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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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Da sumiramo: najnoviji Times u članu "Promise delivered" kaže:The profound question for Republicans is whether they continue on the path of intransigence or decide to participate in the government. Intransigence has its pleasures. In the hermetically sealed tornado of right-wing bloviation, the wildest claims have to come to seem the most marketable. This was the problem on the left for a long time. When the Congressman Randy Neugebauer of Texas screamed "Baby killer!" on the house floor, the epiphet resonated - the protesters who screamed those same words at U.S. troops in the 1960s sent the American pendulum swinging back toward conservativism and crippled the Democratic party for several generations. The tea party nativism, paranoia and anti-intellectualism embraced by the Republicans have rarely been a winning hand in American politics.[...]Obama's health care reform will undoubtedly prove inadequate to the demands of globalized, warp-speed economy and an aging population. It will have to be modified, and modified again - and one hopes the Republicans with their natural instinct for efficiency, will participate in that process. But, however flawed, the health care bill is a sign that major public reforms are once again possible, and that the difficult work of transforming America to comete successfully in a new world of challenges can now begin.I za kraj: prošlonedeljni Bill Maher. Prasline, obrati pažnju, citira tvoju omiljenu "how's that hopey changey thing working for ya?" pošalicu.Bill Maher - a text message for Republicans

Edited by ObiW
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Jos malo o tom fenomenu™ pise Matt Taibbi :Hail: (pogotovu za zadnji pasus)

The electoral-politics aspect of what just happened with health care is a bit strange. It seems to me that the Republicans capitulated entirely to Tea Party sentiment, a move that sets them up for a Sarah Palin candidacy in 2012, which in turn is a move that sets them up for a crushing general-election defeat. Meanwhile the Democrats spent the health care debate fleeing from their own base, a move that… well, I don’t know what it means, exactly, but it does make me a little ill. The whole picture is strange: Democrats running as Republicans, Republicans running as Turner-Diaries conspiracy theorists.I don’t get what the Republicans have to gain by painting themselves as hysterical survivalist Ruby-Ridge loonies (Kentucky congressman Geoff Davis pulling out the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag was a move more larded with mawkish over-drama than your average drag-queen tribute to Edith Piaf). It feels to me like they played this one wrong.It doesn’t matter, though. Should I decide to change my politics and become a conservative now that I’m exactly the middle-aged bourgeois/suburban tool I used to rail against, I can always vote Republican by voting Democratic. The new Democratic Party is an excellent substitute for the old Nixon/Ford Republican Party. They even passed Nixon’s vision of a health care plan. That there’s no Democratic Party left is a shame, but I guess one choice is better than none.
S druge strane, evo zanimljivog clanka o tome kako 60's radical hippies i teabaggers ipak nisu jedno te isto, iako su plodovi njihovog delovanja mnogo slicni
Although Hoffman was never a hippie (he called flower children “glassy eyed zombies” and passed through the civil rights and antiwar movements on his way to founding the Youth International Party in 1968), and Beck is neither exuberant nor radical (he is a sexually repressed Mormon businessman who exemplifies modern crackpot reaction), Lind’s strange comparison nonetheless found an admirer in David Brooks of the New York Times. Last Friday, March 4, Brooks expanded on Lind’s thesis in a column titled “The Wal-Mart Hippies.” Echoing Lind, Brooks writes that, much like 1960s leftwing radicals, the Tea Partiers want “to take on The Man, return power to the people, upend the elites and lead a revolution.” He called Lind’s comparison of Beck to Hoffman “astute.”“Obtuse” would be a better description, says Paul Krassner, a founding member of the Yippies and a friend of the late Abbie Hoffman. “Whereas the Yippies saw through the propaganda machine, the Teabaggers are soaked in it,” explains Krassner. “We were active in a time of abundance, they are active in a time of economic catastrophe; so we fought villains and they fight scapegoats. Abbie Hoffman was a seeker of justice; Glenn Beck rationalizes injustice. Abbie was hysterically funny; he made people laugh and think simultaneously. Beck promulgates hysteria; he exploits the fear that he helps create. To link them as part of the same tradition is sixties bashing at worst and sloppy journalism at best.”
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http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/04/08/olbermann/index.htmlWhat's most striking to me about all of this is that -- as I noted yesterday (and as Olbermann stressed) -- George Bush's decision merely to eavesdrop on American citizens without oversight, or to detain without due process Americans such as Jose Padilla and Yaser Hamdi, provoked years of vehement, vocal and intense complaints from Democrats and progressives....Yet here you have Barack Obama not merely eavesdropping on or detaining Americans without oversight, but ordering them killed with no oversight and no due process of any kind. And the reaction among leading Democrats and progressives is largely non-existent, which is why Olbermann's extensive coverage of it is important. Just imagine what the reaction would have been among progressive editorial pages, liberal opinion-makers and Democratic politicians if this story had been about George Bush and Dick Cheney targeting American citizens for due-process-free and oversight-less CIA assassinations.
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:lol: Dokle je doslo da McCain mora da brani Obamu od birthers.Mada, taj JD Hayworth je mnogo odvratan lik. Uz Tancreda jedan od najogavnijih na celoj politickoj sceni. :puke:
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u AZ pocela sezona lova na meksikanceima go git me sum wetbacks yeehaw!suverenitet&teritorijalni integritet+white power, bato
:ph34r: Halt! Ausweis bitte! Zwein Mexikanen in kukuruzen!
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