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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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kad ce glasanje? vodja dem kokusa objavio da imaju potreban broj glasova

The chairman of the Democratic caucus in the House said Sunday his party has the 216 votes needed to pass President Barack Obama's historic health care bill.---------Democrats need 216 votes to pass each one. With all 178 Republicans and at least two dozen Democrats vowing to vote no, the legislation's fate lies in the hands of about 20 Democrats who remained uncommitted late Saturday.
+ republikanci brane tbaggerse :lol:
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) came to the defense of the racists and bigots who shouted slurs at members of Congress Saturday. The Tea Party protesters shouted the ‘n’ word at African American members of Congress the ‘f’ word at an openly gay member. Rather than condemn the anachronistic behavior, Nunes blamed the Democrats, saying that they make people do and say crazy things with their tyrannical behavior.“When you use a totalitarian tactics, people, you know, begin to act crazy,”
Edited by Hustler
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Došlo je poslednje vreme, kada se crnci ne mogu nazivati nigerima, ni gejevi pederima. Ograničavanje slobode, gušenje demokratije i uvođenje komunizma na delu, zaista.Ovako napamet, i na daljinu, prosto ne mogu da verujem da su sve to pogurali da bi se neodređene demokrate pojavile i sobalile sve živo, tako da verujem da će biti izglasano. Međutim, ostaje pitanje koje mi nije skroz jasno - da li će biti dodavani naknadni amandmani i sl. sredstva za izmenu suštine zakona, ili je ovo konačna verzija?

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Ovako napamet, i na daljinu, prosto ne mogu da verujem da su sve to pogurali da bi se neodređene demokrate pojavile i sobalile sve živo, tako da verujem da će biti izglasano. Međutim, ostaje pitanje koje mi nije skroz jasno - da li će biti dodavani naknadni amandmani i sl. sredstva za izmenu suštine zakona, ili je ovo konačna verzija?
Tehnika je slijedeća. House usvaja Senatof bill bez izmjena. Zatim izglasava reconciliation bill koji mijenja taj zakon po nekim elementima.Senat taj zakon (drugi) treba usvojiti slijedeći tjedan po pravilima za usvajanje budgeta (za čije je izglasavanje to ismišljeno) gdje ne pali filibuster i dovoljna je obična većina. Obama čini mi se odmah potpisuje Senatski zakon, a fixevi postaju zakon nakon što ih Senat izglasa i Barry potpiše..edit: ispravljen tipfeler i nepreciznost oko tajmingza
A reconciliation bill is one containing changes in law recommended pursuant to reconciliation instructions in a budget resolution.
Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Naravno. Zašto i ne bi koristila normalan zdravstveni sistem umesto onoga koji je osmišljen da bude još jedan mehanizam oduzimanja para. Zdravlje stanovništva je tu manje bitno. Nije išla samo ona, već i deca, koliko sam shvatio.
Međutoa, ima i kanadskih skupštinskih delegata koji idu u Ameriku kad im "zdravlje postane bitno", što kaže Filipenko. Evo recimo:http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070914/belinda_Stronach_070914/20070914?hub=Health

Stronach went to U.S. for cancer treatment: report Updated Fri. Sep. 14 2007 7:57 AM ET CTV.ca News Staff Liberal MP Belinda Stronach, who is battling breast cancer, travelled to California last June for an operation that was recommended as part of her treatment, says a report. Stronach's spokesman, Greg MacEachern, told the Toronto Star that the MP for Newmarket-Aurora had a "later-stage" operation in the U.S. after a Toronto doctor referred her. "Belinda had one of her later-stage operations in California, after referral from her personal physicians in Toronto. Prior to this, Belinda had surgery and treatment in Toronto, and continues to receive follow-up treatment there," said MacEachern. He said speed was not the reason why she went to California. Instead, MacEachern said the decision was made because the U.S. hospital was the best place to have it done due to the type of surgery required. Stronach was diagnosed last spring with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). The cancer is one of the more treatable forms but Stronach still required a mastectomy -- which was done in Toronto -- and breast reconstruction. Stronach, who announced last April she would be leaving politics before the next election, paid for the surgery in the U.S., reports the Star. "As we said back in June when we confirmed the surgery, this is a personal and private matter between Belinda, her family and her physicians. I think you'll understand that because of respect for Belinda's privacy, we refrained from offering specific details around her medical treatment," said MacEachern. While it is rare for MPs to seek treatment outside Canada, MacEachern said Stronach was not lacking confidence in the system. "In fact, Belinda thinks very highly of the Canadian health-care system, and uses it when needed for herself and her children, as do all Canadians. As well, her family has clearly demonstrated that support," MacEachern told the Star. MacEachern did not offer any other details regarding what type of surgery Stronach had or what she paid for it.

