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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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Gde si ti tu video impozantno poprsje, leba ti? Ono je sramota, pod hitno kod plasticnog hirurga da ne brukaju familiju.
nemoj tako oštro, pa vidiš da Ariannino čak ima kapacitete da izgura floral ogrlicu u sredinu..
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Mitjko je ljosnuo na GOP kandidaturi samo tako. U cemu se razlikuje ovaj lik od Mitjka? Mislim, realno.
Nije sledbenik 1 Josepha Smitha <_< A i GOP primary 2012/2016 ce se mozda odvijati pod drugacijim okolnostima.
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Joel Tenebaum, a graduate student at Boston University, is the nation’s second defendant to go to trial against the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) on file sharing charges. In July of 2009, his case went to federal court where the judge ruled that the defendant pay $675,000 in damages to the RIAA. The only other file sharing defendant to trial against the RIAA was Jammie Thomas-Rasset, who had to pay $1.92 million for sharing 24 songs on Kazaa.The Obama Administration, which recently asked five former RIAA lawyers to serve in the Justice Department, is supporting the verdict, stating that copyright infringement, "creates a public harm that Congress is determined must be deterred."In lieu of the tension between the Chinese Government and Google regarding the recent IP theft and account hacking problems, it isn’t hard to see why the Obama Administration is standing so firmly against copyright infringements. Whether a defendant is sharing files or hacking into a corporation, their act violated copyright laws, and failing to take action could make the administration's policy look inconsistent.Under the copyright act, fines are determined by the judge and jury and can range from $750 to $150,000 . The Justice Department defends its ruling with the following statement.The current damages range provides compensation for copyright owners because, inter alia, there exist situations in which actual damages are hard to quantify. Furthermore, in establishing the range, Congress took into account the need to deter the millions of users of new media from infringing copyrights in an environment where many violators believe they will go unnoticed.Tenebaum’s defense team is going back to work on $22,500 per-song ruling, in hopes of lowering the penalty to $750 per-song.
Koliko ovakve stvari utiču na raspoloženje kod vas? Mislim na naizgled sitnice poput suđenja nekome zbog skidanja pesama kao u ovom slučaju. Meni je, recimo, odvratno da neka administracija uzme pet RIAA advokata da rade u ministarstvu pravde, ali ja sam odavle™, i važe neka druga pravila i običaji. Recimo, totalno mi je neverovatno da neka individua popije kaznu u vrednosti njegove neke buduće petnaestogodišnje plate, dok korporacija dobije kaznu od 0,4% njenog kvartalnog profita za neki mnogo ozbiljniji prekršaj. Utiču li ovakve sitnice na javno mnjenje terajući ga u jedan ili drugi tabor, ili za to niko ne haje? Ili haje, ali se na osnovu toga ne opredeljuje na liniji republikanci-demokrate, jer su oni oko toga ionako saglasni?
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Dok su obe partije saglasne nece uticati. Ali jeste iritantno jer je nekonzistentno. Milioni ljudi to rade. Ukoliko zelis da ih oteras onda trebas nekoliko stotina, mozda i hiljada, po kratkom postupku da ozbiljno odrpis. Ali onda bi se digla prevelika prasina i bunt. Zato povremeno po nekog odrape cisto da zaplase malo narod i povecaju profite korporacijama. Klasicno politicko amoralno sibicarenje. Odvratno.

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Utiču li ovakve sitnice na javno mnjenje terajući ga u jedan ili drugi tabor, ili za to niko ne haje? Ili haje, ali se na osnovu toga ne opredeljuje na liniji republikanci-demokrate, jer su oni oko toga ionako saglasni?
Nije ovo republikanci-demokrate stvar uopste, tu si u pravu. Javno mnenje je uglavnom podeljeno izmedju onih koji su strogi autoritarijanci i onih kojima je prakticno svejedno. Prva grupu cine oni koji ce na ovakvu vest da slegnu ramenima i da kazu "don't do the crime if you can't do the time", to su oni koji slepo veruju u drzavu, sudove, pravni sistem, cak i u ektremnim situacijama kada recimo neki opiceni okruzni (county) sudija za prekrsaje osudi nekog lika na 25 godina robije zbog kradje cokoladice ili kesice potato chips iz neke bakalnice. Druga grupa ce da se donekle saoseca sa ovim deckom, ali ce da budu u fazonu "sta da se radi", "mora da tu ima nesto vise od toga, cim su bas njega uhvatili, a druge koji to isto rade nisu", ili "bolje on nego ja".Neki ce biti i besni zbog svega ovoga, ali ce njihov "aktivizam" da se svede na pisanje po blogovima i forumima, i najekstremnijem slucaju slanja e-maila nekom listu ili congressman/senatoru.
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Obama sad sigurno channelira Roosevelta onda kad je taj htio napraviti Court packing. biggrin.gif
MY FRIENDS, last Thursday I described in detail certain economic problems which everyone admits now face the nation. For the many messages which have come to me after that speech, and which it is physically impossible to answer individually, I take this means of saying thank you. Tonight, sitting at my desk in the White House, I make my first radio report to the people in my second term of office.I am reminded of that evening in March, four years ago, when I made my first radio report to you. We were then in the midst of the great banking crisis.Soon after, with the authority of the Congress, we asked the nation to turn over all of its privately held gold, dollar for dollar, to the government of the United States.Today's recovery proves how right that policy was.But when, almost two years later, it came before the Supreme Court its constitutionality was upheld only by a five-to-four vote. The change of one vote would have thrown all the affairs of this great nation back into hopeless chaos. In effect, four justices ruled that the right under a private contract to exact a pound of flesh was more sacred than the main objectives of the Constitution to establish an enduring nation.
Edited by Roger Sanchez
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pre svakih izbora democrat party treba da stavi 1 disclaimer: sprovodicemo program u delo samo ako nas bude barem 80 komada u senatu, preko 375 u kuci, 1 u beloj kuci + 8 liberalnih sudaca u vrhovnom sudu+1moderate goper sudac. u protivnom pisi/propalokod desnokrilnih mamojeba dovoljan je samo 1 glas vise pa da od US naprave 1 dzamahiriju

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pre svakih izbora democrat party treba da stavi 1 disclaimer: sprovodicemo program u delo samo ako nas bude barem 80 komada u senatu, preko 375 u kuci, 1 u beloj kuci + 8 liberalnih sudaca u vrhovnom sudu+1moderate goper sudac. u protivnom pisi/propalokod desnokrilnih mamojeba dovoljan je samo 1 glas vise pa da od US naprave 1 dzamahiriju
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