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Neobicni naucni radovi

Buck Naked

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Posted (edited)

Vidim, promenjen naslov. Okej, moderatorska se poštuje, ali (da pojasnim samo), moja ideja nije bila da se ovde dele novosti iz nauke (što je ozbiljan i potreban topik), već samo bizarni slučajevi naučnog rada (otud naslov "Upotreba vibratora").Edit: najpre što je onaj rad o pišanju u društvu iz 1976..

Edited by Buck Naked

Hehe, nepel uvažen! Lepo!

Posted (edited)

Evo i rad o onome o čemu mnogi razmišljaju:Roy, M. M. and Christenfeld, N. J. S. 2004. Research Report Do Dogs Resemble Their Owners?. Psychological Science 15 (5): 361-363.Autori kažu "da"! I, rad je slobodan za preuzeti, pa koga interesuje: http://psy2.ucsd.edu/~nchristenfeld/Public..._files/Dogs.pdf Neka neko vredan obavesti i one sa topika o psima.Naravno, nije sve sasvim gotovo, jerbo je usledila polemika:Levine, D. W. 2005. Do Dogs Resemble Their Owners?. A Reanalysis of Roy and Christenfeld. Psychological Science 16 (1): 83-84.Roy, M. M. and Christenfeld, N. J. S. 2005. Dogs Still Do Resemble Their Owners. Psychological Science 16 (9): 743-744.Posebna priča je što postoje radovi koji pokazuju da parovi, vremenom, počinju da liče.. Scary!

Edited by Buck Naked
Roy, M. M. and Christenfeld, N. J. S. 2005. Dogs Still Do Resemble Their Owners. Psychological Science 16 (9): 743-744.Posebna priča je što postoje radovi koji pokazuju da parovi, vremenom, počinju da liče.. Scary!
И да и не. У неку руку, нормално. Не може баш нико да за стотине одлука које донесе сваког дана увек има оригиналан™ одговор (оригиналан као "скроз нов, не личи ни на шта (познато)", а не као "првобитни"). У ствари, 99% ствари које чинимо су старе, то је тако урадио неко кога смо видели. По логици ствари, чешће ћемо опонашати оног кога чешће виђамо и ко нам је ближи. Тако настају породични жаргони, мали приватни обреди, ношење сличне одеће итд. И то иде у оба смера - као што упијамо своју околину у себе, тако изливамо себе у њу. Значајан део становништва ће при избору кучета или чега већ пре узети нешто што им се свиђа него нешто друго ("колега, на овоме би могло да се магистрира!" :)).Код нас се, например, зна који је мој кактус. Онај што нема бодље, него је више онако чупав :P .

^ da, da, naravno!Neke od izloženih hipoteza kao odgovor na pitanje "otkud to?" su, ako se dobro sećam, isto okruženje, predispozicija (biraćemo partnere prema tome ko ima najviše šanse da "liči" na nas, ili to već čini, "soulmates" koncept), empatija i - ishrana!Sutra ću pokušati da iskopam rad.Ono što je meni u svemu tome fascinantno je da, umesto urbanih legendi ili tetkinih naklapanja, o svemu tome može da postoji, i često postoji, naučno istraživanje potkrepljeno činjenicama i metodologijom, što ojačava argumente. a pošto je tema takva kakva je, nije ni dosadno.

Ono što je meni u svemu tome fascinantno je da, umesto urbanih legendi ili tetkinih naklapanja, o svemu tome može da postoji, i često postoji, naučno istraživanje potkrepljeno činjenicama i metodologijom, što ojačava argumente. a pošto je tema takva kakva je, nije ni dosadno.
Још фасцинантније је, а и више у духу теме, кад измунтају паре за истраживање нечега што после испадне да смо могли уз кафу и чантрање да сконтамо за десет минута. Чекам да видим научни доказ да је "боље бити сто година богат, него три дана сиромах!".

P. M. Gleiser, "How to Become a Superhero", J. Stat. Mech., P09020, 2007Abstract:"We analyze a collaboration network based on the Marvel Universe comic books. First, we consider the system as a binary network, where two characters are connected if they appear in the same publication. The analysis of degree correlations reveals that, in contrast to most real social networks, the Marvel Universe presents a disassortative mixing on the degree. Then, we use a weight measure to study the system as a weighted network. This allows us to find and characterize well defined communities. Through the analysis of the community structure and the clustering as a function of the degree we show that the network presents a hierarchical structure. Finally, we comment on possible mechanisms responsible for the particular motifs observed."ima na arXiv-u pdf.poslednja recenica iz zakljucka je :wub: :"However, as was already noted, the strongest link in the MU is the relation between Spider Man and MaryJane Watson Parker, a fact that shows that although the MU deals mainly with superheroes and villains the most popularplot is a love story."

