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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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Obama duguje nasem premijeru pivo "President Barack Obama owes his Canadian counterpart a case of beer.Obama made the friendly wager with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper before Sunday’s U.S.-Canada gold medal game. Canada beat the United States 3-2 on Sidney Crosby’s overtime goal.White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said President Barack Obama had a case of Yuengling, a Pennsylvania regional brew, riding on the game. Harper wagered 24 bottles of Molson. The beer battle pitted Canada’s oldest brewery against the oldest beer maker in the United States. Molson Canada is now a subsidiary of Molson Coors Brewing Co., a marriage of Molson and Denver-based Coors.There was no word on where the cross-border exchange would occur."

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Kampanja Carly Fiorine pokazala je da demonske crne ovce nisu devijacija, nego jedan hrabar novi i originalni smjer političkog marketinga.Carly, you'd have my vote.

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Došlo je proljeće, Health Care Reform Bill Revamp 2.0 samo što nije razvalio Capitol Hill.U nedjelju House glasa o senatskoj verziji, + par promjena šalje u reconciliation (ono kroz što je 1993. Clinton pokušao progurati cijeli zakon, pa Byrd nije dao).Senat bi reconciliation bill mogao usvojiti već tokom sljedećeg tjedna, jednostavnom većinom. Filibuster je neupotrebljiv.

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Nema druge, nabice tam taj health care bill u grlo! angry.gif
Daj reci ti meni WTFe, pa kako & kada su to komunisti uspjeli zavladati CBOjom?Bonus za tebe, i sve ostale & odsutnog Indyja - Jon Stewart does Glenn™ Beck™:
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cekamo nedelju...http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2010/03/19/a_pundits_guide_to_the_post_health_care_debate_world...in Washington nothing succeeds like success and a vote like this will define the prevailing media narrative on the Obama administration: come Monday they will be seen as either brilliant or bungling. So here's a quick guide to what the state of the world will be, depending on whether or not the bill goes through. If health care passes: Iran: The Islamic Republic is on its last legs, challenged at every turn by the ever-expanding Green movement, which the Obama administration wisely avoided undermining with explicit public support.Iraq: The withdrawal of U.S. troops continues on schedule, violence is way down, Iraq's sectarian are working out their in Parliament rather than in the streets, David Petraeus is the greatest U.S. miltary commander since George Washington.Global warming: Thanks to Obama's last minute intervention, the climate change summit saved face in Copenhagen.If health care fails:Iran: With his shameful silence, Obama hung the Green Movement out to dry. Iran is closer than ever to building a nuke, (if Israel doesn't bomb it first) the Chinese are never going to cooperate on sanctions, and the administration's engagement strategy has been proven a failure.Iraq: The election was marred by fraud, none of the major political disputes have been resolved, the insurgency is biding its time, the U.S. military faces a choice between remaining in Iraq for decades or watching a sectarian bloodbath erupt as it pulls out.Global warming: Was invented by Al Gore to sell DVDs.

Edited by Gandalf
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Ti si nasao o Tininoj™ frizuri da pricas, bas sad dok nam Obama, Pelosi, i Reid uvode socijalizam i komunizam! angry.gif
Jesi poručio Das Kapital preko amazona? Ja se spremam za takmičenje Obama-revolucija-mir u mojoj mesnoj zajednici.
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cujem da je isla u kanadu da upraznjava tamosnji zdrastveni sistem
Naravno. Zašto i ne bi koristila normalan zdravstveni sistem umesto onoga koji je osmišljen da bude još jedan mehanizam oduzimanja para. Zdravlje stanovništva je tu manje bitno. Nije išla samo ona, već i deca, koliko sam shvatio. Edited by Filipenko
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Jesi poručio Das Kapital preko amazona? Ja se spremam za takmičenje Obama-revolucija-mir u mojoj mesnoj zajednici.
Ja imam vece ambicije i vise ciljeve. Npr da predam Obami stafetu 4. Avgusta na svecanom sletu na RFK stadionu. Ili bar da je ponesem kojih stotinak metara kad bude prolazila kroz moj grad.
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