive second wave expansion (mostly off shore) after initial empire building and consolidation has occurred. * Optimization when finding routes (pathfinder improvement). * Multiple tweaks and bug fixes. * AI will now build ranged and mobile units more in line with the flavor settings. * Multiple defensive AI tweaks. * Never use ranged units to provide flanking bonuses. (Added 11/18) * Improve AI use of protected bombard attacks (melee in front, ranged in the rear). (Added 11/18) * Worker priority adjustments (prioritize pillaged tiles, etc.). (Added 11/18) * Further pathfinder optimization. (Added 11/18) * AI will be more aggressive about pursuing Diplo victory if they are wealthy. (Added 12/3) * AI more effective with building, moving, and using aircraft and anti-aircraft more effectively. (Added 12/3) * AI more likely to effectively use siege units in a city attack. (Added 12/3) * Better nuke targeting by AI. (Added 12/3) * Tactical AI Tuning: Reduce chance of AI civs making "suicide" attacks. (Added 12/3) * Multiple tweaks and bug fixes. (Added 12/3)GAMEPLAY * Cities heal more quickly. * Only allow one upgrade per unit from a goody hut. * Science building track adjustments (cost, specialist slots, GP Points, etc). (Added 11/18) * Amount of damage caused during naval combat increased. (Added 11/18) * Melee horse units combat value lowered, and now receive a penalty when attacking cities. (Added 11/18) * Lowered bonuses received from Maritime city-states. (Added 11/18) * Removed maintenance from defensive buildings. (Added 11/18) * Multiple unit upgrade track adjustments. Most (but not all) units now have a full upgrade path from start to finish. (Added 11/18) * Open terrain penalty lowered. (Added 11/18) * Policies must be selected the turn they are earned. (Added 11/18) * Promotions must be selected the turn they are earned. If it’s as a result of combat, then the beginning of the next turn. (Added 11/18) * Increased city strength ramp-up based on technology. (Added 12/3) * Catapults and Trebuchets now weaker against units but stronger VS cities, and reduced effectiveness of Archers & Crossbowmen (and their UUs) VS cities. (Added 12/3) * Have culture cost for policies never go down (trading away cities to reduce culture cost exploit). (Added 12/3) * Reduced effects of Forbidden Palace and Meritocracy (Happiness per city). (Added 12/3) * Reduced points from Wonders & Cities, increased points for population. (Added 12/3) * Reduced culture needed for first plot acquisition. (Added 12/3) * New Building: Circus Maximus (National Wonder for happiness track). (Added 12/3) * New Building: National Treasury (National Wonder for economic track). (Added 12/3) * Unhappiness beyond a certain point breeds rebels within your empire, based on the number of cities a player has. (Added 12/3) * Reduced amount of food needed for cities to grow at larger sizes. (Added 12/3) * Tradition branch balance (Landed Elite and Monarchy improvements). (Added 12/3) * Liberty branch balance (Settler training bonus now only applies to capital). (Added 12/3) * Buildings can now no longer provide more Happiness than there is population in a city (wonders are excluded from this). (Added 12/3) * 3 new additional Natural Wonders added to gameplay, with accompanying “rarity” code. (Added 12/3) * Multiple Tech Tree tweaks to address “slingshot” tech exploits. (Added 12/3) * Killing a barb inside a city-state's territory now gives a 5-turn buffer where there is no Influence intrusion penalty. (Added 12/3) * Reduced and balanced combat bonuses. (Added 12/3)UI * Tweaked the single-player score list to hide the civs of unmet ai players. * Added game option to disable automated workers from removing features. (Added 11/18) * Additional updates to the Global Politics screen. (Added 12/3) * Added game option to disable turn-blocking promotions and policy choices. (Added 12/3)DIPLO * AI's attitude towards you is now visible in the diplo screen and diplo drop-down. * Added info tooltip for an AI leader's mood. Lists things that are making an AI player happy/upset. * New diplo system: Declaration of Friendship (public declaration with diplomatic repercussions). * New diplo system: Denounce (public declaration with diplomatic repercussions). * New custom leader responses (Serious Expansion Warning, Aggressive Military, Luxury Exchange, Borders Exchange, Gift Request). * Additional AI attitude tool-tips for cases that were not already covered. (Added 12/3)MODDING * Parent category counts now include counts of child categories. * Selecting/deselecting a category now automatically selects/deselects it's children and its parent. * Tweaked category name truncation to better fit names. * Hide categories w/ no children and a count of 0. * Added support for fallback languages (if mod is not translated, fall-back to English so text keys are not showing). * Support for mods that perform major restructuring of the tech tree including adding, deleting, and updating techs, buildings, and units. (Added 12/3) * Added GameEvents system for overriding Gameplay DLL specific functionality. (Added 12/3) * Fixed "Reload Landmark System" mod flag to now refresh landmarks defined in "ArtDefine_Landmarks". (Added 12/3) * Multiple SDK Updates (details to come with full patch notes). (Added 12/3)MISC * Fixed save format which causes saves to increase the memory footprint of the game drastically when loading frequently over the course of the game.