Posted (edited)

^ tooo se traži!Evo onog rada o facijalnoj sličnosti parova koji žive zajedno.Zajonc, R.B., P. K. Adelmann, S. T. Murphy and P. M. Niedenthal. 1987. Convergence in the physical appearance of spouses. Motivation and Emotion 11 (4): 335-346.

This study attempted to determine whether people who live with each other for a long period of time grow physically similar in their facial features. Photographs of couples when they were first married and 25 years later were judged for physical similarity and for the likelihood that they were married. The results showed that there is indeed an increase in apparent similarity after 25 years of cohabitation. Moreover, increase in resemblance was associated with greater reported marital happiness. Among the explanations of this phenomenon that were examined, one based on a theory of emotional efference emerged as promising. This theory proposes that emotional processes produce vascular changes that are, in part, regulated by facial musculature. The facial muscles are said to act as ligatures on veins and arteries, and they thereby are able to divert blood from, or direct blood to, the brain. An implication of the vascular theory of emotional efference is that habitual use of facial musculature may permanently affect the physical features of the face. The implication holds further that two people who live with each other for a longer period of time, by virtue of repeated empathic mimicry, would grow physically similar in their facial features. Kin resemblance, therefore, may not be simply a matter of common genes but also a matter of prolonged social contact.
Edited by Buck Naked

A evo još jedne kontroverzne majstorije. Osećam duboko poštovanje prema motivima koji leže iza ovog rada. Gallup, Burch, & Platek. 2002. Does Semen Have Antidepressant Properties? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31 (3): 289-293. Sažetak:

In a sample of sexually active college females, condom use, as an indirect measure of the presence of semen in the reproductive tract, was related to scores on the Beck Depression Inventory. Not only were females who were having sex without condoms less depressed, but depressive symptoms and suicide attempts among females who used condoms were proportional to the consistency of condom use. For females who did not use condoms, depression scores went up as the amount of time since their last sexual encounter increased. These data are consistent with the possibility that semen may antagonize depressive symptoms and evidence which shows that the vagina absorbs a number of components of semen that can be detected in the bloodstream within a few hours of administration.
Rad možete naći na sledećoj adresi: http://www.springerlink.com/content/wrkl9lc5ueu43rh8/
  • 3 weeks later...

Napravili ljudi blog na ovu temu.Ima tu da se nađe svašta nešto, a izdvajam nekoliko meni posebno zanimljivih radova:O ulozi čitanja u pražnjenju creva u Izraelu,O poreklu i prirodi mekanih gromuljica u pupku,O tehnikama oslobađanja penisa iz kandži rajsferšlusaO kompulsivnom čačkanju nosa među adolescentima, i najzadO raspevanom anusu.Mora se pomenuti i sada već klasičan rad o diskriminaciji Azijata na kastinzima za pornjavu. Autor u razgovoru sa Sam Bee.Rad je ovde.


Uuuu... ovo skoro pa zatvara topik!


Opet ja o spermi koja poboljšava raspoloženje i dokida frustraciju. Dobro, ne ja, već:Ney, P. G. 1986. The intravaginal absorption of male generated hormones and their possible effect on female behaviour. Medical Hypotheses 20 (2): 221-31.Abstract: In this paper I hypothesize that a woman through her vagina absorbs sufficient quantities of the prostaglandins from her partner's semen, to affect her mood. The vagina appears to have an active transport mechanism which readily absorbs the hormones found in seminal plasma. The seminal secretions include estrogens, F.S.H., LH, testosterone, and at least 13 prostaglandins. Prostaglandins have a modulating effect on neurotransmitters. Evening Primrose Oil (E.P.O., Efamol) may improve depressed mood by facilitating the production of prostaglandins. I have described a depressed, child abusing mother who was possibly getting insufficient exogenous prostaglandins post-partum to maintain her pre-partum mood state because she was avoiding intercourse with her husband. When her mood improved on E.P.O., she began enjoying her husband and her child. If these observations and deductions are correct, regular amounts of seminal plasma may be important in maintaining a woman's affective health and E.P.O. may be useful in treating depressed abusing mothers.

Researchers from Cleveland State University, for a recent journal article, assessed the physical traits of 195 female characters from the first 20 James Bond films, revealing that more were brunette than blond and that at least 90 percent were young, slim and of above-average looks.
Ово, и још три случаја овде.

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