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Buck Naked

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Pre nego što topik bude liferovan na Deponiju, da objasnim. Nedavno su objavljena dva rada, a na temu vibratora. Herbenick, Debra et al. 2009. Prevalence and Characteristics of Vibrator Use by Women in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Study. Journal of Sexual Medicine 6 (7): 1857-1866, iReece, Michael et al. 2009. Prevalence and Characteristics of Vibrator Use by Men in the United States. Journal of Sexual Medicine 6 (7): 1867-1874.(Jeste, mužjaci i njihova upotreba vibratora su dobili kraći naslov)Anyway, zaključak ovih istraživanja je da je upotreba vibratora u U.S. of A. relativno česta stvar, koristi ga više od polovine žena (52,5%) i zanimljivih 44,8% muškaraca (heteroseksualni muškarci ga u 91% slučajeva koriste na ženama, da ne bude zabune.. mada, onda ima i 9% interesantnih solista). Interesantan (i banalno predvidiv) zaključak je i da vibratori igraju izuzetno pozitivnu seksualnu ulogu, da su osobe koje ih koriste svesnije glede svog seksualnog zdravlja (češće posećuju ginekologe/urologe), i tako to. Sažeci radova su ovde:

Žene:Introduction. Although vibrators are commonly recommended by clinicians as adjunct to treatment for female sexual dysfunction, and for sexual enhancement, little is known about their prevalence or correlates of use.Aim. The aim of this study was to determine the lifetime and recent prevalence of women's vibrator use during masturbation and partnered sex, and the correlates of use related to sociodemographic variables, health behaviors, and sexual function.Methods. A nationally representative sample of 3,800 women aged 18–60 years were invited to participate in a cross-sectional Internet-based survey; 2,056 (54.1%) participated.Main Outcome Measures. The prevalence of vibrator use, the relationship between vibrator use and physical and psychological well-being (as assessed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] Healthy Days measure) and health-promoting behaviors, the relationship between vibrator use and women's scores on the Female Sexual Function Index, and an assessment of the frequency and severity of side effects potentially associated with vibrator use.Results. The prevalence of women's vibrator use was found to be 52.5% (95% CI 50.3–54.7%). Vibrator users were significantly more likely to have had a gynecologic exam during the past year (P < 0.001) and to have performed genital self-examination during the previous month (P < 0.001). Vibrator use was significantly related to several aspects of sexual function (i.e., desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, pain, overall function) with recent vibrator users scoring higher on most sexual function domains, indicating more positive sexual function. Most women (71.5%) reported having never experienced genital symptoms associated with vibrator use. There were no significant associations between vibrator use and participants' scores on the CDC Healthy Days Measures.Conclusions. Vibrator use among women is common, associated with health-promoting behaviors and positive sexual function, and rarely associated with side effects. Clinicians may find these data useful in responding to patients' sexual issues and recommending vibrator use to improve sexual function. Further research on the relationships between vibrator use and sexual health is warranted. Muškarci:Introduction. While vibrating products have been recommended by clinicians for the treatment of male sexual dysfunctions, knowledge is lacking with regard to the prevalence of vibrator use among men in the United States, the characteristics of men who use vibrators, and whether there are relations between vibrator use and sexual function among men.Aims. To establish lifetime and recent prevalence rates for vibrator use by men in the United States, to document the characteristics of men who use vibrators and their reasons for using vibrators, and to explore relations between men's vibrator use and sexual function.Methods. During April 2008, data were collected from a population-based cross-sectional survey of 1,047 men aged 18–60 years in the United States. Analyses were conducted using poststratification data weights.Main Outcome Measure. Measures included sociodemographics, health status and health-related behaviors, sexual behaviors, vibrator use, and sexual function.Results. For both solo and partnered sexual activities, the prevalence of men who had incorporated a vibrator into sexual activities during their lives was 44.8%, with 10.0% having done so in the past month, 14.2% in the past year, and 20.5% over 1 year ago. Men who had used vibrators, particularly those with more recent use, were more likely to report participation in sexual health promoting behaviors, such as testicular self-exam. Men who had used vibrators recently also scored higher on four of the five domains of the International Index of Erectile Function (erectile function, intercourse satisfaction, orgasmic function, and sexual desire).Conclusions. Among men in the United States, vibrator use during solo and partnered sexual interactions is common and is associated with a wide array of positive sexual health characteristics. Future research should continue to explore ways in which men incorporate vibrators into solo sexual acts, partnered sexual play, and sexual intercourse.