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[/b]ovde moram da se ubacim... ovo za trojku apsolutno nije tacno dok je za cetvorku delimicno tacno... trojka na deity se laganica zavrsava bez bloodsheeda i objave rata cool.gif
Kec i dvojka takođe.
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Kec i dvojka takođe.
:mellow: Moraću ponovo da odigram nekog keca. Koliko se sećam, kec ima najnestabilniji, gotovo randomni AI. Objavljuje rat kako ko hoće, i uglavnom zaista "ničim izazvano".
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* Fixed save format which causes saves to increase the memory footprint of the game drastically when loading frequently over the course of the game.
Nadam se da je ovo tačno.
:mellow: Moraću ponovo da odigram nekog keca. Koliko se sećam, kec ima najnestabilniji, gotovo randomni AI. Objavljuje rat kako ko hoće, i uglavnom zaista "ničim izazvano".
Da, neka budala iz čista mira raskine savezništvo i objavi rat. Od tada imam naviku da gradove pravim na izolovanim ostrvima, da ne bi stalno vodio besmislene ratove.
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Pobedio sinoć konačno na Prince... Uh, trebalo bi da ne radim u prvoj polovini januara, pa ću imati više vremena. :wub:@Zis:Kakvi problemi sa DirectX 11? Kako se rešavaju?Ja nalazim po prodavnicama pečeve na, ali ima i neka verzija with DLC Mongols, gde su te Inke?

Edited by gotivac
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@Zis:Kakvi problemi sa DirectX 11? Kako se rešavaju?Ja nalazim po prodavnicama pečeve na, ali ima i neka verzija with DLC Mongols, gde su te Inke?
Zadnji je peč na već spomenutom Zaljevu , i uključuje te zadnje DLC-ove , Španjolce , Inke , dva scenarija (Conquest Of The New World i Rise Of The Mongols ) ...Pri pokretanju u DX 11 modu mali šok : na mapi samo ikone , sve prekriva fog of war ,rezolucija zapravo syebana i ništa se nije moglo uraditi . Medjutim u DX 9 modu sve OK , a sad je već vani i DX 11 fix ,svega par mb velik . Edited by Zis
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  • 3 months later...

kako vam ide na immortal? ja se osecam poprilicno bedno, komp nece ni da me napada, mada i ne izazivam, vec me ponizava tako sto me ostavlja da se mucim. AI plejeri pocetkom 14 veka ulaze u industrijsku eru dok ja pravim prve longswordsmane. probao sam samo nekoliko puta na ovom nivou tezine i to na mapama mediteran i mesopotamija, ne znam da li su po necemu specificne pa sam tako jadan ili je razlika izmedju immortal i emperor ogromna?

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  • 1 month later...

Koliko znam, ovde ima dosta CIV fanova.Planiram da počnem da igram Civ 5, pri tom, nisam igrao NIJEDAN, ne poznajem mehanizam igre, pa dajte neki hint, za totalnog noobstera, da ne gubim puno vremena na tutorijale i sl.p.s. i koja je poslednja zakrpotina?

Edited by Glas RazumaN
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Koliko znam, ovde ima dosta CIV fanova.Planiram da počnem da igram Civ 5, pri tom, nisam igrao NIJEDAN, ne poznajem mehanizam igre, pa dajte neki hint, za totalnog noobstera, da ne gubim puno vremena na tutorijale i sl.
Uf, zajebano. Pogledaj ovo, možda bude od nekakve koristi.
p.s. i koja je poslednja zakrpotina?
To sam se baš danas upitao, nema više Larka da nas obaveštava, proveriću u nekom trenutku.
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