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Panduracija u Srbalja


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Jeste mu policajac izgleda pisao na papiru da hoće 3500

Bez da branim policiju (puj,puj) ali ovaj arogantni govnar je mogao da kaze da mu je trazio i 35.000 din ,ne vidi se nista i mislim da policajac ovde nije trazio pare.Trebalo je da ga privedu,da prespava u buvari a sutra kod sudije za preksaje da ga oderu za kaznu 


Jeste mu policajac izgleda pisao na papiru da hoće 3500, i onda popizdeo kad je ovaj rekao it doesnt work like that. Na stranu to što je tip neverovatno iritantan.


njemu u opisu videa piše "da su mu tražili 2500 din ili 50e što je očigledno traženje mita", iako mu je policajka objasnila da je 2500 na licu mesta tj odmah, ili 5000 naknadno.

Posted (edited)

Lik je neopevana magarcina. Jos na kraju ponosno kaze "see you on youtube"  :isuse:


edit: komentar sa njegovog bloga



Sergio V • 19 hours ago

I understand that being in Serbia, and investigating widespread corruption puts you on alert for these types of incidents, but not every interaction with a Serbian official is bribery. Having my own experiences of bribing police in the former Yugoslavia with such items as a Fanta, or a cigarette, I cannot dispute your allegation that this officer raised the price from 2500RSD to 3500RSD.

However, your smug attitude and complete disrespect of any kind of authority in Serbia from the beginning to the end of this video, is quite off-putting. The incredulous manner in which you reacted upon not being allowed to pay a fine in Serbia with Euros or that you wouldn't sign a document you don't understand are just affirmation of the self righteousness you exhibited through every single grueling second of this video. Do you expect the Serbian traffic police provide interpreters for every traffic stop? Should the Serbian traffic police have documents in every single language in order to facilitate traffic stops? Sure, that would be a wonderful and ideal scenario, Serbia would probably be the first country in the world to do that, unfortunately Serbia cannot afford such luxuries, as it's busy dealing with countless of other issues that have plagued them for the past 20 or so years.

I was raised in NYC, and if I even attempted to act the way you did with the NYPD here, I can guarantee you they would've exhibited much less patience than the Serbian officers you came into contact with.

Furthermore, your video is the perfect example of the type of attitude any traveler should avoid having when visiting foreign countries. Your allusion to how much money you spent in your week in Serbia is embarrassing, as if spending X amount in a foreign country affords you the luxury of disregarding the law of the land, or the right to special treatment. Additionally, when the officer told you he was going to get his "chief" who speaks English, you thought it was hilarious b/c to you it sounded like "chef." Absolutely rib cracking joke, mate! Let's laugh at the guy who has an accent while we're in his country!

I commend you on going to Serbia and investigating corruption, which is absolutely rampant there, but this video does nothing for you. At the end of it, you come off looking like the quintessential smug American the world despises.



Lepo je videti da je i ljudima koji ne govore srpski jasno koliki je ovo magarac.


Vec duze vreme u Americi je hit zajebavati pandure pa ih snimati. 


Edited by katamaran
Posted (edited)

Lik je neopevana magarcina. Jos na kraju ponosno kaze "see you on youtube" :isuse:


edit: komentar sa njegovog bloga



Sergio V • 19 hours ago


I understand that being in Serbia, and investigating widespread corruption puts you on alert for these types of incidents, but not every interaction with a Serbian official is bribery. Having my own experiences of bribing police in the former Yugoslavia with such items as a Fanta, or a cigarette, I cannot dispute your allegation that this officer raised the price from 2500RSD to 3500RSD.


However, your smug attitude and complete disrespect of any kind of authority in Serbia from the beginning to the end of this video, is quite off-putting. The incredulous manner in which you reacted upon not being allowed to pay a fine in Serbia with Euros or that you wouldn't sign a document you don't understand are just affirmation of the self righteousness you exhibited through every single grueling second of this video. Do you expect the Serbian traffic police provide interpreters for every traffic stop? Should the Serbian traffic police have documents in every single language in order to facilitate traffic stops? Sure, that would be a wonderful and ideal scenario, Serbia would probably be the first country in the world to do that, unfortunately Serbia cannot afford such luxuries, as it's busy dealing with countless of other issues that have plagued them for the past 20 or so years.


I was raised in NYC, and if I even attempted to act the way you did with the NYPD here, I can guarantee you they would've exhibited much less patience than the Serbian officers you came into contact with.