E sad, moja ideja u vezi sa ovim topikom je da jedni sa drugima delimo informacije o zanimljivim i/ili bizarnim naučnim radovima. Bilo bi fino ukoliko bi se dotični radovi i objasnili ili turili apstrakti. Da ne bude zabune, ne mislim na "zanimljive" samo onima koji su u svojim ezoteričnim delatnostima, pa im je sada zanimljivo što su hlorovodonici u sadejstvu sa ugljenim hidratima dali ne znam šta (lupam), tj. ne mislim na nešto shvatljivo, pa samim tim i interesantno, samo posvećenicima ili insajderima. Za to već postoji Strukovni Humor. Ovde sam mislio da podelimo radove ili istraživanja ili otkrića ili teorije koje su svima interesantna, ili neobična ili tako nešto. Sigurno ste se tokom naučnog radnikovanja, studiranja ili guglanja susretali sa bizarnostima unutar onoga što se podrazumeva kao naučni rad. Drugim rečima, na humor/zanimljivost/bizar onima van struke.

Edited by Buck Naked

ovaj topik vapi za najpoznatijim doktoratom u nemackoj: penisverletzungen bei masturbation mit staubsaugern - povrede penisa prilikom masturbacije usisivacem. doktorat je predao (i odbranio) urolog iz klinik rechts der isar (trenutno vrlo poznate klinike u nemackoj, pripada tu minhen). autor je proucio i statisticki obradio 16 slucajeva muskaraca koji su u periodu od oko 5 godina dosli u njegovu bolnicu zaleci se na posledice masturbacije usisivacem. otkrio je i koji je usisivac najcesce uzrok povreda, pa je objasnio tehnicke specifikacije tog usisivaca - broj obrta u minuti, snagu.....zakljucak ove studije je da usisivac obicno koriste stariji muskarci, slabog obrazovanja, najcesce ozenjeni, u periodu od 15-17 sati. takodje je zakljucio da penis ne sme biti u erekciji da bi se uspesno ugurao u usisivac. konacan zakljucak je da se izbegava usisivac ove specificne marke, jer je zbog svog dizajna posebno opasan i dovodi do ozbiljnih povreda (videti slike u tezi).posledice ove studije: michael je doktorirao, kompanija koja proizvodi usisivac neprilagodjen za smestanje penisa je promenila konstrukciju, a ovu tezu je kao monodramu culo 80% svih studenata u nemackoj.


Prekrasno! Dobro je, neko je ukapirao šta sam želeo reći.Imam i ja još jedan, ali ću pričekat još jednomPaculla - :thumbsup:

Prekrasno! Dobro je, neko je ukapirao šta sam želeo reći.Imam i ja još jedan, ali ću pričekat još jednomPaculla - :thumbsup:
Usisivach? Nije valjda ova marka ( nemacka) ;) Zar ovo nije tema za zdravlje i fitnis?

Mis'im ono - DAN ARIELY (MassachusettsInstitute ofTechnology, USA) and GEORGE LOEWENSTEIN (CarnegieMellonUniversity, USA).

