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A distraught man approached the Zen master. "Please, Master, I feel lost, desperate. I don't know who I am. Please, show me my true self!" But the teacher just looked away without responding. The man began to plead and beg, but still the master gave no reply. Finally giving up in frustration, the man turned to leave. At that moment the master called out to him by name. "Yes!" the man said as he spun back around. "There it is!" exclaimed the master.


Two monks were washing their bowls in the river when they noticed a scorpion that was drowning. One monk immediately scooped it up and set it upon the bank. In the process he was stung. He went back to washing his bowl and again the scorpion fell in. The monk saved the scorpion and was again stung. The other monk asked him, "Friend, why do you continue to save the scorpion when you know it's nature is to sting?""Because," the monk replied, "to save it is my nature." (Another version of this story describes a fox who agrees to carry a scorpion on its back across a river, upon the condition that the scorpion does not sting him. But the scorpion does indeed sting the fox when they are in midstream. As the fox begins to drown, taking the scorpion with him, he pleadingly asks why the scorpion has jeopardized both of them by stinging. "Because it's my nature." This story sometimes is attributed to Native Americans lore.)


There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. "Such bad luck," they said sympathetically. "May be," the farmer replied. The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. "How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed. "May be," replied the old man. The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune. "May be," answered the farmer. The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out. "May be," said the farmer.(in other versions of this story, the farmer says something other than "maybe" - for instance "we'll see" - or he simply smiles without saying anything)Ovde ima josh mnogo lepih, a ove sam izdvojio po mom ukusu.


U Zenu ne postoje losi dani. Svaki dan je dobar dan.

  cedo said:
Ovde ima josh mnogo lepih, a ove sam izdvojio po mom ukusu.
jedna od onih situacija kada mi je zao sto ovaj forum nema ono zgodno "thank you" dugme.hvala.
Posted (edited)

Nije autentična zen priča a vredi je pročitati. Borhes:Pripovijedaju ljudi od povjerenja (ali Allah znade najbolje) da je prvih dana svijeta živio neki kralj babilonskih otoka koji je sazvao svoje graditelje i vrače i naredio im da sazidaju tako zamršen i istančan labirint tako da se ni najmudriji muževi ne usude ući, a oni koji uđu da se izgube. To djelo izazva sablazan, jer pravljenje zbrke i čudesa priliči Bogu a ne ljudima.Nakon nekog vremena na njegov dvor stiže arapski kralj, i babilonski ga kralj nagovori (da bi ismijao priprostost svojega gosta) da uđe u labirint, po kojem je on, uvrijeđen i ponižen, lutao sve do večeri. Onda zaiska Božiju pomoć i iziđe na vrata. Njegove usne ne prozboriše o tome ni slovca, ali on reče babilonskom kralju da u Arabiji ima veći labirint i da će mu ga, ako Bog da, jednoga dana pokazati.Onda se vrati u Arabiju, sazva svoje zapovjednike i svoje vojskovođe i napade babilonsko kraljevstvo s takvom ratnom srećom da sravni sa zemljom njegove tvrđave, do nogu potuče njegove ljude i zarobi samoga kralja. Svezana ga uprti na brzu djevu i povede u pustinju. Pošto jahahu tri dana, reče mu: „O kralju vremena, tvari i znamene vječnosti, želio si da se u Babiloniji izgubim u brončanom labirintu s mnogim stubištima, vratima i zidovima; sad mi je Svemogući podario da ti pokažem svoj, u koji ne moraš ulaziti stubama, ni provaljivati vrata, ni lutati zamornim hodnicima da ih prijeđeš, ni zastajati pred zidovima koji ti preprečuju prolaz.Onda ga oslobodi spona i ostavi usred pustinje, gde on umre od gladi i žeđi.Neka je slavljen Onaj koji ne umire.