Furthermore, your video is the perfect example of the type of attitude any traveler should avoid having when visiting foreign countries. Your allusion to how much money you spent in your week in Serbia is embarrassing, as if spending X amount in a foreign country affords you the luxury of disregarding the law of the land, or the right to special treatment. Additionally, when the officer told you he was going to get his "chief" who speaks English, you thought it was hilarious b/c to you it sounded like "chef." Absolutely rib cracking joke, mate! Let's laugh at the guy who has an accent while we're in his country!


I commend you on going to Serbia and investigating corruption, which is absolutely rampant there, but this video does nothing for you. At the end of it, you come off looking like the quintessential smug American the world despises.




Lepo je videti da je i ljudima koji ne govore srpski jasno koliki je ovo magarac.


Vec duze vreme u Americi je hit zajebavati pandure pa ih snimati.


Da. Pritom lik nije neko ko ima problema sa policajcima u svojoj zemlji vec bogati razmazenko koji je turisticki dosao u Srbiju i zajebava policajce sto ne znaju engleski (?)


I to zajebavanje pandura generalno sto ne znaju zakon/ne znaju da pricaju/ne znaju strane jezike rade oni koji nikada ne mogu da imaju ozbiljnije probleme sa policijom. Neko ko stvarno ima probleme sa murijom na dnevnoj bazi svakako ne zajebava pandure, ne svadja se sa njima oko zakona itd.


Ovo su 100% neki libertarijanci (cim idu u Liberland) koji su u fazonu da su kola privatni prostor kojima drzava ne sme da prilazi ili sl. Na stranu sto je cela prica sprovedena tako samo da pokaze kako je Srbija neka banana drzava, za razliku od drzave odakle oni dolaze.

Edited by FERNOUX H

Libertarijanski argument ne pije vodu, jer je put necije vlasnistvo i taj neko odredjuje pravila. Lik je samo douchebag.


Kod njega u Kanadi je verujem kao i u USA, ako pokusas da podmitis pandura mogu da ti se useru u zivot.

Posted (edited)

"To nije to" "Nije on praavi libertarijanac"

To je isti taj histericni apel koji uvek nalazimo kod liberala u ovom slucaju i Biljane Srbljanovic (L. Keler) - nije on pravi kosmopolita, ima mizogine komentare! (Sto je i sustina njene kritike "neokolonijalnog rasizma" koji nije nikakva kritika neokolonijalnog rasizma vec histericni zahtev americkim bogatim libertarijancima da umesto prividnih budu pravi liberali - mada ce ona uvek naci nacin da ih optuzi da su nedosledni)


Ps Biksi je udarila i na hipstersku bradu vidim [emoji38]

Edited by FERNOUX H
Posted (edited)

Opet nisi nista ukapirao. Radi se o tome da neki Libertarijanci ne vide dalje od svog nosa a razumevanje sveta im se zavrsava sa njihovim kolima jer su nesposobni da razumeju da svet postoji i mimo njih i njihovih toliko voljenih "prava". Oni su libertarijanci, bas kao sto si ti nekakav levicar, ali ste i jedni i drugi karikature onoga sto biste voleli da predstavljate.

Edited by Eraserhead
Posted (edited)

Pa izgleda da sam onda ipak dobro razumeo. Rekao sam ti - mozes da govoris "to nije to" do mile volje, ali "karikature" levicara poput mene i "karikature" libertarijanaca poput ovog lika su ti realno postojeci levicari i libertarijanci. To sto ti imas neku idealnu sliku u glavi i sto ti i jedni i drugi "nisu pravi", za objektivan svet ne znaci nista.

Edited by FERNOUX H

Pa izgleda da sam onda ipak dobro razumeo. Rekao sam ti - mozes da govoris "to nije to" do mile volje, ali "karikature" levicara poput mene i "karikature" libertarijanaca poput ovog lika su ti realno postojeci levicari i libertarijanci. 




zato desničari i vladaju  :fantom:

Posted (edited)






i naravno imbecil da pokaže da smo veće budale


Edited by copkillah

Neko je u komentaru napisao da pandur ne sme da ima kontakt s novcem, i da cim trazi pare hoce mito. Jel zna neko da li je to tacno?


Pa kako onda da plati neko kaznu na licu mesta ako pandur ne sme da ima kontakt sa novcem?

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