Posted (edited)
Usisivach? Nije valjda ova marka ( nemacka) ;)
Ne, već ovu antologijsku majstoriju:Middlemist, R.D., E. S. Knowles and C. F. Matter. 1976. Personal space invasions in the lavatory: suggestive evidence for arousal. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 33 (5): 541-546.Antologijsku jer se ovaj rad često spominje u debatama oko etičnosti pojedinih eksperimenata društvenih nauka.Ekipa je merila koliko prisustvo drugih ljudi u javnim toaletima utiče na pišanje. Tj. sa kolikom lakoćom/teškoćom muškarci pokreću mlaz kada je neko u blizini. Prvobitno, u pilot istraživanju, od istraživača se tražilo da bude prisutan u toaletu dok neko šora, i da se kao gleda u ogledalo, ali zapravo da prati i beleži obrasce pišanja (meri početak, trajanje, stabilnost mlaza, i tako to). Pokazalo se da muškarci zaista teže pišaju kada je neko u blizini, kao i da, što je taj neko bliže, sve im duže treba da krenu, i stabilnost toka je niža. E, onda kreće prava zabava. Pošto je merenje onog junaka za ogledalom nedovoljno precizno da bi se govorilo o hard kor nauci, pozicionirali su lika u kabinu za kenjažu, sa posebno dizajniranim periskopom, tako da bi tok pišoline bio objektivno pribeležen.Rezultati? Ako nema nikog prisutnog, pišanje u proseku otpočne za 4,8 sekundi. Kada je neko blizu (ali ne odmah do pišača), vreme je 6,2 sekunde, a kada je neko prisutan odmah kod pisoara - radi se o prosečne 8,4 sekunde.Evo ga i sažetak rada:

The hypothesis that personal space invasions produce arousal was investigated in a field experiment. A men's lavatory provided a setting where norms for privacy were salient, where personal space invasions could occur in the case of men urinating, where the opportunity for compensatory responses to invasion were minimal, and where proximity-induced arousal could be measured. Research on micturation indicates that social stressors inhibit relaxation of the external urethral sphincter, which would delay the onset of micturation, and that they increase intravesical pressure, which would shorten the duration of micturation once begun. Sixty lavatory users were randomly assigned to one of three levels of interpersonal distance and their micturation times were recorded. In a three-urinal lavatory, a confederate stood immediately adjacent to a subject, one urinal removed, or was absent. Paralleling the results of a correlational pilot study, close interpersonal distances increased the delay of onset and decreased the persistence of micturation. These findings provide objective evidence that personal space invasions produce physiological changes associated with arousal.

Link za navedeni rad je ovde.Anyway, i naučnici umeju da budu kreativni..!duchamp_fountain.jpg

Edited by Buck Naked
Posted (edited)

Eh i da, ima istraživanja na temu prisustva i stresova mnogo! Neki od njih su:Gary W. Evans and Richard E. Wener. 2007. Crowding and personal space invasion on the train: Please don’t make me sit in the middle. Journal of Environmental Psychology 27 (1): 90-94.

Mass transit users frequently experience crowding during their commutes. In this study of 139 urban passenger train commuters during rush hour, we found that the density of the train car was inconsequential for multiple indices (self-report, salivary cortisol, performance aftereffects) of stress whereas the immediate seating density proximate to the passenger significantly affected all three indices. When people had to sit close to other passengers, they experienced adverse reactions. These results are consistent with prior work indicating that individual spacing among persons that leads to personal space invasions is a more salient environmental condition than density per se. The findings also have implications for the design of mass transit vehicles.

ili, opštiji:Kim R. Kanaga and Mark Flynn. 1981. The Relationship Between Invasion of Personal Space and Stress. Human Relations 34 (3): 239-248.

This study examines the relationship between the invasion of personal space and stress in an interview situation. Fifty-three subjects were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions. The first condition served as a control group in which no spatial manipulation was made. In condition two, the interviewer (experimental confederate) unobtrusively moved toward the subject (interviewee) approximately one-third of the way through the interview. The third condition involved invasions at one-third and again at two-thirds of the way through the interview. From video-tapes made of each inteview, trained raters assessed the subjects' stress using a ratio-scaled direct observational measurement procedure. Paralleling the findings of previous research, the results of this study provide evidence demonstrating that spatial invasions are stress producing.

Edited by Buck Naked

Zapanjujuće: sredovečne ženke bubašvaba učiniće sve da dođu do malo ljubavi, pa će poći i sa najneuglednijim mužjakom.