Edited by Ulis
Posted (edited)
If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Moving, belike water. Still, be like a mirror. Respond like an echo.
I'm moving and not moving at all. I'm like the moon underneath the waves that evergo on rolling and rocking. It is not, "I am doing this," but rather, an inner realizationthat "this is happening through me," or "it is doing this for me." The consciousnessof self is the greatest hindrance to the proper execution of all physical action.
Bruce Lee - Tao of Jeet Kune Do450brucelee.jpg Edited by Gonzo
Posted (edited)
Nije autentična zen priča a vredi je pročitati.
vredi, a podseti me i na zanimljive sufističke (derviške) pričice koje bi se moglenaći na ovom topiku.
A man was chased off a cliff by a tiger. He fell, and just managed to hold onto a branch. Six feet above him stood the tiger, snarling. A hundred feet below, a violent sea lashed fierce-looking rocks. To his horror, he noticed that the branch he was clutching was being gnawed at its roots by two rats. Seeing he was doomed, he cried out, "O Lord, save me!"He heard a Voice reply, "Of course, I will save you. But first, let go of the branch!"
Edited by Gonzo

Nekakav Turčin svrne s puta u potok da se napije vode, pa ga uhvati hajduk, a on onda, dozvavši svoga druga koji je bio ostao na putu, kaže mu: Hodi, uhvatio sam hajduka! Drug mu odgovori: Kad si ga uhvatio, a ti ga povedi amo. Onda mu on kaže: Ali neće da ide. Kad mu drug na to reče: Ako neće da ide, a ti ga pusti, a on mu odgovori: Pustio bih ja njega, ali neće on mene!

Posted (edited)
  Alphons said:
jedna od onih situacija kada mi je zao sto ovaj forum nema ono zgodno "thank you" dugme.hvala.
Molim.Ne znam da li je u redu ovde postovati i muziku. Muzika mnogo puta govori vishe od rechi. Edited by cedo

Profesor filozofije drzi predavanje pred studentima. Od pocetka časa nije rekao ni reč, samo stoji za stolom i posmatra studente. Odjednom uzme teglu u ruku i napuni je debelim kamenjem do vrha. "Dali je puna?"- pita profesor. "Da, puna je."- odgovore studenti. Na to profesor uzme šljunak i zapuni praznine izmedu kamenja. "Da li je puna?- pita profesor. "Da puna je."- odgovore studenti. Nato profesor uzme pesak i zapuni njime preznine izmedu sljunka. "Da li je puna?"- pita opet. "Da, puna je."- odgovore studenti. "Zamislite da je ova tegla vaš život. Najveće kamenje u njoj su one najvažnije stvari u vašem životu, porodica, žena ili devojka i slično. šljunak su one manje važne stvari kao posao, auto, odeća. Pesak su one svakodnevne sitnice koje vas čine sretnima i ispunjenima. Tek one sve zajedno čine vaš život ispunjenim. Ako prvo stavimo najveće stvari u teglu, uvek će se naći mesta za one sitnije. Na to jedan student priđe do profesorovog stola, uzme teglu, otvori konzervu piva i ulije pivo u teglu. Pivo odmah ispuni sve ostale praznine izmedu peska i kamenja. Ma koliko vas život bio ispunjen, u njemu uvek ima mesta za još jedno pivo.


Učenici škole Tendai učili su se meditaciji još pre no što je zen stigao u Japan. Četvorica njih, među sobom bliskih prijatelja, obećaše jedno drugom da sedam dana neće progovoriti. Prvoga dana su svi ćutali. Meditacija im je uspešno započela, ali kada pade noć i uljane lampe počeše da žmirkaju, jedan od učenika ne izdrža da ne uzvikne slugi: ?Namesti te lampe.? Drugi učenik, iznenađen, čuvši ovoga da govori, primeti: ?Ne bi trebalo da izgovorimo ni jednu jedinu reč.? ?Glupaci. Zašto pričate?? upita treći. ?Ja sam jedini koji nije progovorio?, zaključi četvrti.

  • 1 year later...

The Right Mind and the Confused MindThe Right Mind is the mind that does not remain in one place. It is the mind that stretches throughout the entire body and self.The Confused Mind is the mind that, thinking something over, congeals in one place.When the Right Mind congeals and settles in one place, it becomes what is called the Confused Mind. When the Right Mind is lost, it is lacking in function here and there. For this reason, it is important not to lose it.In not remaining in one place, the Right Mind is like water. The Confused Mind is like ice, and ice is unable to wash hands or head. When ice is melted, it becomes water and flows everywhere, and it can wash the hands, the feet or anything else.If the mind congeals in one place and remains with one thing, it is like frozen water and unable to be used freely; ice that can wash neither hands nor feet. When the mind is melted and is used like water, extending throughout the body, it can be sent wherever one wants to send it.The Unfettered Mind - Writings of the Zen Master to the Sword Master


-"Ucitelju,kako da postignem nirvanu" upita ucenik-"Radi sve suprotno od onog sto ti ja kazem" odgovori ucitelj.Ucenik ga nije poslusao.

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