Ono što je "mlogo smešno" je što je u pitanju bila liberalka, koja bi verovatno pala u nesves' kad bi joj neko predložio da Kanada uvede opciju da platiš malo više a da ne stojiš u redu za određene usluge... što je i razlog zašto Amerika uopšte ima bolnicu u kojoj ona može da se operiše, a Kanada nema.

Edited by ObiW
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i u sremsku kamenicu nekad dolaze iz britanije & ostatka evrope da se operisu, tako da je to sto se tice zdravstva normalna stvarinace pelosi ce koristiti neki specijalan cekic. ne bih rekao da moze sebi dozvoliti ovoliko zajebancije da ne zna da imaju tih 216slide_5497_75025_large.jpg

Edited by Hustler
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Dakle, update..Glasa se za par sati, Speakerici i D-Whipu fale još 2 sigurna glasa - sve ovisi o tome da li će 39 ili 37 D-Kongresmena glasati protiv. Ako ostane na 37, zakoni prolaze 216-215 skorom.Dakle, whiplista.Zasad taj broj stoji na 39, od kojih su neki čvrsti NAY, neki se još nisu odlučili ali su zasad za NAY dok ih se ne uvjeri u to, a nekima demokratsko vodstvo dopušta da kažu NAY da imaju šansu opstati u studenom.Ključna osoba za prolaz je Bart Stupak, koji je zasad NAY ali mu Obama može ekstradodatno superchiefexecutiveuvjerljivo još jednom suvišno obećati da se abortusi neće financirati iz buđeta, u kojem slučaju bi postao YAY.

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kad ce glasanje? vodja dem kokusa objavio da imaju potreban broj glasova
Sad izađe neki Rep. House of Rep. na CNN i na pitanje "oćete da odugovlačite kolko možete? Jel' da se nadamo glasanju u tri ujutro?", odgovara sa "moramo da pristupimo poslu ozbiljno". Računaj da se glasa u tri ujutro po istočnoobalskom vremenu.
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i u sremsku kamenicu nekad dolaze iz britanije & ostatka evrope da se operisu, tako da je to sto se tice zdravstva normalna stvar
đe me sa sremskom kamenicom nađe, leba ti? Mojem ćaći su još u ranim post-Titinim godinama tamo tražili mito da mu daju zvanično mišljenje da ne mogu da ga operišu. Da, lično je tražio onaj glavni što su ga oterali u penziju pre 3-4 godine, neću ni ime da mu spominjem. Ako hoćeš detalje zašto je bilo bitno da napiše da ne može da operiše, šibaj PM. Edited by ObiW
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Ključna osoba za prolaz je Bart Stupak, koji je zasad NAY ali mu Obama može ekstradodatno superchiefexecutiveuvjerljivo još jednom suvišno obećati da se abortusi neće financirati iz buđeta, u kojem slučaju bi postao YAY.
msnbc i prelevi huff vele da je stupak yay, alislide_5498_75014_large.jpg?1269199383417UPDATE: Politico sends a breaking alert: "House Democrats have picked up critical health reform 'yes' votes from a group of anti-abortion lawmakers, including Michigan Rep. Bart Stupak, according to senior Democratic aides. Democrats believe a breakthrough with Stupak's group - based on the promise of an executive order to be issued by President Barack Obama reinforcing a ban on federal funding for abortion - will help give them the 216-vote majority needed to pass reform on Sunday."UPDATE II: Stupak tells CNN that he is still a 'no' as of 1:15 PM ET. The language on the abortion-related executive order is still not finalized and he has not yet agreed to support the health care bill. The drama continues. Edited by Hustler
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đe me sa sremskom kamenicom nađe, leba ti? Mojem ćaći su još u ranim post-Titinim godinama tamo tražili mito da mu daju zvanično mišljenje da ne mogu da ga operišu. Da, lično je tražio onaj glavni što su ga oterali u penziju pre 3-4 godine, neću ni ime da mu spominjem. Ako hoćeš detalje zašto je bilo bitno da napiše da ne može da operiše, šibaj PM.
e. odlicnog drugara otac bio tu oko izbacivanje radovanovica, plus mi jos 1 drug radi tamo praksu, tako da znam gomile prica oko kamenice. anywho, kada se cale spucao sa skele na gradilistu onda je lezao u sobi sa strangerima koji su dosli da im se vrse neke redje operacije, zato i kazem da je to u zdravstvu skoro standardna stvar Edited by Hustler
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Međutoa, ima i kanadskih skupštinskih delegata koji idu u Ameriku kad im "zdravlje postane bitno", što kaže Filipenko. Evo recimo:http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070914/belinda_Stronach_070914/20070914?hub=Health