When it comes to reproduction, human females aren't the only ones to hear the tick-tock of their biological clocks. According to a report published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, aging female cockroaches face similar pressure. In response, the study shows, female roaches beyond optimal mating age lower their standards, demanding far less courtship from suitors than younger counterparts.A popular model of mate choice holds that females should choose mates based on their own reproductive quality. In other words, dishy females in their prime should hold out for the most desirable males, whereas females of low reproductive quality must be less discriminating. This theory, study authors Patricia J. Moore and Allen J. Moore of the University of Manchester note, considers reproductive quality as an intrinsic value of the female. But what happens when a female's reproductive quality changes over time?To address the question, the Moores studied Nauphoeta cinerea, a cockroach that, like humans, has reproductive cycles and gives live birth. The scientists measured female choosiness by the amount of wooing required from males before mating. Their findings fit neatly with predictions: older females, which have decreased reproductive potential owing to age-related changes in their reproductive systems, were less selective than younger females. "As females age past an optimal breeding period, the cost of mating preferences increased rapidly if preferences delayed mating," the authors conclude.Males, in contrast, did not exhibit changes in their courtship and mating behavior as a function of female age. "Under our experimental conditions, perhaps males were unable to assess female age and reproductive quality," the researchers write, "or that the cost of passing up even a poor mating opportunity was greater than the investment in time and sperm production." Or they just weren't that picky.

Posted (edited)
Antologijsku jer se ovaj rad često spominje u debatama oko etičnosti pojedinih eksperimenata društvenih nauka.Ekipa je merila koliko prisustvo drugih ljudi u javnim toaletima utiče na pišanje. Tj. sa kolikom lakoćom/teškoćom muškarci pokreću mlaz kada je neko u blizini. Prvobitno, u pilot istraživanju, od istraživača se tražilo da bude prisutan u toaletu dok neko šora, i da se kao gleda u ogledalo, ali zapravo da prati i beleži obrasce pišanja (meri početak, trajanje, stabilnost mlaza, i tako to). Pokazalo se da muškarci zaista teže pišaju kada je neko u blizini, kao i da, što je taj neko bliže, sve im duže treba da krenu, i stabilnost toka je niža. E, onda kreće prava zabava. Pošto je merenje onog junaka za ogledalom nedovoljno precizno da bi se govorilo o hard kor nauci, pozicionirali su lika u kabinu za kenjažu, sa posebno dizajniranim periskopom, tako da bi tok pišoline bio objektivno pribeležen.Rezultati? Ako nema nikog prisutnog, pišanje u proseku otpočne za 4,8 sekundi. Kada je neko blizu (ali ne odmah do pišača), vreme je 6,2 sekunde, a kada je neko prisutan odmah kod pisoara - radi se o prosečne 8,4 sekunde.Anyway, i naučnici umeju da budu kreativni..!
A jel postoji neka studija o problematici i stresu koje zene imaju kod uriniranja,pishkenja,izmokravanja ( torlacki izmochavanja)?Ja imam strashan problem da pocnem da pishkim kada nisam u svom stanu/kuci, kada je neko u blizini ko bi cuo kakoja pishkim. To naravno nije samo moj problem. Vecina zena ima tu frku. U Japanu ( Japanke su poznate kao jako stidljive zene)su ugradili neki sistem vode koja stalno zubori ( u firmama, hotelima) da bi se zene osecale nekako privatnije i slobodnijei mogle da pishke. I ja to radim kada sam kod nekog u stanu a treba da pishkim , a ufati me paranoja da ce to neko cuti.Pustim vodu pa dok se cuje taj shum vode onda pishkim. Edited by Teja

