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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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djeneral bitrejas ce da pobedi u efgenistenu kao sto je pobedio u ajrekuimam osecaj da nam je vojni kurac, znaci - US vojni kurac, dosta omlohavioa toliko je zemalja kojima jos uvek treba fridom$dimokrasi :(

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Robert Byrd se preselio na ahiret. sleep.gif

In comportment and style, Byrd often seemed a Senate throwback to a courtlier 19th century. He could recite poetry, quote the Bible, discuss the Constitutional Convention and detail the Peloponnesian Wars – and frequently did in Senate debates...But he was a creature – and defender – of Congress across a career that began in 1952 with his election to the House. He served three terms there before winning his Senate seat in 1958, when Dwight D. Eisenhower was in the White House.
Edited by Roger Sanchez
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US Supreme Court extends gun rightsThe US Supreme Court has restricted the rights of state and city governments to enforce controls on gun ownership.The US's highest court ruled by 5-4 that a ban on handgun ownership in Chicago was unconstitutional.Justices said the US Constitution protected the right to keep and bear arms for the purpose of self-defence.
dobro je, osnovna ustavna prava su odbranjena !
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Robert Byrd se preselio na ahiret. sleep.gif
koja karikatura US izbornog sistema. dozivotni izbor kenjatora. od kolijevke pa do groba. mada, i kad ih ogranicis na 2 godine - isto sranje :wub:
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The mission has been canceled!
Mr. Metsos is accused of being a money man in the case, collecting cash from a Russian official assigned to the United Nations and delivering it to others in the ring, who were accused of spending years living undercover in American cities and suburbs, posing as ordinary couples working ordinary jobs, chatting to the neighbors about schools and apologizing for noisy teenagers. Their purpose, according to prosecutors, was to patiently penetrate what one coded message called American “policy making circles.”
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  • 2 weeks later...
"I don't know if it includes Homeland Security, but if it doesn't I suspect another investigation should be done there. This gravy train has taken on sacred status as the right has managed to morph the "support the troops" mantra into a 'support the Military Industrial Complex,' which is just another way of maintaining the police welfare state for connected white guys. If there's belt tightening to be done, this is the place to start."
"In response to 9/11, a fourth branch has emerged. It is protected from public scrutiny by overwhelming secrecy. ... It has become so big, and the lines of responsibility so blurred, that even our nation's leaders don't have a handle on it. Where is it? It's being built from coast to coast, hidden within some of America's most familiar cities and neighborhoods. In Colorado, in Nebraska, in Texas, in Florida, in the suburbs of Washington, DC. Top Secret America includes hundreds of federal departments and agencies operating out of 1300 facilities around this country. They contract of nearly 2,000 companies. In all, more people than live in our nation's capital have top secret security clearance." The screen flashes "850,000 Americans with top secret clearance."
Top Secret America
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+ Tina™ definitivno nastupa u sukobu civilizacija u SAD 2012 img_refudiate.gif

It's worth keeping in mind that slips like refudiate are ones that a tired politician might well make on occasion. But, in the old days, ones that a press secretary would catch if it were in "print," like in a press release or written statement."Misunderestimate" is, of course, a George W. Bush special. And"wee-wee'd up" is, as President Obama has taught us, something along the lines of getting all worked up.
Reperi koje si je Tina ™ postavila za dopustivost njukularizma i 51state Amerike su neporecivi znak.Bajdput, Shakespalin, njova meme je bornana.
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au3lepepickematerine, sta se ovo dogadja sa US konzervativnim muvmentom?sve ove godine smo kao lidera imali gluhog drkadjiju, a sada i slijepog pedera :o

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Deportation of illegal immigrants increases under Obama administrationMexican Repatriation: The Great Depression and Immigration PolicyThe Mexican Repatriation refers to a forced migration that took place between 1929 and 1939, when as many as one million people of Mexican descent were forced or pressured to leave the US. (The term "Repatriation," though commonly used, is inaccurate, since approximately 60% of those driven out were U.S. citizens.) The event, carried out by American authorities, took place without due process. The Immigration and Naturalization Service targeted Mexicans because of "the proximity of the Mexican border, the physical distinctiveness of mestizos, and easily identifiable barrios."These actions were authorized by President Herbert Hoover and targeted areas with large Hispanic populations, mostly in California, Texas, Colorado, Illinois and Michigan.
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