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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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Ima ih vise od dvojice. Uz Obamu i Romnija tu su jos Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party), Jill Stein (Green Party), Virgil Goode (Consitution Party)...
A njihov kombionovani uticaj se meri ovim redom velicine, ne??
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Members of Congress trade in companies while making laws that affect those same firms :wub:
One-hundred-thirty members of Congress or their families have traded stocks collectively worth hundreds of millions of dollars in companies lobbying on bills that came before their committees, a practice that is permitted under current ethics rules, a Washington Post analysis has found.The lawmakers bought and sold a total of between $85 million and $218 million in 323 companies registered to lobby on legislation that appeared before them, according to an examination of all 45,000 individual congressional stock transactions contained in computerized financial disclosure data from 2007 to 2010.
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Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...barack-obama-happy.jpg5-4, Obamacare constitutional to the bone!

Chief Justice John Roberts was the swing vote in the decision, joining Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.
Edited by Roger Sanchez
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The Black Man!Dobio je što je htio, ali, malo zavojitim putem...

The court’s 59-page opinion rejects the government’s primary argument that Congress’s power to regulate interstate commerce gives lawmakers the authority to require citizens to buy insurance or pay a penalty. But the court goes on to uphold the insurance mandate on other grounds. “It is reasonable to construe what Congress has done as increasing taxes on those who have a certain amount of income, but choose to go without health insurance,” Chief Justice Roberts writes. “Such legislation is within Congress’s power to tax.”
Prvi R-Bilmez koji je reegirao dobio je krivi memo..
“In the wake of the Supreme Court declaring the ‘individual mandate’ portion of the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional, it is questionable as to whether the rest of the bill can stand,” said Rep. Brian Bilbray (R., Calif.). “This ruling puts the ball in Congress’ court to create policies that lower the cost of care.”
Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Jewels & tidbits!:The most convincing oral argument EVER:CNN, mreža koja voooistinu treba d'umre al nikako da to konačno uradi..

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Roberts se svrstao medju good guys i na tumacenju AZ imigracionog zakona. Justice Kennedy 2.0 :D Bilo bi zaista ironicno da su srusili ceo zakon zbog individual mandate. To je bila koska koju je Obama bacio Republikancima, ustupak da slucajno ne bi doslo do socijalizma™ (i.e. the single payer sistema), a to im je u stvari bio i najjaci argument. U realnosti njima taj deo u stvari najmanje smeta - sta fali sto drzava tera ljude da koriste privatne kompanije? Njima je mnogo veci problem to sto u isto vreme zakon obavezuje te privatne kompanije da budu fer i da ne mogu da odbiju ili uskrate nekome osiguranje zbog pre-existing condition. Ako u novembru pobedi Romney i GOP-u ostane vecina u congressu, taj deo ce prvi biti na udaru. Individual mandate neci ni pipnuti, jer ce tek tada da ima smisla za njih :ph34r:

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Pa država i ne tera ljude duzmu osiguranje, mogu ostat zdravi i neosigurani, ali platit penalty što se neće osigurat dok je vrijeme.Doduše, Tea Party je našao silver lining u ovom crrrrrnom oblaku. IT'S A TAX!WTfe, što će Kennedyju sad radit up close & osobno, kampirat mu pred kućom? Zalijevat ga bojom? Podmetnut mu bombu? Mislim, poklapanje sa talibanskim MO kod nekih je bar već 90%tno..edit:7461139676_a2f7fd429a.jpg:lol:

Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Vidis, upravo si izvalio da se SCOTUS ponasao politikansski u svojoj odluci da svima da nesto. Tacno, odrzao je individual mandate, sto za GOP i nije sustinski problem kako je lepo napisao WTF, ali je dao i GOPu-IT'S A TAX!Obama je 2009 tvrdio da to nije tax. Ameri alergicni na nove tax. I vec su krenuli napadi ludaka poput Palinke zbog toga.Uzgred, Mit najavio da ce oboriti Obamacare ako ga izaberu sto je u stvari zbijanje GOP redova koju nisu bas odusevljeni sa njim.

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Kak ih je CNN zajebo..enhanced-buzz-11659-1340897643-12.jpgAP, people, AP!

Vidis, upravo si izvalio da se SCOTUS ponasao politikansski u svojoj odluci da svima da nesto. Tacno, odrzao je individual mandate, sto za GOP i nije sustinski problem kako je lepo napisao WTF, ali je dao i GOPu-IT'S A TAX!
Obamina ekipa je bila spremna na tu žrtvu, i vjerojatno je pripremljena za sve što će im doći, jerbo, da te informšem, Taxing Clause je bil alternativni argjument pred sudom ako im ne prođe preko Commerce clause.Tako da ovo što mi učitavaš da sam 'izvalio' je samo posljedica tvoje neinformiranosti.Rubio, Romnijev gromobran:
if you don't like the policies of a state you could easily go to another state.
:D Edited by Roger Sanchez
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WTfe, što će Kennedyju sad radit up close & osobno, kampirat mu pred kućom? Zalijevat ga bojom? Podmetnut mu bombu? Mislim, poklapanje sa talibanskim MO kod nekih je bar već 90%tno..
Mogu da mu ga duvaju. Dozivotna pozicija sa koje ga moze skinuti jedino smrt, lose zdravlje ili da mu u podrumu kuce nadju nekoliko devojcica/decaka vezanih lancima koji mu sluze kao sex roblje. A cuva ga Raylan Gibbons & Co isto ako ne i bolje nego Secret Service 1 POTUS-a, tako da kampiranje pred kucom, bombe i slicno nema sanse da bude.
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Roberts se ipak upecao na onu frišku popularnu argumentaciju kontra Obamakera: biggrin.gif

Indeed, the Government's logic would justify a manda­tory purchase to solve almost any problem.… To consider a different example in the health care market, many Americans do not eat a balanced diet. That group makes up a larger percentage of the total population than those without health insurance. Those in­creased costs are borne in part by other Americans who must pay more, just as the uninsured shift costs to the insured. Congress addressed the insurance problem by ordering everyone to buy insurance. Under the Government's theory, Congress could address the diet problem by ordering everyone to buy vegetables.
Did somebody say 'broccoli'?
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