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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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Komentar nekog lika kenj, ispod teksta koji spekulise o 3. Bush Presidency. Ako je tacan ovaj navod sa pocekta komentara (a verovatno se moze proveriti), onda - da, zaista, who's running the show there?

Bet you didn't know that Kissinger is STILL running US foreign policy. Here's Obama's National Security Advisor General Jim Jones at the 45th Munich Conference on Feb 8 2009: "I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through General Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here. We have a chain of command in the National Security Council that exists today." That's right. So have a good think about how the US is currently run and who is running it. Basically, it's controlled by criminal elements from the NSA, CIA, big money, the military industrial complex and the hard Right. And none of them are interested in democracy or a fair go for the other side.Early in 2012 Kissinger met with Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang in Beijing, and then the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs. According to one rumored report provided to Putin from that meeting Kissinger advised that the Republican Party nominee election process was 'completely manipulated' to ensure that their 2012 Convention would be deadlocked thus allowing for Jeb Bush to be nominated as a 'consensus candidate' and thus his party's leader. Notably, Jeb Bush was also at the China meeting with Kissinger.Few people have any idea how seriously off the rails the US political process is or how deeply criminalized the political elite. Elections are being run as public theatre only. If you think you know I'm wrong then keep this key fact in mind: mass murderer Henry Kissinger advises Obama as part of a chain of command, as admitted publicly by Obama's National Security Advisor. So who's in charge of who here? And who actually runs the US?
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Komentar nekog lika kenj, ispod teksta koji spekulise o 3. Bush Presidency. Ako je tacan ovaj navod sa pocekta komentara (a verovatno se moze proveriti), onda - da, zaista, who's running the show there?
kontekst. sa ovom uvodnom recenicu, moguce da je u pitanju nekakvo priznanje Kisindzeru za (pozitivan, ofkors) uticaj koji je Kisindzer imao na promisljanje politike i i medj odnosa.pri tome, obzirom na neke prilicno trapave formulacije u celom govoru, moguce da je u pitanju neki malkice bangavi zapisnik.http://www.cfr.org/defensehomeland-security/remarks-national-security-adviser-jones-45th-munich-conference-security-policy/p18515"Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday. Congratulations. As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through Generaal Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here. We have a chain of command in the National Security Council that exists today..."edit: ovo "Congratulations." me je navelo na pomisao da je Kisindzer bio prisutan na datom skupu, i da je tom prilikom izabran za Mister Univerzum. malkice guglgugl, i vaistinu, dobio plaketu: The winners of the Ewald von Kleist Award were in 2009 Dr Henry Kissinger and in 2010 Javier Solana de Madariaga. Edited by Gandalf
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Hvala Gandalfe za dodatne informacije koje bacaju vise svetla na ovo. Mene, ipak, i dalje malo brine ovo "daily orders". Nadajmo se da je u pitanju bio samo brown-nosing... i nista vise.

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Hvala Gandalfe za dodatne informacije koje bacaju vise svetla na ovo. Mene, ipak, i dalje malo brine ovo "daily orders". Nadajmo se da je u pitanju bio samo brown-nosing... i nista vise.
Kissinger je najstariji, Brent Scowcroft malo mlađi, Sandy Berger najmlađi među prisutnim ex-'Advisorima'. Zajebava se na seniority temu, bože dragi, Indy, tebe svaki net-hack može izvozati..
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jel mozete neko iz 'merike da okaci najzanimljivije obamine ad-ove koji su usmereni protiv mice?

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...vidim da ti je omiljeni lik :)...
Jeste, posebno otkad procitah onu knjizicu od C. Hitchensa o njemu. Potrazicu taj filmic, verovatno ima negde na atu.BTW. Rodzere, pa nije me nitko izvozao (jos), ja zato i pitam ovde zato sto znam da ima onih koji znaju vise. Ne letim kao neki po unapred zacrtanom kursu naslepo, vec navigam prema okolnostima... a imam i obicaj da slusam pametnije. ;)EDIT. Sigurno je to ovo, bille. Hvala, cu pogledam.

