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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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pa to ti kazem covece! official US history je najgotivnija istorija na svetu. onaj ko padne na ispitu ili je tog dana imao 1 zesci grip ili toliko mrzi merku da namerno zaokruzuje pogresne odgovore
Или зна превише па је срећан што се заокружује... јер кад би морало да се прича, лануо би и можда би се и провукао без хапшења :P.
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jel cita neko od vas u zemlji dembeliji rolling stone da sa nama sirotanima podeli tu eksplozivnu pricu o bludnom sinu mekristalu djeneralu?dok stigne novina u papiru do ovde, on ce vec da sedi u nekom hodniku u pentagonu, a po netu nigde nema celog, nego samo komadici.

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hvala.izgleda da su popizdeli kad je krenuo pres u beloj kuci, vidim po vremenu postavljanja :Dbice zanimljivo kako ce se dalje razvijati. djeneral je dosta popularan medju vojskom, "saveznicima" i novinarima, a omrazen medju politicarima jos od pentagonskih dana. onako je, kazu, klintistvudovski tip.

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Pa 1 Douglas MacArthur će se odigrati. 1 generalče ne može srat po svom vrhovnom, i točka. Nema tu ništa popularan, drag, Karzai me voli i tak...

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Kao obično lubo, imaš pravo..  ;)

Overall management of who wins the security subcontracts, it said, is often controlled by local political powerbrokers such as Karzai's half brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, head of the Kandahar provincial council.
Karzai's half-brother, believed among the most powerful figures in southern Afghanistan, also threw his support to McChrystal."He is the first good thing to happen to Afghanistan," Ahmad Wali Karzai told The Associated Press. "He is active. He is honest. He does a good job, a lot of positive things have happened since he has come."
Smoking gun.   cool.gif
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1 seppuku  -_-

Gen. Stanley McChrystal has submitted his resignation to President Obama, according to Time magazine's Joe Klein. Appearing on CNN, Klein said, "I think he's probably going to lose his job. A little bit of news: I was just talking to a very reliable source who tells me that McChrystal has submitted his resignation and it's going to be up to the president...to accept it or not tomorrow."
Btw, isti Joe citira jednog kolegu experta koji pak citira UCMJ, član 88
Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
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Iako je Stanlije darling of the Right (GOPovci u vlaznim snovima sanjaju djenerala na svom tiketu), sumnjam da ce Obama da ga najuri. Uzimajuci u obzir big picture, to bi unelo dosta razdora na licu mesta, sto im ne bi bilo u interesu. Zavrsice se sa nekakvim ukorom i sl.

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Neće. Cijeli GOPluk od McConnella, McCaina do Kristola je sav za fire his ass. Neće ga htjeti ni taknuti.Našo kod Bena Smitha jedan divan komadić koji će vas razveseliti. :lol: Obaba se možda vraća u svoj najprirodniji habitat!

Hillary and the generalsIn her time on Armed Services, Hillary Clinton allied herself strongly with the Pentagon -- a reason serious people now consider her a likely successor for Robert Gates at the Department of Defense.A bit more fodder in the McChrystal piece:“Only Hillary Clinton receives good reviews from McChrystal's inner circle. ‘Hillary had Stan's back during the strategic review,’ says an adviser. "She said, 'If Stan wants it, give him what he needs.'”
HillaryClinton.jpg   :heart:  pentagon.gif =   :wub: 
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da vidimo sad kako Obama dobija rat u HagaVaganistanu, ima da se rastrce foke, marinci i kitovi, mali rendzeri sa nocnim ocalama da stavljaju soli na rep svakom medjedu dok drema posle rucka, nikad se ne zna de chuchi chicha Osama. plus naravno malo kolateralnog dronovanja svatova, dece, seoskih posela i grand parada.sve to dok tiho curi ulje u okean....

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