Flensmark, J. (2004). Is there an association between the use of heeled footwear and schizophrenia?. Medical Hypotheses , 63(1), 740-747.Abstract:Existing etiological and pathogenetical theories of schizophrenia have only been able to find support in some epidemiological, clinical, and pathophysiological facts. A selective literature review and synthesis is used to present a hypothesis that finds support in all facts and is contradicted by none.Heeled footwear began to be used more than a 1000 years ago, and led to the occurrence of the first cases of schizophrenia. Industrialization of shoe production increased schizophrenia prevalence. Mechanization of the production started in Massachusetts, spread from there to England and Germany, and then to the rest of Western Europe. A remarkable increase in schizophrenia prevalence followed the same pattern. In Baden in Germany the increasing stream of young patients more or less hastily progrediating to a severe state of cognitive impairment made it possible for Kraepelin to delineate dementia praecox as a nosological entity. The patients continued to use heeled shoes after they were admitted to the hospitals and the disease progrediated.High rates of schizophrenia are found among first-generation immigrants from regions with a warmer climate to regions with a colder climate, where the use of shoes is more common. Still higher rates among second-generation immigrants are caused by the use of shoes during the onset of walking at an age of about 11–12 months. Other findings point to the importance of this in the later development of schizophrenia. A child born in January–March begins to walk in December–March, when it's cold outside and the chances of going barefoot are smaller. They are also smaller in urban settings.During walking synchronised stimuli from mechanoreceptors in the lower extremities increase activity in cerebello-thalamo-cortico-cerebellar loops through their action on NMDA-receptors. Using heeled shoes leads to weaker stimulation of the loops. Reduced cortical activity changes dopaminergic function which involves the basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical-nigro-basal ganglia loops. Bicycle riding reduces depression in schizophrenia due to stronger stimulation by improved lengthening contractions of the triceps surae muscles. Electrode stimulation of cerebellar loops normally stimulated by mechanoreceptors in the lower extremities could improve functioning in schizophrenia.Cross-sectional prevalence studies of the association between the use of heeled footwear and schizophrenia should be made in immigrants from regions with a warmer climate or in groups of people who began to wear shoes at different ages.


Ponešto od ovoga mi zvuči poznato. Mora da je već bilo: 10 most bizarre scientific papers. 1. The Effect of Country Music on Suicide2. Love and Sex with Robots3. Rectal Foreign Bodies: Case Reports and a Comprehensive Review of the World's Literature4. Chickens Prefer Beautiful Humans5. Safe and Painless Manipulation of Penile Zipper Entrapment6. Pressures Produced When Penguins Poo -- Calculations on Avian Defecation7. Farting as a Defence Against Unspeakable Dread8. Navigation-Related Structural Change In the Hippocampi of Taxi Drivers9. Ultrasonic Velocity in Cheddar Cheese as Affected by Temperature10. Impact of Wet Underwear on Thermoregulatory Responses and Thermal Comfort in the Cold


danas naleteh na ovaj. nije previse bizaran koliko pokazuje sta moraju lekari da rade kad ih pritisnu da objavljuju radove a oni imaju previse posla na klinici.

An inappropriately timed call to nature by infants and toddlers wearing disposable diapers can create artifacts that conceal pertinent imaging findings, radiologists from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania warn.Radiograph of newborn infant with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Note mottled density overlying the lower pelvis caused by the wet disposable diaper. Image courtesy of Dr. Richard Markowitz.To avoid the necessity of repeating an imaging procedure, all children who wear disposable diapers or toilet-training underwear should have these removed by a radiologic technologist prior to imaging the patient. This pragmatic advice about wet diaper artifacts was published in the May-June issue of Clinical Imaging (2009, Vol. 33:3, pp. 226-230).Dr. Richard Markowitz, a pediatric radiologist and president of the hospital's medical staff, and colleagues noticed that fluid absorbed by a wet disposable diaper appears as a myriad of small, coalescent nodular densities that have CT attenuation and MR signal characteristics. Standard radiographs also are affected.The artifacts can obscure relevant radiographic findings, including calcifications, hernias, or pneumatosis intestinalis. They also may be misinterpreted as excreted contrast material, feces, or some other type of radiopaque material.Dry diapers that contain an absorbent polymer pad produce no artifacts. Nor do cloth diapers, whether wet or dry.
eskperiment su obavili tako sto su napunili pelene vodom i skenirali ih u CT i MRI, videli da postoje artefakti, stavili slike u rad, opisali koji su glavni proizvodjaci pelena i opisali kako su pelene napravljene i od kog materijala su pravljene. ovo je za jednog prosecnog radiologa suluda informacija, jer znaju da bilo sta napunjeno vodom izaziva ovakve artefakte.

Endeavour ide gore za 20 minuta.

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