Stronach went to U.S. for cancer treatment: report Updated Fri. Sep. 14 2007 7:57 AM ET CTV.ca News Staff Liberal MP Belinda Stronach, who is battling breast cancer, travelled to California last June for an operation that was recommended as part of her treatment, says a report. Stronach's spokesman, Greg MacEachern, told the Toronto Star that the MP for Newmarket-Aurora had a "later-stage" operation in the U.S. after a Toronto doctor referred her. "Belinda had one of her later-stage operations in California, after referral from her personal physicians in Toronto. Prior to this, Belinda had surgery and treatment in Toronto, and continues to receive follow-up treatment there," said MacEachern. He said speed was not the reason why she went to California. Instead, MacEachern said the decision was made because the U.S. hospital was the best place to have it done due to the type of surgery required. Stronach was diagnosed last spring with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). The cancer is one of the more treatable forms but Stronach still required a mastectomy -- which was done in Toronto -- and breast reconstruction. Stronach, who announced last April she would be leaving politics before the next election, paid for the surgery in the U.S., reports the Star. "As we said back in June when we confirmed the surgery, this is a personal and private matter between Belinda, her family and her physicians. I think you'll understand that because of respect for Belinda's privacy, we refrained from offering specific details around her medical treatment," said MacEachern. While it is rare for MPs to seek treatment outside Canada, MacEachern said Stronach was not lacking confidence in the system. "In fact, Belinda thinks very highly of the Canadian health-care system, and uses it when needed for herself and her children, as do all Canadians. As well, her family has clearly demonstrated that support," MacEachern told the Star. MacEachern did not offer any other details regarding what type of surgery Stronach had or what she paid for it.

Ono što je "mlogo smešno" je što je u pitanju bila liberalka, koja bi verovatno pala u nesves' kad bi joj neko predložio da Kanada uvede opciju da platiš malo više a da ne stojiš u redu za određene usluge... što je i razlog zašto Amerika uopšte ima bolnicu u kojoj ona može da se operiše, a Kanada nema.

Cancer treatment. Jbt, šta sad porediš, pa to više ima veze sa lekovima i terapijama, tj. lovom koju obrću farmaceutske i ostale kompanije, nego sa generalnom zdravstvenom zaštitom. Sve ima, ako se ima šuška, to niko ne spori velikoj USA.
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Pa mislim da imaju Stupak-less opciju, ali bi u tom slučaju neki kongresmeni morali prijevremeno žrtvovati karijere (*srpski=glasati YEA u GOP-leaning districtu).LAAAAJVAPDEjjTJTs: Stupak drži konferenciju za tisak u 4PM ET, za pola sata. Navodno:

Stupak says "getting there" on language with White House lawyers...no deal yet
...moguće je naravno i otkazivanje konferencije. then drama ensues...Sjednicu trenutno vodi Jesse Jackson Jr., sin Seniora. Edited by Roger Sanchez
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e. odlicnog drugara otac bio tu oko izbacivanje radovanovica, plus mi jos 1 drug radi tamo praksu, tako da znam gomile prica oko kamenice. anywho, kada se cale spucao sa skele na gradilistu onda je lezao u sobi sa strangerima koji su dosli da im se vrse neke redje operacije, zato i kazem da je to u zdravstvu skoro standardna stvar
Pazi, nema te "ređe operacije" koju je taj baksuz u ono vreme o kome pričam hteo da odradi u Kamenici. "Ređe operacije" su se radile u klinici u Švici u kojoj je radio part time... kao uostalom i po mnogim sličnim klinikama u Evropi gde su te "ređe operacije" bile uobičajene.

Ako je tvoj tata i video strangere koji su došli na "ređu operaciju" kod njega u Kamenicu, to je zato što je strangersko zdravstvo izabralo Kamenicu jer je bila jeftinija od ostalih opcija po Evropi, a ne zato što je bila jedna od klinika u Evropi gde su se te operacije radile često i sa niskim procentom smrtnosti. I da se razumemo: multiple heart bypass surgery nije "ređa operacija"; jeste složena, ali nije retka.

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Cancer treatment. Jbt, šta sad porediš, pa to više ima veze sa lekovima i terapijama...
Jojojojoj... uplićeš se u kučine, Ameri prelaze granicu upravo da bi kupovali kanadske lekove koji su jeftiniji u Kanadi.
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