Edited by Indy
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jel mozete neko iz 'merike da okaci najzanimljivije obamine ad-ove koji su usmereni protiv mice?
Pa na kraju ovog YT imas nekoliko linkova. Dobar je ovaj sa Bain i kada ga je Mica napustio: 1999 (kako kaze) ili kasnije (kako pisu godisnji izvestaji za SEC). Kako god, u frci je jer ili su lazni /pogresni fajlings ili je malkice slagao jer su mu tu vrela muda u procepu, posto je doslo do otpustanja i zatvaranja firmi ciji je vlasnik Bain capital.Mada, za obican narod to nece imati previse uticaja, ali dobro ce doci da se pokazu svi flip-flopovi i da je u stvari lik nesposoban.
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The Race for the White House-SKIDROWat6BJ.jpgScene group SKIDROW released a new Strategy game The Race for the White House. Who will the US presidential throne this year–Mick Ronney or Jack Ohama? With election season gearing up, sim specialist Eversim has announced The Race for the White House to answer that very question.lkd48.jpgFeatures:Nearly 20 playable and customizable candidatesFeatures 3D animated faces and voice imitations of real political personalitiesHundreds of policy proposals and playable locations taken from actual political campaigns and agendasMarketing campaign: TV spots, poster campaigns, Internet campaigns, and human billboardsCampaign budget management: establish HQs; organize rallies; gather donations from super PACs, lobbies, and other kinds of organizations…Media involvement: televised debates, press events, TV shows, election night results…Low blows: rumors, fraud, discrediting your opponent… that’s politics, too!Continuously appraise statistics and poll results on participating candidates on the game’s website!mruBJ.jpg

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jel mozete neko iz 'merike da okaci najzanimljivije obamine ad-ove koji su usmereni protiv mice?
Kad se vratim pocecu redovno da kacim. A posto zivim u 1 battleground state, imacu ih u izobilju, i bice sve bolji i bolji kako se novembar priblizava. Kao bonus mogu da dodam i neke iz trke za guvernera koji se isto odrzavaju ove godine. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert said Friday that the shooting in Aurora, Colo., made him “wonder” whether an armed moviegoer “could have stopped this guy more quickly” — a comment New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg Hail.gif called “one of the more nonsensical things you can say.”“It does make me wonder, you know, with all those people in the theater, was there nobody that was carrying? That could have stopped this guy more quickly?” Gohmert said in an interview on The Heritage Foundation’s “Istook Live,” former Rep. Ernest Istook’s radio show, according to a transcript posted on his congressional website. “I mean, in Tyler, Texas, we had, in my hometown, we had a shooter come in over a domestic matter and just start shooting people, and it was a guy with a concealed carry. He got killed, but his shooting at this guy caused him to run and no doubt saved a lot of lives. He was a real hero.”CBS News’s Bob Schieffer asked Bloomberg, in a Friday interview set to air in full on Sunday’s “Face the Nation,” to respond to Gohmert’s comments.“You know, to arm everybody and have the Wild West all the time is one of the more nonsensical things you can say,” Bloomberg said, according to an excerpt released by CBS. “I don’t know what [Gohmert’s] motives are, I don’t know him and I’m not here to impugn him or anybody else. It just does not make any sense. The bottom line is if we had fewer guns, we would have a lot fewer murders.” ”Do you really think that you’d be safe if anyone in the audience could pull out a gun and start shooting? I don’t think so,” Bloomberg added.Gohmert has also been criticized for saying in the interview, “We have been at war with the very pillars, the very foundation of this country … and when … you know … what really gets me as a Christian is to see the ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs and then a senseless crazy act of terror like this takes place.”When the comments gave Istook pause, Gohmert clarified, “When you go in and start terrorizing people like this regardless of what your background is, … it is a terrorist act.”
Bloomie car..
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